[OFBiz] Dev - Re: Manufacturing Question
Posted by
Gan Chun Yee on
Sep 10, 2005; 2:30am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Dev-Re-Manufacturing-Question-tp166012.html
Hi Jacopo,
please get me right, is MRP you mentioned on the other
thread different from Run Production Run? All the
while I am running my Production Run and it issued the
material stock out. I noticed the inventory QOH
decreased. Before I run the production, the inventory
for my material stock is above minumum stock level,
but when after I run the production, the new material
stock shows it reaches minimum stock level. So doesnt
it means to create Requirement automatically? Or
should i use the Run MRP function? If yes, how and
when should I use that? before Production Run? or
after Production Run?
Hope that my question is clear to you.
Thank you.
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