Please read,Category,ProductSetupcatalogCategoryProductSetupJacques
Le 22/12/2014 14:38, Ejaz Ahmed a écrit :
> Hi All,
> I have few questions related to Catalog manager categories.
> Q1: If I go to Edit catalog screen and then category tab, there are five fields in the lower form labeled as "Add a category to this catalog . . .". The second field has label "Product Catalog Category Type" and a dropdown populated with various values with following convention i.e Admin Allow (One) and few categories with Many in the braces. The first part is category type. What is the second part in braces (One, Many).
> Q2. There are several categories populated with demo data such as Admin Allow (One), Ebay Root (One) etc. Most of the names are self explanatory but I have confusion in three names. These are:
> 1. Admin Allow (One)
> 2. Purchase Allow (One)
> 3 View Allow (One)
> Can some one explain these categories to me?
> Q3. In Create Catalog screen, there two boolean fields:
> 1. Permission required to add product to "ViewAllow" category
> 2. Permission required to add product to "PurchaseAllow" category
> If these are set to "Y", does this mean no permissions will be required to add products in this particular catalog in categories "ViewAllow" and "PurchaseAllow"? What are the significances of this permission?
> Regards:
> Ejaz Ahmed