Thanks so much David and other PMC members - your step in this direction is
truly appreciated!
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:12 AM, David E Jones <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Previously the practice in ofbiz was that new committers did not have
> access to the framework and certain other parts of the ofbiz SVN tree. The
> PMC has voted on a change so that all committers have full access to the
> ofbiz SVN tree, including the site, trunk, branches, and everything
> underneath them.
> With this change it is even more important that everyone request a review
> of their changes BEFORE committing if it is an area of the project that you
> are not familiar with, be it in the framework or in any part of the
> applications or anywhere else.
> This change has now been made, so all committers now have full write access
> to the ofbiz tree of the SVN repo.
> Enjoy... but not too much! ;)
> -David