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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - manufacturing questions

Posted by Jacopo Cappellato on Sep 09, 2005; 7:48am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Dev-manufacturing-questions-tp165991p165994.html


again, my comments are inline:

Si Chen wrote:
> Hi Jacopo,
> ...
> Sure.  So do "Add ... Time" cause time to be added to actual setup and
> run time?  Because when I tried it, it became the actual setup and run
> time.  Is that because they start as zero (or null)?

Exactly: a user can enter more than one records to log work done for a
task (the actual times that are inserted are added to the actual setup
and runtime time).

>>> 2.  After a production run, the raw material products' QOH and ATP
>>> quantities became negative, but an MRP run did not suggest any
>>> requirements for them.  Should it have?  Or is the intent to set up
>>> replenishment rules for these products in the catalog manager?
>> This is a good point: as it is now, the MRP process just searches in
>> the future for the product's demand (approved sales orders, production
>> runs etc...) and then sees if in warehouse the product's needed qty
>> will cause the product to go under the minimum stock level; if this
>> will happen, a new requirement is created.
>> If I'm not wrong, your situation is different: you have a product
>> already under the minimum stock level but no future demand for it (no
>> sales orders or production run), so no requirements are created.
>> I'm not sure if the MRP should take this situation into account or
>> not: however you can have a nice report of the under level products
>> from the Facility --> Inventory Items --> View Inventory by Product
>> With that report in hand, you can create purchase orders to refill the
>> stock levels (but this will never happen when the supply strategy is
>> driven by MRP).
> I actually did start a production run.  So should a requirement have
> been created if the production run created a shortfall?

If the production run is confirmed, for example it is planned to start
tomorrow, (and the raw materials have not been taken from warehouse) and
you run the MRP then the MRP should create requirements for the raw

>>> 3.  Maybe I've asked this before, but should we set Requirements'
>>> quantities to the reorder quantities of the facility?  Would that be
>>> better?  I vaguely remember working on this and thinking there might
>>> be some issues with trying to do it that way...
>> Please, could you give me more details? Do you mean the requirements
>> generated by MRP or requirements generated by the 'automatic' methods
>> set at product or product store level?
> In general, let's say an item's warehouse minimum quantity is 5 and
> reorder quantity is 50.  When the quantity falls below to, say, 3, right
> now it seems to generate a requirement for 2 more.  Should it generate a
> requirement for 50 instead?

If you are speaking about the requirements created by the MRP, yes it
should create a requirement for 50: is it not true?


> I have a strange feeling we've discussed this topic before, so sorry if
> I'm repeating myself.
>> Jacopo
>>> Thanks,
>>> Si
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