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Re: Dev - Testing the new OFBiz transaction manager

Posted by David E. Jones on May 21, 2006; 10:03pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Dev-Testing-the-new-OFBiz-transaction-manager-tp168029p168031.html

Yes, I agree. When the Geronimo tx manager is used we should also use the Geronimo connection pool. I actually started working on that yesterday, but the jencks.org site was down yesterday and this morning. I had downloaded the release but not the source code, which is what I need to see how they are using the connection pool, just like I did with the TX manager. Hopefully that will work out though...

Technically we could continue to use Minerva and just put the jar file in the Apache SVN server and leave the source in the Undersun one, but I'd rather use the Geronimo one embedded for that too.

Of course, this is all for running the embedded stuff in OFBiz and wouldn't have anything to do with running OFBiz in another container, like Weblogic or Geronimo (and it would be nice to add deployment script and config file template for in the appserver component).


A. Zeneski wrote:

> In order to remove Minerva we'll need a new JTA aware connection  
> pool. And to be honest, they are pretty much all dead projects. This  
> should be part of using the Geronimo TX since they pretty much work  
> hand in hand.
> Andy
> On May 21, 2006, at 3:39 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm running my development instance of OFBiz with the new transaction
>> manager, from Geronimo/Jencks, in place of the default JOTM since  
>> David
>> Jones committed his work: I had no problem until now with it.
>> I think it would be really great if nore developers could help testing
>> it. Here are David's notes about switching it on:
>> "To enable it (it's not enabled by default yet), just uncomment  
>> line 35
>> in entityengine.xml:
>>      <!-- <transaction-factory
>> class="org.ofbiz.geronimo.GeronimoTransactionFactory"/> -->
>> and comment out lines 39-42 that have the current JNDI tx factory  
>> setup."
>> What are the next steps?
>> How are we going to manage the dependencies with Minerva connection  
>> pool?
>> I think we are really near to resolve all the license issues now  
>> and it
>> would be really great to move the code base to the Apache svn server.
>> Then, we could improve/expand this stuff if needed; for example, I  
>> know
>> that Andy is working on an alternative way of doing things.
>> Jacopo
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