I appreciate the support Adam. LOL
and I feel once I submit to the jira you can see and determine.
and I have a basic bias not to expand into webslinger or JS.
I want to keep this basic html output.
Adam Heath sent the following on 7/1/2011 2:26 PM:
> On 07/01/2011 01:39 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:
>> so does anyone have a wish list they would want.
>> Not saying it will get in but I will give it a try.
>> I will put in a jira when ready.
> That's a bad open-ended question. We don't know how much you know, or
> how good or bad a programmer you are, etc. This isn't a personal knock
> or anything.
> If you are interested in something, then do it. If you are unsure of
> what you have done, then post here after you have done something, and we
> can discuss.
> Personally, I have lots of things I'd like to do to the widget systems
> as a whole. But none that the rest of the ofbiz community would
> understand(applying some of the patterns we use in webslinger). By the
> time I(or Ean) explain our ideas, and they are understood, we could have
> implemented them.