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Re: Deprecating and removing unused HTML renderers

Posted by Jacopo Cappellato-3 on Jan 15, 2021; 10:03am
URL: http://ofbiz.116.s1.nabble.com/Deprecating-and-removing-unused-HTML-renderers-tp4763776p4763840.html

On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 2:57 PM Daniel Watford <[hidden email]> wrote:
> But when should we remove the unused HTML renderers? Is it okay to remove
> them from trunk at the same time as marking them deprecated in release 18?
> This would ensure they are removed from whichever release is planned to
> follow 18.

Thank you Daniel for the initiative.
I agree to deprecate in the branch 18.12 and at the same time remove
in trunk: in this way we will publish a few releases from 18.12 with
the deprecation warnings but the new release branch 21 (and the trunk)
will not contain the deprecated code.
Additionally, we can also remove, in the trunk and in the 18.12
branch, all the code that has been deprecated in 17.12 (or even
