Thanks for the feedback, everybody. What has worked for me is in that
PostgreSQL/MySQL for production. I wonder what David, Andy, and others'
>>We should always prioritise the likes
>>of PostgreSQL over Derby.
>I agree. Actually, I always use PostGres. Perhaps HSQL is really faster for demo
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ray" <
[hidden email]>
>To: "OFBiz Project Development Discussion" <
[hidden email]>
>Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 11:04 AM
>Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - why did derby replace hsql?
>>If the main recommended production databases have issues that are being
>>held up by the development use of Derby then I don't think there is any
>>choice, but to stop using Derby. We should always prioritise the likes
>>of PostgreSQL over Derby.
>>Si Chen wrote:
>>>I just ran the entity engine tests and HSQL passed all the ones for
>>>transactions and fk constraints.
>>>It is not as scalable a database and all else equal, Derby may be
>>>better. But the real reason for suggesting that we go back to HSQL as
>>>the development database is that it can then allow us to fix the
>>>outstanding blob problem for HSQL, PostgreSQL, and MySQL - so we'll
>>>have an entity engine that works on a testing/demo database and the
>>>two main deployment databases.
>>>See comments at the end of
>>>Ray Barlow wrote:
>>>>I asked the same question a while back now, as I also
>>>>preferred hsql for speed and the text format which
>>>>made tweaking data easy for development.
>>>>Derby does have it's problems, but it also has better
>>>>db functionality like foreign keys. I've not compared
>>>>the two lately so wont list features but it was
>>>>considered to be better to have a more restrictive db
>>>>for development to catch bugs earlier in the process.
>>>>Basically I couldn't argue against that and haven't
>>>>yet seen a better replacment for Derby.
>>>>Maybe Oracle's new freebie db hmmmm.....
>>>>--- Si Chen <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>Hi everyone -
>>>>>Why did Derby replace HSQL as the default database? I just turned it
>>>>>back to HSQL and found that
>>>>>1) It was blazing fast. A run-install that usually
>>>>>takes 5+ minutes on Derby took 1 minute 46 seconds on HSQL.
>>>>>2) I was able to avoid some BLOB/BINARY data
>>>>>problems that I was having with Derby.
>>>>>So, just kind of curious - wouldn't HSQL be as good
>>>>>or better as a default demo database?
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