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good enough fix for now or absolutely atrocious hack?

Posted by Si Chen-2 on Oct 27, 2006; 12:26am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/good-enough-fix-for-now-or-absolutely-atrocious-hack-tp173699.html

Hi everybody-

I am trying to figure out a problem of fixing a tax on shipping bug.  
Basically, right now, if you set the store to not pro-rate your  
shipping, it will still try to pro-rate your tax on shipping, which  
causes erroneous results when you later add more shipping charges as  
additional adjustments.

I think the core problem is that we lack the data model to associate  
one OrderAdjustment with another (ie, no  
OrderAdjustment.originalAdjustmentId) and also OrderAdjustment to  
Invoice (an OrderAdjustmentBilling entity) really to know which tax  
is on which shipping and which has already been invoiced.

As a quick fix, we came up with a rule so that order-level taxes  
(OrderAdjustment of SALES_TAX type without an orderItemSeqId) is not  
pro-rated when shipping is not pro-rated: ie charged lumpsum to the  
first invoice.

Is this good to put back into the project as a fix for now, as it  
does fix the bug at hand and does not seem to break things?  Or is  
something like this too much of a hack and should be kept out?

Best Regards,

[hidden email]