Automated routing to fixed machine assets

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Automated routing to fixed machine assets

Hello Everyone,
I would like to automatically assign fixed assets (machine tools on a
production line) to production runs. The way ofbiz seems to be setup
requires that someone manually assign everything that gets made through the


Both I and a colleague have looked through the docs and there isnt an
obvious way to do this.
Is there anyway to automatically assign fixed assets to production runs? Is
there a better way to handle this?

Many thanks for your input

Todd Burdeinei
Web Developer
Burdeinei Corp
702-259-3273 office / fax number
702-372-9920 cell
[hidden email]
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Re: Automated routing to fixed machine assets

BJ Freeman
Hash: SHA1

Ofbiz has provided the framework for this. It would be up to a developer
to add this functionality.
you can use web tools to import routing info like was done for 10695
if you want to contribute back to the community:
and a tutorial

Todd Burdeinei sent the following on 12/23/2008 11:02 AM:

> Hello Everyone,
> I would like to automatically assign fixed assets (machine tools on a
> production line) to production runs. The way ofbiz seems to be setup
> requires that someone manually assign everything that gets made through the
> system.
> /manufacturing/control/ProductionRunFixedAssets?productionRunId=10695
> Both I and a colleague have looked through the docs and there isnt an
> obvious way to do this.
> Is there anyway to automatically assign fixed assets to production runs? Is
> there a better way to handle this?
> Many thanks for your input
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