what are the consequences for the modification of the entity postalAddress?

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what are the consequences for the modification of the entity postalAddress?

I am adapting the ofbiz for use in Brazil and I need to modify table postal_address, specifically the address1 column, this column stores the number and street, and I need to put street numbers on different fields, I will create new fields in the table. The problem is that the address1 field is referenced in the code of ofbiz in many class. How to do this changes in responsible manner?
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Re: what are the consequences for the modification of the entity postalAddress?

BJ Freeman
Hash: SHA1

you can use the extend-entity if you want to add fields for your
requirements to the postalAdress entity.
the way ofbiz works all forms that use the postalAddress entity will
show the additional fields.

jjmbconquista sent the following on 3/4/2009 4:25 AM:
> I am adapting the ofbiz for use in Brazil and I need to modify table
> postal_address, specifically the address1 column, this column stores the
> number and street, and I need to put street numbers on different fields, I
> will create new fields in the table. The problem is that the address1 field
> is referenced in the code of ofbiz in many class. How to do this changes in
> responsible manner?
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