Posted by
Manuel Desdin on
May 29, 2006; 2:19pm
i think we are confusing the tools here, i don't want to say that the
old good forum is the best way to go, but for sure wiki + ml is not!
i mean you have to ask the people there not to change what you have
written until it is discussed and agreed in a ml (you chose dev, but
user is probably the right one).
there is no forum at, so my proposal: i'll host
for now only with a forum, and we should see later how it might help
us develop an international spanish community!
On May 29, 2006, at 3:59 AM, Guido Amarilla wrote:
> OK.
> Following your suggestions I started a Wiki Page for a common
> spanish glossary.
>> (HowToLocalizeAnOFBizAppl > TranslationStandards >
> SpanishTranslationGuide)
> This way all these words in spanish may be indexed by search engines.
> In this page it states that if anyone has a question about any of
> these translations he should start a thread in this mailing list, and
> if most of us ("spanish translation team") agree, we can change it.
> Guido Amarilla
> 2006/5/28, Jacques Le Roux <
[hidden email]>:
>>> Guido Amarilla wrote:
>>>> Hi Jacques,
>>>> The idea of a mailing list is great (ther isn´t any OFBiz formum
>>>> yet).
>>>> Can you make the arrangements for that? It could be a group of
>>>> lists,
>>>> each one in a different language (starting with French, Italian and
>>>> Spanish as I see in this ML domains).
>>> To be honest I would be surprised to see enough traffic to
>>> justify a single
>> separate mailing list, let alone a set of them.
>>> I recommend just using this one for now, the OFBiz dev mailing
>>> list. If the
>> traffic from this particular topic becomes too much, then we
>> should consider a
>> separate mailing list.
>>> -David
>> Words of wisdom, let see what happens before ...
>> Jacques
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