David E. Jones wrote:
> On the other hand it means more places to search for a request
> definition and such... unless you have a really good searching tool or
> a lot of patience of course. ;)
> -David
> On Nov 21, 2005, at 2:16 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>> I too think that it would be nice to have the controller.xml file
>> split into smaller parts.
>> Jacopo
>> Chris Howe wrote:
>>> I've noticed some of the request maps in various
>>> controller.xml files are getting grouped together to
>>> better show relatedness. I was wondering how
>>> difficult it would be to seperate these groups into
>>> their own files and import them in allowing reuse. Additionally
>>> would an XSLT file work in validating
>>> that for each view event that's in a request a
>>> corresponding view-map exists?
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