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Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

Posted by Fred Forester-2 on May 23, 2006; 10:42pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Dev-Fwd-Re-OFBiz-Users-ERRROR-No-ShipmentPackageRouteSegs-Moved-to-Dev-tp168073.html

this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)

Fred Forester wrote:
 > Agreed.
 > I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the first
 > error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
 > The Following Errors Occurred:
 >      * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
 > 10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001
 > Fred
 > Si Chen wrote:
 >>I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't tell what
 >>is happening.  It's not as simple as just adding that back in.  There's
 >>something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august 2005) to
 >>opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn.  We'll have to go through the two
 >>versions and check more carefully.
 >>Fred Forester wrote:
 >>>no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
 >>>"ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.
 >>>the error message shows up in the code here
 >>>Si Chen wrote:
 >>>>Not sure...  Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or older
 >>>>versions?  If not, I'll check.
 >>>>Fred Forester wrote:
 >>>>>It looks like that somewhere in
 >>>>>"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
 >>>>>"ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?
 >>>>>it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact that it
 >>>>>doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping services.
 >>>>>Si Chen wrote:
 >>>>>>Yes, this might be a bug.  There's a jira issue for it.
 >>>>>>Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if there is
 >>>>>>one, is recent.  You might want to compare the two.
 >>>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
 >>>>>>>Hi All
 >>>>>>>after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route Segments
 >>>>>>>and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get
 >>>>>>>The Following Errors Occurred:
 >>>>>>>    * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
 >>>>>>>ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
 >>>>>>>shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
 >>>>>>>6775606 (http- [
 >>>>>>>ServiceDispatcher.java:412:ERROR] Service Error
 >>>>>>>[upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
 >>>>>>>ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
 >>>>>>>10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
 >>>>>>>6775611 (http- [
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