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Dev - Entity Labels Extractor for i18n

Posted by Guido Amarilla on May 28, 2006; 12:54pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Dev-Entity-Labels-Extractor-for-i18n-tp168240.html

This is a simple script that I made to extract Entity Descriptions
from XML files and build a CommonEntityLabels.properties file.
After that you can translate this file, and following the recommended
practices, view all Entity Labels in your language.
See http://ofbizwiki.go-integral.com/Wiki.jsp?page=HowToLocalizeAnOFBizAppl

It is written in javascript, but will only work in windows.
* I´d like you to try it and test it. *
Usage (from windows command line):

cscript i18nExtract.js <entityDefinitionFile.xml>

If it works OK, we could host it somewhere (I think that using the
wiki for this could be dangerous, because someone could write malware
with it)


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