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Re: Java 7

Posted by Jacques Le Roux on Oct 04, 2011; 5:55pm
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Java-7-tp3867104p3871812.html

As soon as we change things maybe. Not even sure it's really needed, at least last updated were done in trunk. Java 7 does not
introduce much changes anyway...


From: "BJ Freeman" <[hidden email]>

>I think a branch would be appropriate
> Jacques Le Roux sent the following on 10/3/2011 3:50 AM:
>> Hi,
>> One day or another we will have to move to Java 7, I believe.
>> http://www.eclipse.org/jdt/ui/r3_8/Java7news/whats-new-java-7.html
>> Opinions?
>> Jacques