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[jira] Created: (OFBIZ-870) Shipping Settings in XML don't match Presented Options in New Order Shipping Options

Posted by Nicolas Malin (Jira) on Apr 03, 2007; 10:12pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/jira-Created-OFBIZ-870-Shipping-Settings-in-XML-don-t-match-Presented-Options-in-New-Order-Shipping-s-tp179844.html

Shipping Settings in XML don't match Presented Options in New Order Shipping Options

                 Key: OFBIZ-870
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-870
             Project: OFBiz (The Open for Business Project)
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: order
         Environment: Professionally Hosted Solution: Dedicated Debian Linux. 1Gb RAM, Dual Core 2.016 GHz Intel Processor, RAID.
            Reporter: Peter Watson

I am having an odd problem;

The shipping configuration settings in the xml (storeShipping.xml) do not match what the order process presents as the shippings options.

1. The settings in 'Catalog > Stores > Shipping >' show 8 different methods (estimateID | method) which I had setup in the xml file (/hot-deploy/store/data/storeShipping.xml).

2. The order entry shipping options do not have the same 8 settings, they have the original 4 settings that were there before I actually made the changes. So when you are in the order entry processyou see the original settings not the new settings that I have added.

3. I did use the 'Web Tools > XML Import to import this file'. But the settings don't seem to have been 'activated', do I need to run a service update...and if so would that affect my other custom settings to do with product layout and other related settings?

I do have some screenshots, that illustrate this scenario.

Not sure is this is a known issue or simply an erroneous error. Would appreciate some feedback.

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