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Re: Dev - Research Results for Geronimo Connection Pool

Posted by David E. Jones on May 24, 2006; 7:07am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Dev-Research-Results-for-Geronimo-Connection-Pool-tp168090p168094.html

It uses the X license, which is very similar to the MIT license (almost the same).


Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

> David,
> thanks for your excellent work and research.
> I think Geronimo/Jencks TM + Minerva connection pool is just fine for
> now; (+1 for the switch to them).
> Just one question: what is the license of Minerva?
> Jacopo
> David E Jones wrote:
>> I've spent a bit of time over the last few days researching how we might used the connection pool in Geronimo. Based on this I'm not sure if using the Geronimo connection pool will be possible in an "embedded" mode.
>> Some notes about this part of Geronimo:
>> 1. it does not have a JDBC connection pool; instead it uses TransQL as a JCA Resource Adapter wrapper for a JDBC DataSource and then used the Geronimo JCA connection pool to pool these connections; TransQL has specific wrappers for certain databases, and some generic stuff for others if you don't need distributed transactions, or you can write a wrapper/adapter for the database you want to use
>> 2. it does not seem to have any XADataSource wrapper for JDBC drivers that only have a non-transaction DataSource implemented, so JDBC drivers without an XADataSource implemented cannot be used in distributed transactions
>> 3. the Geronimo managed pool classes are very oriented to the XML configuration file used in Geronimo, and they don't seem to have API equivalents to use it in an embedded mode like we want to
>> It looks like Jencks actually uses XAPool for their XA wrapper for non-XA JDBC drivers, and uses a combination of XAPool and TransQL for their JCA compatible XA-aware connection pool. XAPool is LGPL licensed, so that won't really do us much good...
>> I don't know of any other XA wrapper and XA-aware connection pool projects like XAPool and Minerva.
>> So... I'm thinking the best option is to just keep the Minerva source on the current SVN server and just put a built jar in the Apache SVN repository. So, I propose we use Geronimo/Jencks for transaction management, and Minerva for the connection pool.
>> So far there haven't been any complaints I know of for those beta testing the Geronimo JTA stuff, so I'm also proposing we switch this to be the default from SVN.
>> -David
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