On 10/02/2010, at 8:16 PM, Sam Hamilton wrote:
> Hey List,
> I am trying to run the tests on my local box using an updated trunk
> (r908817), but it just wont run them and fails with
> /Users/samhamilton/Sources/ofbiz/build.xml:453: Test run was unsuccessful
> I am running
> svn up
> ./ant clean-all
./ant run-install
> ./ant run-tests
> I have 2 questions:
> 1. I know that we have buildbot for compiling the code and running tests
> but I cant find what tests its running agaist the code (does it run
> ./ant run-tests)?
Yes it runs ant run-tests after ant run-install on a fresh checkout
> 2. Why would the tests fail on my local machine against an unmodified
> copy of trunk but not on the buildbot?
You need to create and populate the database first, run-tests doesn't do it because you are supposed to be able to run the tests repeatedly on the same db (even if in practice it isn't perfect)
> Cheers
> Sam