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[OFBiz] Dev - why did derby replace hsql?

Posted by Si Chen-2 on Nov 08, 2005; 10:58pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/OFBiz-Dev-why-did-derby-replace-hsql-tp166224.html

Hi everyone -

Why did Derby replace HSQL as the default database?  I just turned it
back to HSQL and found that
1) It was blazing fast.  A run-install that usually takes 5+ minutes on
Derby took 1 minute 46 seconds on HSQL.
2) I was able to avoid some BLOB/BINARY data problems that I was having
with Derby.

So, just kind of curious - wouldn't HSQL be as good or better as a
default demo database?

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