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Re: Dev - [OFBiz] [JIRA] Commented: (OFBIZ-826) Order Unit of Measure

Posted by Jacopo Cappellato on Apr 27, 2006; 5:45am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Re-Dev-OFBiz-JIRA-Commented-OFBIZ-826-Order-Unit-of-Measure-tp167770p167776.html

Hi Carl,

just a few minor comments:

Carl Sopchak wrote:
> Some comments on recent posts:
>> I've moved this conversation to the dev list to make it easier to
>> comment on specific issues and let others jump in (if they want to do so).
> Works for me.  I'm looking for as many comments as people care to offer.  But
> this did start on the Dev list, and I added it to the JIRA, which seemed to
> get more comments...  Oh, well...  I'm easy...

Well, so now we can collect comments from the mailing list and the issue
tracker ;-)

  >> The biggest issue I see is that OrderItem.quantity field should be an
>> integer value (even if the db field allows for decimal values, the
>> system expects it to contain integer values): so you'll have to manage
>> this... I'm not sure about the best approach here; comments from others?
> That's why I added the rounding options to UomConversion :-)  In our case, we
> will always be selling integral pieces of wood.  (We don't cut a 2x4x8 in
> half.)  If a customer orders 700 Board Feet, and that converts to 131.25
> pieces, we'll ship 132.  (Customers expect this.)

That's fine for me.

>> Well, I'm not so sure that it will be necessary to conditionally run the
>> order uom stuff based on the property product.order.use.uom... let's see
>> what other think about this; by the way it is a minor issue.
> Comments welcome, but if you don't really need UoM conversion, why bother show
> it?  True, it's minor, and I may not spend the extra time on it...

Well, this is probably a matter of taste :-)

> Fair enough.  For my client's purposes, I don't think we'll be worrying about
> multiple UoMs for inventory - at least not for a while.
> And that would be Product.internalQtyUomId, right?  :->


> Carl

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