Thanx. If nothing else I'm a persistent sob :)
that reason. I needed a way to tell
"optionally" shipped. However, is there any reason why it can't be set
to SCHEDULED?. I've had a few complaints about the statuses for
shipments. the request was for something like...
quickship - status "ready for printing".
print packslip - status "ready to ship" or "printed".
get tracking# - status "shipped".
and just change the status description.
as far as Weight. should that value contain the total weight of the
> Fred,
> Great job! I tested your patch and committed it.
> As for fixing your missing weight, there are two ways:
> 1. On the shipment page, go to [Packages] (the link to left of [Route
> Segments]) and set weights for your packages there. See
> (login with admin and ofbiz)
> 2. Or there's a scheduling page in Facility, see:
> where you can en masse enter weights, etc. Here the issue is that it
> only schedules PACKED not SHIPPED shipments. If you use the [Pack
> orders] feature it works well. Perhaps Quick Ship should be changed to
> leave shipments in PACKED state?
> Thanks so much for the patch...
> Si
> Fred Forester wrote:
>> the bug seems to be in "ensurePackageRouteSeg". these changes seem to
>> fix the first problem. I still get the missing Weight error during
>> confirm UPS.
>> Fred
>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> question about the ShipmentRouteSegment and ShipmentPackageRouteSeg
>>> it seems there is one ShipmentRouteSegment per shipmentid but they
>>> all have the same shipmentRouteSegmentId?
>>> the ShipmentPackageRouteSeg should be one for each
>>> shipmentid/packageseq?
>>> I noticed in ShipmentServices.xml that ensureRouteSegPackage is
>>> called sometimes with a shipmentRouteSegmentId and other times with a
>>> shipmentPackageSeqId?
>>> Thanx
>>> Fred
>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>> this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)
>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>> > Agreed.
>>>> >
>>>> > I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the first
>>>> > error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
>>>> > The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>> >
>>>> > * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with
>>>> shipmentId
>>>> > 10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Fred
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Si Chen wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >>I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't tell
>>>> what
>>>> >>is happening. It's not as simple as just adding that back in.
>>>> There's
>>>> >>something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august
>>>> 2005) to
>>>> >>opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn. We'll have to go through the two
>>>> >>versions and check more carefully.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>Si
>>>> >>
>>>> >>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>>Si,
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
>>>> >>>"ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>the error message shows up in the code here
>>>> >>>>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>Thanx
>>>> >>>Fred
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>Si Chen wrote:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>>Not sure... Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or older
>>>> >>>>versions? If not, I'll check.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>>It looks like that somewhere in
>>>> >>>>>"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
>>>> >>>>>"ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact
>>>> that it
>>>> >>>>>doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping
>>>> services.
>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>Thanx
>>>> >>>>>Fred
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>Si Chen wrote:
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>Yes, this might be a bug. There's a jira issue for it.
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if there is
>>>> >>>>>>one, is recent. You might want to compare the two.
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>Si
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>Hi All
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route
>>>> Segments
>>>> >>>>>>>and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>> * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
>>>> >>>>>>>ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
>>>> >>>>>>>shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>and
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>6775606 (http- [
>>>> >>>>>>>] Service Error
>>>> >>>>>>>[upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
>>>> >>>>>>>ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
>>>> >>>>>>>10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>> >>>>>>>6775611 (http- [
>>>> >>>>>>>]
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>bug?
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>Thanx
>>>> >>>>>>>Fred
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>
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>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Index:
>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml
>> ===================================================================
>> ---
>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml
>> (revision 28)
>> +++
>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml
>> (working copy)
>> @@ -749,11 +749,14 @@
>> <remove-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
>> </simple-method>
>> <simple-method method-name="ensurePackageRouteSeg"
>> short-description="Ensure ShipmentPackageRouteSeg exists for all
>> RouteSegments for th
>> is Package">
>> + <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg"/>
>> <entity-and entity-name="ShipmentRouteSegment"
>> list-name="shipmentRouteSegments">
>> - <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>> env-name="lookupRouteSegmentsMap.shipmentId"/>
>> + <field-map field-name="shipmentId" env-name="shipmentId"/>
>> </entity-and>
>> + <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg
>> ${shipmentRouteSegments}"/>
>> <iterate entry-name="shipmentRouteSegment"
>> list-name="shipmentRouteSegments">
>> + <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg
>> iterate"/>
>> <entity-one entity-name="ShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>> value-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg" auto-field-map="false">
>> <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>> env-name="shipmentId"/>
>> <field-map field-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"
>> env-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
>> @@ -761,8 +764,12 @@
>> </entity-one>
>> <if-empty field-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg">
>> - <call-service
>> service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>> in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
>> - </call-service>
>> + <log level="info"
>> message="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"/>
>> + <set
>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentRouteSegmentId"
>> from-field="shipmentRouteSegment.shipmentRouteSegmentId"/
>> + <set
>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentPackageSeqId"
>> from-field="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
>> + <set
>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentId"
>> from-field="shipmentId"/>
>> + <call-service
>> service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>> in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
>> + </call-service>
>> </if-empty>
>> </iterate>
>> </simple-method>
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