Posted by
Manuel Desdin on
May 28, 2006; 11:51pm
On May 29, 2006, at 12:12 AM, Vinay Agarwal wrote:
> David,
> I don't believe the tables and css layout are mutually exclusive.
> Tables are
> part of xhtml strict. I haven't read the Zen book but if that is
> what it
> says, then I would find another book.
of course, you will find any kind of book you want, but have you ever
seen tables used for layout outside html? i don't think so. tables
was the tricky solution years ago, because there were nothing else to
design with in html. tables are of course part of xhtml and part of
every other design specification, because they are used for tabular
content and thats it!
> I was able to solve my most OFBiz layout problem on IE6 simply by
> switching
> my main decorator to a table. I suspect many other users of OFBiz
> would
> rather use tables than have pages rendered poorly by IE6.
there is no need to have css based pages poorly rendered in ie6,
there is a plenty of tricks for ie5 and ie6 to make them render the
pages the way you want! we built in the past totally different sites
that render just fine on every modern browser and os.
> The reality of today's world is that 50% users use IE (mostly IE6).
> This
> statistics is further skewed toward IE6 if you only consider non-
> tech users.
> And certain layouts, whether they are accepted by xhtml or not,
> just don't
> render well in IE6.
far more than 50% as i recall from the statistics. but why do the
wrong thing because of ie?
i would myself rewrite every single line of css and xhtml code in
ofbiz if had time. it is bad code if looked at it from the point of
view of standards. and i will for sure contribute a new code for it
in several months if nobody else does until then.
the question right now is, how can i help you, taken into account
that i don't have much time right now? or can you live a while with a
table based forked version until someone else or myself contribute a
new version that is compatible with ie?
i haven't read the zen of css design, but i am sure you will find
there the necessary tricks or just search around on the internet as i
did my time.
> Wouldn't it be best for OFBiz to use a subset of layout constructs
> that meet
> both the desired doctype standard as well as the practical aspects of
> rendering on popular browsers?
> Regards,
> Vinay Agarwal
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
[hidden email] [mailto:dev-
[hidden email]] On
> Behalf Of David E. Jones
> Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 1:14 PM
> To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - IE6 Layout Issues
> Vinay,
> A couple of thoughts on this...
> 1. the current direction for the ecommerce templates is to move toward
> CSS-based layouts, so we won't be going back to the old table
> layouts; the
> goal is to get something in place that uses the patterns described
> in the
> book "The Zen of CSS Design" and a good example of this stuff is here:
> 2. the current CSS conversion is still not complete; it would be
> _great_ to
> have some help with this as so far I'm the only one that has pushed
> this
> along, though a few people have submitted little fixes over time
> and such
> (and even those are quite valuable and needed now...)
> So, if you'd like to get involved with this, please do so! That
> would be
> great. You can submit patches for this just like for anything else
> using the
> Jira issue tracker.
> -David
> Vinay Agarwal wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I started a location on wiki for some of my experiences with fixing
>> IE6 layout issues. Here's what it has so far
>> Regards,
>> Vinay Agarwal
>> Float simply doesn't work well
>> I converted the main-decorator from div/float layout to
>> tables
>> so that it displays consistently on all browsers.
>> Misaligned on IE6 (from
>> ecommerce/webapp/ecommerce/catelog/minilastviewedcategories.ftl)
>> <div style="float: right;"> <a
>> href="<@ofbizUrl>clearLastViewed</@ofbizUrl>"
>> class="lightbuttontextsmall">${uiLabelMap.CommonClear}
>> <
>> page=uiLabelMap.CommonClear
>>> </a> </div> <div
>> class="boxhead">${uiLabelMap.EcommerceLastCategories}</div>
>> Aligned well on all browsers
>> <div class="boxhead"><div style="float: right;"> <a
>> href="<@ofbizUrl>clearLastViewed</@ofbizUrl>"
>> class="lightbuttontextsmall">${uiLabelMap.CommonClear}
>> <
>> page=uiLabelMap.CommonClear
>>> </a> </div> ${uiLabelMap.EcommerceLastCategories}</div>
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -
>> --
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