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Re: Dev - Glossary for consistent translation

Posted by Andrew Sykes on May 28, 2006; 10:03am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Dev-Glossary-for-consistent-translation-tp168219p168239.html


My knowledge of languages other than English is limited, but if this is
a case of the english word being too generic, perhaps there's an
argument for creating two different labels.

In English both of these labels would have the same value, but could be
slightly different in spanish.

Just a suggestion, I really don't understand enough spanish to be sure
that this suggestion helps...

On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 02:32 -0300, Guido Amarilla wrote:

> When I was translating .properties files I found that many words have
> not direct translation in my language (spanish) and that they may been
> translated in different ways. I noticed that if I adopt a translation
> other translator may not agree whit the word I choosed, or that I may
> translate them inconsitently in different applications.
> In order to avoid these problems I am making a glossary with those
> controversial words, where I write the translation and a small
> description of why I choosed it and why I didn´t choose other possible
> translations.
> For example:
> Solicitation=Contactar. Por ejemplo en "Allow Solicitation" sería
> "Permitir que lo contactemos" o "¿Podemos contactarlo?". No Solicitar,
> y menos solicitación o solicitud.
> I created a file called glossary.properties with all these words and
> the spanish translation is in glossary_es.properties. If other
> translators in other languages find it useful, I think we could put it
> in SVN or in one of Ofbiz Web Sites.
Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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