I go on it too.
> Hi all,
> I'm running my development instance of OFBiz with the new transaction
> manager, from Geronimo/Jencks, in place of the default JOTM since David
> Jones committed his work: I had no problem until now with it.
> I think it would be really great if nore developers could help testing
> it. Here are David's notes about switching it on:
> "To enable it (it's not enabled by default yet), just uncomment line 35
> in entityengine.xml:
> <!-- <transaction-factory
> class="org.ofbiz.geronimo.GeronimoTransactionFactory"/> -->
> and comment out lines 39-42 that have the current JNDI tx factory setup."
> What are the next steps?
> How are we going to manage the dependencies with Minerva connection pool?
> I think we are really near to resolve all the license issues now and it
> would be really great to move the code base to the Apache svn server.
> Then, we could improve/expand this stuff if needed; for example, I know
> that Andy is working on an alternative way of doing things.
> Jacopo
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