It's true that Minerva was a part of JBoss way back when (like a few years ago...), but they were using it much like we are (except I think they had some of the developers of it working on JBoss as well, not totally sure about that though). Later on they re-wrote it and made the transaction manager a more integral part of the app server. So, yes the newer stuff we couldn't use because of the licensing.
> I made some research and found that Minerva is part of JBos project.
>,r=1.1/JBoss/jboss-site/website/src/docs/minerva/overview-summary.html#intro> So It seems that it's GPL or LGPL licenced.
> +1 for the switch too
> Jacques
>> David,
>> thanks for your excellent work and research.
>> I think Geronimo/Jencks TM + Minerva connection pool is just fine for
>> now; (+1 for the switch to them).
>> Just one question: what is the license of Minerva?
>> Jacopo
>> David E Jones wrote:
>>> I've spent a bit of time over the last few days researching how we might
> used the connection pool in Geronimo. Based on this I'm not sure if using the
> Geronimo connection pool will be possible in an "embedded" mode.
>>> Some notes about this part of Geronimo:
>>> 1. it does not have a JDBC connection pool; instead it uses TransQL as a JCA
> Resource Adapter wrapper for a JDBC DataSource and then used the Geronimo JCA
> connection pool to pool these connections; TransQL has specific wrappers for
> certain databases, and some generic stuff for others if you don't need
> distributed transactions, or you can write a wrapper/adapter for the database
> you want to use
>>> 2. it does not seem to have any XADataSource wrapper for JDBC drivers that
> only have a non-transaction DataSource implemented, so JDBC drivers without an
> XADataSource implemented cannot be used in distributed transactions
>>> 3. the Geronimo managed pool classes are very oriented to the XML
> configuration file used in Geronimo, and they don't seem to have API equivalents
> to use it in an embedded mode like we want to
>>> It looks like Jencks actually uses XAPool for their XA wrapper for non-XA
> JDBC drivers, and uses a combination of XAPool and TransQL for their JCA
> compatible XA-aware connection pool. XAPool is LGPL licensed, so that won't
> really do us much good...
>>> I don't know of any other XA wrapper and XA-aware connection pool projects
> like XAPool and Minerva.
>>> So... I'm thinking the best option is to just keep the Minerva source on the
> current SVN server and just put a built jar in the Apache SVN repository. So, I
> propose we use Geronimo/Jencks for transaction management, and Minerva for the
> connection pool.
>>> So far there haven't been any complaints I know of for those beta testing
> the Geronimo JTA stuff, so I'm also proposing we switch this to be the default
> from SVN.
>>> -David
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