Hi Elan,
Yes you are right with it (I did not check code though). Could you open a Jira and possibly attach a patch?
From: "elanzhou" <
[hidden email]>
> hi, all:
> I'm confused by LoginEvents:storeLogin's checkStoreCustomerRole.
> In org.ofbiz.securityext.login.LoginEvents's storeLogin method, at last , there are "return
> ProductEvents.checkStoreCustomerRole(request, response);"
> The LoginEvents shall just do sth related login. ProductEvent is more related to Product. It may be handled in somewhere of
> Product. If place it in LoginEvents, then securityext module is depend on Product module, The dependency is not necessary.
> And only WebPosEvents's posLogin method used the storeLogin method. May I suggest putting the check to WebPostEvents ? Or add
> an ECA ?
> yousr: elan