Posted by
Alexandre Gomes-8 on
Sep 08, 2005; 9:56pm
Thank you for your reply.
It's amazing to see your energy even working tottaly over-booked.
I'll study the Catalog Stuff as you recommended.
What I meant with this:
<if-has-permission action="_VIEW" permission="PARTYMGR"
entity="Party" entity-value-id="1000" party-role="member"/>
was to give access to the data row with id '1000' in the 'Party' table to which the logged in user
has a relationship in the role of 'member'.
This way we could catch the Id in the screen widget and allow (or not allow)
the user to view the data based on its relationship with it.
(if this doesn't make sense to you it's probably because it's a bad idea),
Em Quinta, 8 de Setembro de 2005 18:49, o David E. Jones escreveu:
> Alexandre,
> What would this do:
> <if-has-permission action="_VIEW" permission="PARTYMGR"
> entity="Party" role="member"/>
> when you say role="member" do you mean that the PartyRole entity
> should be considered somehow?
> Usually data-level (as opposed to functionality level) security is
> handled through some sort of chain of entities, preferably
> represented by a view entity, that must have record(s) in place that
> link to user to whatever is being accessed. There are example of this
> for the Product and ProductCategory administration in the Catalog
> Manager (see the ProductServices.xml file).
> -David
> On Sep 8, 2005, at 11:11 AM, Alexandre Gomes wrote:
> > Hello Ofbiz community,
> >
> > I need to give viewing permission to a page using data based
> > permission not
> > funcionality based permission.
> > For instance instead of the following code :
> >
> > <if-has-permission action="_VIEW" permission="PARTYMGR"/>
> >
> > I would like to have something like :
> >
> > <if-has-permission action="_VIEW" permission="PARTYMGR"
> > entity="Party" role="member"/>
> >
> > Does anyone have any sugestion?
> >
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Alexandre Gomes
> >
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