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Re: Dev - Glossary for consistent translation

Posted by Jacques Le Roux on May 28, 2006; 4:33pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Dev-Glossary-for-consistent-translation-tp168219p168221.html

Hi Manuel,

This is something that I was waiting for for some time : pleople interested in
translating *seriously* OFBiz. It seems that we are some interested now, let's

> guido:
> we translated here in madrid to spanish the whole framework about 2
> months ago, but it is still pending for corrections and revisions. i
> propose, that we try to find all together, or a team of
> representatives from different countries, what we agree to be the
> spanish international version (_es) and let everyone build the
> spanish localized version for his country as an overwrite extension
> to this one. a discussion forum with a thread for every term or
> language construction that are different from country to country is
> probably better for this purpose than wiki.

Why not opening an ML for that ? I w'll provide the search tool (thanks to Firas


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