Cache maintenance and labels refreshing

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Cache maintenance and labels refreshing

Jacques Le Roux

As I'm sure not everybody noticed the change introduced by OFBIZ-11161 regarding Cache maintenance and labels refreshing here is a notice.

As mentioned Mathieu:

    <<OK let me recap what *"gradlew --continuous*" is supposed to achieve.

    When moving to a "location independent resources" world, things has to be shipped inside ofbiz.jar. From the Gradle perspective this means that
    resources (including "*Labels.xml" files) needs to be copied inside the "build" directory where class files are written before running OFBiz (this
    corresponds to the :classes target) .

    When running gradlew ofbiz or gradlew run the "*Labels.xml" resources are retrieved from the classpath which point to the "build" directory not
    the source directory. This means that when editing the Labels.xml file from the source directory, this has no effect on the one accessible via

    To achieve pseudo hot reload of label resources, gradlew --continuous watches the source directory for every file change and automatically
    regenerate the "build" directory according what has changed in the source directory. So each time you save a "*Labels.xml" file from the source
    directory, it should trigger a rebuild.>>



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Re: Cache maintenance and labels refreshing

Pawan Verma
Thanks, Jacques and Mathieu for the nice explanation. Much appreciated!
Thanks & Regards
Pawan Verma
Technical Consultant
*HotWax Systems*
*Enterprise open source experts*