POS and GoodIdentification
Posted by Iain Fogg on Oct 26, 2006; 5:27pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/POS-and-GoodIdentification-tp173666.html
I finding that the GoodIdentification lookup code in POS is not working
as intended, but I'm not sure what's wrong.
I have a product with product_id A in table product
I have three records in good_identification that map product_id A to
id_values B, C, D
When I run POS and enter one of the good_ids (B, C, or D), the lookup
code fails. The snippet from PosTransaction.java is
public List lookupItem(String sku) throws GeneralException {
// first check for the product
GenericValue product =
UtilMisc.toMap("productId", sku));
if (product != null) {
return UtilMisc.toList(product);
} else {
// not found; so we move on to GoodIdentification
UtilMisc.toMap("idValue", sku),
The "Product" lookup fails as expected, returning null. Then we take a
crack at querying the view GoodIdentificationAndProduct, but that seems
to return zippo as well.
Anyone know what might be happening?
This is pretty important for me - I cannot change the requirement to
lookup on good_ids...
Tips appreciated.
Cheers, Iain
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