APIs for ofBiz

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APIs for ofBiz

Milind P
I am sure that some of you have seen the Slashdot Story on APIs for

I have been thinking (and unfortunately just thinking) about the feasibility
of integrating this into ofBiz for some time. This dovetails into Pavan's
recent question about ofBiz. Anyways since security would need to be
paramount in this case, I am wondering whether at a higher level is ofBiz
secure enough? I  know that the question will devolve into secure enough for
what.  My point in asking the question is to let the question devolve for
gathering the collective wisdom. Secure enough for hosting an retailer's
catalog online and provide queryable APIs to generate more sales (and
provide limited inventory visibility).

-- Milind
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Re: APIs for ofBiz

BJ Freeman
also depends on what is being done.
if your not using a public face like ecommerce then if the intranets is
secure so are the apps.
Boeing for instance sets up security through routers to different locations.
I work with an API for Yahoo. They require the level of audit that Visa
requires, since they use Visa in their payment provider. it takes months
to get approved and you have to have the customer base that makes it
worthwhile for them to validate you.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  <http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=52>
Specialtymarket.com  <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Milind Parikh sent the following on 6/17/2010 3:27 PM:

> I am sure that some of you have seen the Slashdot Story on APIs for
> retailers.
> http://developers.slashdot.org/story/10/06/17/1837240/Developers-New-Opportunity-mdash-Retailers-Open-APIs.
> I have been thinking (and unfortunately just thinking) about the feasibility
> of integrating this into ofBiz for some time. This dovetails into Pavan's
> recent question about ofBiz. Anyways since security would need to be
> paramount in this case, I am wondering whether at a higher level is ofBiz
> secure enough? I  know that the question will devolve into secure enough for
> what.  My point in asking the question is to let the question devolve for
> gathering the collective wisdom. Secure enough for hosting an retailer's
> catalog online and provide queryable APIs to generate more sales (and
> provide limited inventory visibility).
> Regards
> -- Milind

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Re: APIs for ofBiz

BJ Freeman
In reply to this post by Milind P
BTW EDI is a form of API as well.
it uses AS1 and AS2 which required encrypted and security keys.
The the service I provide, for suppler inventory, I use security keys.
this pretty much he practice for google, yahoo, amazon.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  <http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=52>
Specialtymarket.com  <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Milind Parikh sent the following on 6/17/2010 3:27 PM:

> I am sure that some of you have seen the Slashdot Story on APIs for
> retailers.
> http://developers.slashdot.org/story/10/06/17/1837240/Developers-New-Opportunity-mdash-Retailers-Open-APIs.
> I have been thinking (and unfortunately just thinking) about the feasibility
> of integrating this into ofBiz for some time. This dovetails into Pavan's
> recent question about ofBiz. Anyways since security would need to be
> paramount in this case, I am wondering whether at a higher level is ofBiz
> secure enough? I  know that the question will devolve into secure enough for
> what.  My point in asking the question is to let the question devolve for
> gathering the collective wisdom. Secure enough for hosting an retailer's
> catalog online and provide queryable APIs to generate more sales (and
> provide limited inventory visibility).
> Regards
> -- Milind