> Please, anybody able to respond for sure to this questions, Jacopo, David ?
> 1. Is> totally deprecated ?
> 2. And is and
> the replacement ?
> If the answer to 1. is yes, I propose to at least mark this page as deprecated
> or perhaps better remove the deprecated parts of it.
> Thanks
> Jacques
>> i suppose the issue
>>>> got already too big for handling, is it possible to split it for the
>> core developers to have it easier?
>> anyways i voted for it, it is a fix i am crying for!
>> anyone else missing full i18n in ofbiz? please have a look at it...
>> manuel.
>> On May 28, 2006, at 3:25 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>> This is a simple script that I made to extract Entity Descriptions
>>> from XML files and build a file.
>>> After that you can translate this file, and following the recommended
>>> practices, view all Entity Labels in your language.
>>> See
>>> page=HowToLocalizeAnOFBizAppl
>>> It is written in javascript, but will only work in windows.
>>> * I´d like you to try it and test it. *
>>> Usage (from windows command line):
>>> cscript i18nExtract.js <entityDefinitionFile.xml>
>>> If it works OK, we could host it somewhere (I think that using the
>>> wiki for this could be dangerous, because someone could write malware
>>> with it)
>>> --
>>> Guido
>>> Guido,
>>> If I'm not wrong this is no more needed. See
>>> and
>>> As I'm not
>>> sure this is
>>> also a way to well understand this point (Is it only for certain
>>> kind of Entity
>>> Labels (dates) or all Labels ? Thanks by advance for who know that
>>> point for
>>> sure...)
>>> Another point : when modifing existing files it's better not to
>>> check the RBE
>>> option that generate
>>> #Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (
>>> In your case, as it's creation of files, this is not a problem I
>>> guess.
>>> Jacques
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