1. anyone can now create issues and add attachments to them and such, just like on the old server (or should be able to, if not then we'll get this changed right away)
2. the only people who need to be added to the developer group are committers and possibly the 8 people currently in the ofbiz-developer group on the Undersun Jira server
If you're not in the group in #2, please create an account so you can submit issues and comment on them and such, but please don't send a message to David Welton asking for developer access.
David E. Jones wrote:
> The current plan for issue tracking in OFBiz is to keep existing issue
> on the Undersun Jira server but not allow any new issues to be created
> there. Instead, new issues should be created on the Apache Jira server.
> Here is the URL:
> The project is setup and we can start creating new issues there.
> I haven't shut off new issue creation on the Undersun server yet because
> we need to get the developer accounts setup on the new server first.
> So, if you have a developer account for the OFBIZ project on the
> Undersun Jira server, please:
> 1. create an account on the Apache Jira server
> 2. send an email to David Welton with your username, he has permissions
> to add you to the ofbiz-developers group on that server
> As soon as the main people (especially Jacopo and Si who help so much
> with these) are in I'll be shutting off issue creation on the Undersun
> server by removing that permission. I'll let everyone know when this
> happens, of course.
> Note that existing issues can just stay on the Undersun server until
> resolved.
> Thanks for your help and patience everyone!
> -David