I have written a java method which is returning a string. In the simple-method I'm calling this java method using the tag call-class-method which is given below.
<call-class-method class-name="org.ofbiz.common.login.LoginServices" method-name="passwordEncryption" ret-field="paswrd"> <field field="userLoginContext.currentPassword" type="??????????????"/> <set value="paswrd" field="newDealerLogin.currentPassword"/> </call-class-method>
The field tag above where field="userLoginContext.currentPassword" is the value of a field which I'm fetching from the ftl. Then I am encrypting it using java and returning the encrypted password/string . Now the arguments which I have to send to the java method ,which is a string, is "userLoginContext.currentPassword" for encryption. But the type is what I cannot understand to give.
I have tried using GenericValue. It's not working.
The java method which is being called is public static String passwordEncryption(String currentPassword).
the code is given below.
public static String passwordEncryption(String currentPassword)
String encryptedPassword=null;
encryptedPassword= HashCrypt.getDigestHash(currentPassword, getHashType());
Debug.log("encryptedPassword exist======>"+encryptedPassword);
return encryptedPassword;
If anyone finds the solution to this as soon as possible will be very helpful for me.