Primary key not being passed(?)
Posted by Sangs on May 22, 2006; 3:01pm
Hi everybody,
I am getting the following warnings in the logs for a entity 'person' i have created.:
13282[ ] =-=-=-=-= Found 10 warnings when checking the entity definitions:
13282[ ] [RelationRelatedFieldNotFound] The field "personId" of related entity UserLogin was specified in the keymaps but is not found for relation UserLogin of entity Person.
13297[ ] [RelationFieldNotFound] The field personId was specified in the keymaps but is not found for relation UserLogin of entity Person.
13329[ ] [RelationRelatedFieldNotFound] The field "personId" of related entity WebSiteRole was specified in the keymaps but is not found for relation WebSiteRole of entity Person.
13329[ ] [RelationFieldNotFound] The field personId was specified in the keymaps but is not found for relation WebSiteRole of entity Person.
13329[ ] [RelationOneRelatedPrimaryKeyMissing] The primary key "partyId" of related entity Person is missing in the keymaps for relation of type one Person of entity UserLogin.
13329[ ] [RelationRelatedFieldNotFound] The field "personId" of related entity Person was specified in the keymaps but is not found for relation Person of entity UserLogin.
13329[ ] [RelationFieldNotFound] The field personId was specified in the keymaps but is not found for relation Person of entity UserLogin.
13329[ ] [RelationOneRelatedPrimaryKeyMissing] The primary key "partyId" of related entity Person is missing in the keymaps for relation of type one Person of entity WebSiteRole.
13329[ ] [RelationRelatedFieldNotFound] The field "personId" of related entity Person was specified in the keymaps but is not found for relation Person of entity WebSiteRole.
13329[ ] [RelationFieldNotFound] The field personId was specified in the keymaps but is not found for relation Person of entity WebSiteRole.
However I can't figure out what's wrong.Can somebody please help?
Further,I am trying to generate a primary field for objects of this entity by using:
String personId = delegator.getNextSeqId("HelloPerson");
And then persisting this object by using delegator.create(helloPerson);
But it seems the value of personId is bein passed as null even though in the logs I can see helloPersonId = 10120 etc.
Could it be related to the above errors?
Apologies if this is a silly question but I am new to Of-biz.