use entity-view to create you data.
you can do this in code or make a static one in your entitydef folder
this is a csv file so the excel your using you need to open and set the
default load for excel.
the other suggestion is to force a excel time format.
if you export as an excel using PIO then you can control this.
nalin chandra sent the following on 10/24/2008 10:20 AM:
> how we generate the CSV report.
> In CSV reporting i have 2 problem
> first:-
> how to export the data from two different list
> <form name="VisitStatsExport" type="list" list-name="visitList"
> odd-row-style="alternate-row" default-table-style="basic-table
> hover-bar">
> <field name="visitId" title="Visit Id"><display/></field>
> <field name="separator0" title=","><display
> description=","/></field>
> <field name="quot0" title="""><display
> description="""/></field>
> <field name="visitorId" title="Visitor Id"><display/></field>
> <field name="quot1" title="""><display
> description="""/></field>
> </form>
> here we can use only one list.
> second:-
> when we export the data in the Excel Sheet date field is not display
> properly. It display only time so there is need to change the field format
> for that column. but if i remove the
> <field name="separator0" title=","><display description=","/></field>
> field it display completely but then separator is remove from there.
> So please help me if any one have solution.
> Thankyou