No. This is for a healthcare provider where most of the time an insurance company is paying the invoice. This involves co-pays and deductibles. The invoice needs to go to the end user, but needs to be billed to 1, 2 or 3 insurance companies. Also, when the insurance company pays, they're likely paying for items off of more than one invoice; from more than one customer (beneficiary).
----- Original Message ----
From: Si Chen <
[hidden email]>
To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion <
[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 3:54:55 PM
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Third Party Payment
So what exactly happened? Are you talking about paying for a shipment
which got lost?
Chris Howe wrote:
The payment part is fine. However, I think that I
need to create some sort of transfer of liability from
the customer to the insurance company for the time
between the order being shipped and the insurance
company paying. Would you agree?
--- Si Chen [hidden email] wrote:
How about just use the Accounting > Payments and
create a new payment?
Chris Howe wrote:
What do y'all think is the best method for a third
party payment (ie
insurance company paying).
It feels like I'm missing something doing it the
following way
1) Autocreate customer billing account
2) Checkout via billing account
<missing how to transfer this receivable from
customer to insurance
n) post payment from insurance company to
customer's billing account
n+1)close invoice
any help would be appreciated.
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