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Dev - Producing an XML response

Posted by Alexandre Vaillancourt on May 29, 2006; 6:21pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Dev-Producing-an-XML-response-tp168258.html


That's my first time posting on this list. ;o)

I'm trying to integrate OFBiz within another web application. What I need to do
is extract the global menu (name and links) and output it in xml. (The global
menu will be removed from the pages) This is working fine, the outupt is
correctly formatted. The only problem I get is that the response's contentType
won't set to text/xml with this code, even if it's there (in the bsh file). My
browser receives a text/html content type response.

Have I missed something?

I tried to browse and search the lists archives, but I did not find anything
aoubt this. If this subject has already been discussed, please tell me where.

Please see the content of the files attached.

Thanks a lot!
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myTestsBsh.bsh (630 bytes) Download Attachment
main.ftl (1K) Download Attachment
controller.xml (4K) Download Attachment