service-mcas, once again
Posted by Ruth Hoffman on Aug 05, 2006; 6:47pm
Hello All:
I was hoping someone could answer a few questions for me:
If I can ->
1) Configure & connect to an IMAP store (I see the JavaMailContainer log
messages appear regularly in the logfile - and I am seeing the correct
number of messages on my IMAP server)
2) See my service-mca being read by the ServiceMcaUtil with the correct
ruleName (as configured in my service-mca)
3) See the JavaMailContainer read the config for all outstanding mca(s)
[ line 112]
4) I can see the mca rules in service.serviceMCAs under webtools
Why is not my service being executed? (I know its not being executed
because I put a debug log message as the very first executable
statement.) This service is just the testMca that points to
I'm using all the code and config templates that come with OFBiz.
Nothing fancy here...
Or, perhaps someone could point me to the OFBiz code checks the
service-mca cache looking for service-mcas to invoke. [Or, do the
service-mca's not work that way. Are they somehow different in that they
are not in a queue somewhere, waiting to be invoked?]