You should probably follow the best practices patterns for OFBiz to handle this sort of this. Check out the new framework overview training videos that can now be downloaded from
> Hi All
> I’m trying to convert the EditProductStorePaySetup screen to widgets,
> but I’m having trouble trying
> to figure out how I can create and edit using the same screen & form
> (the current ftl seems to have
> the same problem but I could fix that in the bsh script).
> This is what I want to be able to do:
> 1. Create new entities by default
> 2. Edit an entity when the edit link is clicked from the table
> This is working at the moment but a created entity reloads into the form
> instead of a blank form.
> How can I get an entity to load for editing only?
> I’ve attached the patch for what I’ve done, could someone have a look
> when you get a chance?
> Thanks
> Scott
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