Posted by
Jacques Le Roux on
Jan 16, 2021; 9:25am
Hi Daniel,
Le 15/01/2021 à 11:21, Daniel Watford a écrit :
> Hi Jacopo,
> The consensus seemed to be to only mark the renderers as deprecated in
> trunk for the time being. These changes have already been committed.
Thanks, as you certainly know, I made a small amendment using a date rather than "Upcoming Branch"
> Since marking code as deprecated would probably be classified as an
> improvement rather than a bug-fix it wasn't appropriate to mark items as
> deprecated in the 18.12 branch.
> If direction from the dev community was to also mark the renderers as
> deprecated in the 18.12 branch, I am happy to do so since it would expedite
> the eventual removal of the deprecated code and make maintenance of sources
> easier. However I imagine that there is a policy discussion which should be
> had around deprecation in general and the impact of the number of branches
> the project maintains.
If we start a discussion (preferably not in this thread) I tend to agree with Jacopo, and you somehow.
We should keep things simple ans start afresh with R21.
Soon we will only support R18, R21 and trunk... Our resources are limited...
> Removing code that has been deprecated for a long enough period of time
> from trunk might be a good task for the next Ofbiz Community Days event.
We don't need to wait ;)
My 2cts
> Thanks,
> Dan.
> On Fri, 15 Jan 2021 at 10:04, Jacopo Cappellato <
[hidden email]>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 2:57 PM Daniel Watford <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> But when should we remove the unused HTML renderers? Is it okay to remove
>>> them from trunk at the same time as marking them deprecated in release
>> 18?
>>> This would ensure they are removed from whichever release is planned to
>>> follow 18.
>> Thank you Daniel for the initiative.
>> I agree to deprecate in the branch 18.12 and at the same time remove
>> in trunk: in this way we will publish a few releases from 18.12 with
>> the deprecation warnings but the new release branch 21 (and the trunk)
>> will not contain the deprecated code.
>> Additionally, we can also remove, in the trunk and in the 18.12
>> branch, all the code that has been deprecated in 17.12 (or even
>> earlier).
>> Jacopo