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Re: Dev - [Fwd: [OFBiz] [JIRA] Updated: (OFBIZ-681) Allow multiple form-widget lists per page with separate pagination for each]

Posted by Si Chen-2 on Mar 28, 2006; 11:32pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Dev-Fwd-OFBiz-JIRA-Updated-OFBIZ-681-Allow-multiple-form-widget-lists-per-page-with-separate-paginat-tp167463p167465.html

Ok, thanks.   Si

David E. Jones wrote:
This means I deleted a comment. Leon had put one there that was meant for #573.


Si Chen wrote:
Hi David,

What does this mean?



[OFBiz] [JIRA] Updated: (OFBIZ-681) Allow multiple form-widget lists per 
page with separate pagination for each
"David E. Jones (JIRA)" [hidden email]
Tue, 28 Mar 2006 16:11:45 -0600 (CST)
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     [ http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/OFBIZ-681?page=all ]

David E. Jones updated OFBIZ-681:

    Comment: was deleted

Allow multiple form-widget lists per page with separate pagination for each

         Key: OFBIZ-681
         URL: http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/OFBIZ-681
     Project: [OFBiz] Open For Business
        Type: Improvement
  Components: widget
    Versions: SVN
    Reporter: Leon Torres
    Assignee: Jira Administrator
 Attachments: paginate-sample.patch, paginate-xsd-2.patch, paginate-xsd.patch, proposed-pagination.patch, proposed-prev-next-multiform.patch

We'd like to list several entities in the same page with separate pagination for each. 
Currently, it is not possible to have two or more form-widgets of type="list" with separate pagination:
o  The form widget reads "VIEW_SIZE" and "VIEW_INDEX" parameters to position the cursor
   -  this occurs in IterateSectionWidget.java:243
   -  failing that, it gets the "viewIndex" and "viewSize" from the context
o  The pagination buttons [prev] and [next] and the VIEW_SIZE and VIEW_INDEX are hardcoded into the form
   -  see for instance, HtmlFormRenderer.java:1687,1756 and IterateSectionWidget.java:356
o  If we try to put multiple form list iterators in a page, they will all use the same "viewSize" and "viewIndex" or "VIEW_INDEX" and "VIEW_SIZE" parameters
   -  subsequent iterators overwrite the value of viewSize and viewIndex
   -  since all iterators read viewsize and viewIndex, all lists will be advanced when user presses [prev] or [next] in any list
Proposed solution:
o  Parametrize the viewSize and viewIndex variables using an XML attribute in the form-widget definition
   -  <form paginate-view-size="myViewSize" paginate-view-index="myViewIndex">
o  Parametrize the [prev] and [next] buttons into the form definition as well:
   -  paginate-previous-label="${uiLabelMap.MyPrevious}" paginate-next-label="${uiLabelMap.MyNext}"
o  While we're at it, 
   -  paginate-previous-style="buttontext" and paginate-next-style="buttontext"
o  Parametrize VIEW_INDEX and VIEW_SIZE when they are generated by the form-widget
   -  they will be named "myViewSize" and "myViewIndex" if these attributes are specified

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