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Re: Dev - Glossary for consistent translation

Posted by Jacopo Cappellato on May 28, 2006; 6:50am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Dev-Glossary-for-consistent-translation-tp168219p168236.html

Hi Guido,

I think that this is a nice idea; in my opinion the bast place to host
this information is in a new page in the OFBiz Wiki site:


You can create the page yourself and then others can add their


Guido Amarilla wrote:

> When I was translating .properties files I found that many words have
> not direct translation in my language (spanish) and that they may been
> translated in different ways. I noticed that if I adopt a translation
> other translator may not agree whit the word I choosed, or that I may
> translate them inconsitently in different applications.
> In order to avoid these problems I am making a glossary with those
> controversial words, where I write the translation and a small
> description of why I choosed it and why I didn´t choose other possible
> translations.
> For example:
> Solicitation=Contactar. Por ejemplo en "Allow Solicitation" sería
> "Permitir que lo contactemos" o "¿Podemos contactarlo?". No Solicitar,
> y menos solicitación o solicitud.
> I created a file called glossary.properties with all these words and
> the spanish translation is in glossary_es.properties. If other
> translators in other languages find it useful, I think we could put it
> in SVN or in one of Ofbiz Web Sites.

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