Using Apache for web users, proxypass set to ajp://localhost:8109/
Every so often, at seemingly random times, the web site stops
responding, and in the Apache logs, we see this:
[Wed Feb 10 09:02:49 2010] [error] (70007)The timeout specified has
expired: ajp_ilink_receive() can't receive header
We'll see lots of these around that time, and, eventually, after 20
minutes or so, web site works again. Sometimes, it's during the day,
other times, it's at low volume times at night.
I've looked at various other sites referencing that message, and tried
some of the suggestions, to no avail. So far, that includes upping
some thread limits and specifying retry=0 or 2 on the ajp proxypass
Not sure if this might be a Tomcat problem since ofbiz is using an
older 6.0.16 Tomcat. There are a lot of thread fixes since that version.
Any thoughts on how to figure out what the problem is? What might be
causing this, and, how to get around the problem?