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Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

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Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Adrian Crum-2
925 posts
I'm starting this thread in response to Jacques' suggestion that we discuss date/time calculations, the UtilDateTime class, and whether or not older methods in that class should be deprecated.

Anyone wanting to follow along or participate in the discussion should start off by visiting these links:


Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone and locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's locale and time zone. This caused problems for international users - as the previous links point out.

The source of the problem was the UtilDateTime class, and Vinay Agarwal was the first developer to address the issue - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2. The UtilDateTime class was updated in June 2007 to support the use of locales and time zones in date/time calculations. Soon afterwards the framework was changed to accomodate a user-selected time zone - the user's java.util.TimeZone object is now available in the service context, the session, and in the screen rendering context. In addition, the user's last time zone selection is persisted.

Once all of the infrastructure was in place to support a user-selected time zone, I worked on the Work Effort calendar to support the new capability. That work was committed to the project in August 2007. It's important for this discussion that the international community visit this link:


and spend some time experimenting with various time zones and locales. This is important because the server is located in the central US, and yet the calendar always presents date/time data according to the user's locale and time zone selections. The Work Effort calendar is a perfect demonstration of the concepts presented by IBM and the java community. The success of this effort was due to using only the newer methods in UtilDateTime, and eliminating all calls to the older methods.

With a successful working example of the new UtilDateTime methods, the question comes up: Should we keep the older methods that ignore the user's time zone and locale? My answer is No. As long as those methods remain in the class, lazy developers will try to use them. A perfect example is the commit in rev 586582 and the storm of controversy that erupted from it.

I submitted a patch to deprecate the UtilDateTime methods that ignore the user's locale and time zone - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1361. That patch is being challenged based upon the notion that the older methods will always be useful. I don't agree with that view. Here's why:

Now that we have the capability to better internationalize OFBiz, we should make efforts to do so. All of OFBiz should make use of the new UtilDateTime methods so that the user is presented with consistent date/time data. There will be places in OFBiz that will have exceptions - places where the server's locale and time zone are preferred. Let's use the Webtools component for an example. If Webtools is intended to display date/time data in the server's time zone and locale, then that component can construct its own TimeZone and Locale objects to be passed to the new methods. The bottom line is, if the older methods didn't exist, there would still be ways to achieve the same results.

It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older methods, they should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that they shouldn't be used. Well, if they shouldn't be used, then why keep them?

To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for developers to stop using them. Backwards compatibility can be achieved by supplying some form of default objects to the new methods.

From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older methods is an argument against internationalization.


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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Tim Ruppert
1151 posts
Adrian, first of all, I want to thank you for putting all of this information in one place.  it's a great thing for people to be able to see your thought patterns and understand how all of this fits together.

Here are my pros and cons with what you're saying here:

Pros:  You are bettering the project with more consistent and reproduceable methods and procedures being put in.

Cons: This removes backwards compatibility and for those of us that don't have one single application to keep track of - but instead have a large number - this can be a costly modification to make.

So, what I'm saying here is that while I believe that the work that you are doing here is a great win for the project overall, I do not agree with breaking backwards compatibility to get there.  Leave the other ones in place - deprecate them for all I care, but don't go around breaking things that aren't broken for other people.

And no - I don't agree with your "leave no room for discussion" stance on if you don't go with what you're saying here you're against internationalization.  What I do think is that if people decided not to use the methods that provide strong Locale and TimeZone dependence, then they open themselves up to running into issues that they could've avoided.  

This is not a new project and these things are not new concepts - they evolve and get better - but I see no reason to remove the other methods at this point - deprecate them, document them, and put the information explicitly in the Best Practices manual.  

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Oct 27, 2007, at 2:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

I'm starting this thread in response to Jacques' suggestion that we discuss date/time calculations, the UtilDateTime class, and whether or not older methods in that class should be deprecated.

Anyone wanting to follow along or participate in the discussion should start off by visiting these links:

Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone and locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's locale and time zone. This caused problems for international users - as the previous links point out.

The source of the problem was the UtilDateTime class, and Vinay Agarwal was the first developer to address the issue - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2. The UtilDateTime class was updated in June 2007 to support the use of locales and time zones in date/time calculations. Soon afterwards the framework was changed to accomodate a user-selected time zone - the user's java.util.TimeZone object is now available in the service context, the session, and in the screen rendering context. In addition, the user's last time zone selection is persisted.

Once all of the infrastructure was in place to support a user-selected time zone, I worked on the Work Effort calendar to support the new capability. That work was committed to the project in August 2007. It's important for this discussion that the international community visit this link:

and spend some time experimenting with various time zones and locales. This is important because the server is located in the central US, and yet the calendar always presents date/time data according to the user's locale and time zone selections. The Work Effort calendar is a perfect demonstration of the concepts presented by IBM and the java community. The success of this effort was due to using only the newer methods in UtilDateTime, and eliminating all calls to the older methods.

With a successful working example of the new UtilDateTime methods, the question comes up: Should we keep the older methods that ignore the user's time zone and locale? My answer is No. As long as those methods remain in the class, lazy developers will try to use them. A perfect example is the commit in rev 586582 and the storm of controversy that erupted from it.

I submitted a patch to deprecate the UtilDateTime methods that ignore the user's locale and time zone - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1361. That patch is being challenged based upon the notion that the older methods will always be useful. I don't agree with that view. Here's why:

Now that we have the capability to better internationalize OFBiz, we should make efforts to do so. All of OFBiz should make use of the new UtilDateTime methods so that the user is presented with consistent date/time data. There will be places in OFBiz that will have exceptions - places where the server's locale and time zone are preferred. Let's use the Webtools component for an example. If Webtools is intended to display date/time data in the server's time zone and locale, then that component can construct its own TimeZone and Locale objects to be passed to the new methods. The bottom line is, if the older methods didn't exist, there would still be ways to achieve the same results.

It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older methods, they should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that they shouldn't be used. Well, if they shouldn't be used, then why keep them?

To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for developers to stop using them. Backwards compatibility can be achieved by supplying some form of default objects to the new methods.

From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older methods is an argument against internationalization.


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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Adrian Crum-2
925 posts
Tim Ruppert <[hidden email]> wrote:And no - I don't agree with your "leave no room for discussion" stance on if you don't go with what you're saying here you're against internationalization.  What I do think is that if people decided not to use the methods that provide strong Locale and TimeZone dependence, then they open themselves up to running into issues that they could've avoided.

I agree with you here. I should have worded that sentence better - "From my perspective, any argument against deprecating the older methods is an argument against internationalization."

I'm all for making this a gradual transition. That sentence was intended to address the notion that the older methods will always be useful.


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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Jacques Le Roux
17869 posts
In reply to this post by Tim Ruppert
Tim, Adrian, all,

Thanks to Adrian, things are much more clear now and nobody (reading this ML) can argue that he/her was not aware.

It seems that we got common ground now. I'm quite happy with that. I can help to document and deprecate (which does not mean remove) if needed...

It should be noted that even in Java very old deprecated method still stands. Backwards compatibility is something we can't seriously ignore.


De : "Adrian Crum" <[hidden email]>
> Tim Ruppert <[hidden email]> wrote:And no - I don't agree with your "leave no room for discussion" stance on if you don't go with what you're saying here you're against internationalization.  What I do think is that if people decided not to use the methods that provide strong Locale and TimeZone dependence, then they open themselves up to running into issues that they could've avoided.
> I agree with you here. I should have worded that sentence better - "From my perspective, any argument against deprecating the older methods is an argument against internationalization."
> I'm all for making this a gradual transition. That sentence was intended to address the notion that the older methods will always be useful.
> -Adrian
  ----- Message d'origine -----
  De : Tim Ruppert
  À : [hidden email]
  Envoyé : samedi 27 octobre 2007 22:44
  Objet : Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

  Adrian, first of all, I want to thank you for putting all of this information in one place.  it's a great thing for people to be able to see your thought patterns and understand how all of this fits together.

  Here are my pros and cons with what you're saying here:

  Pros:  You are bettering the project with more consistent and reproduceable methods and procedures being put in.

  Cons: This removes backwards compatibility and for those of us that don't have one single application to keep track of - but instead have a large number - this can be a costly modification to make.

  So, what I'm saying here is that while I believe that the work that you are doing here is a great win for the project overall, I do not agree with breaking backwards compatibility to get there.  Leave the other ones in place - deprecate them for all I care, but don't go around breaking things that aren't broken for other people.

  And no - I don't agree with your "leave no room for discussion" stance on if you don't go with what you're saying here you're against internationalization.  What I do think is that if people decided not to use the methods that provide strong Locale and TimeZone dependence, then they open themselves up to running into issues that they could've avoided.  

  This is not a new project and these things are not new concepts - they evolve and get better - but I see no reason to remove the other methods at this point - deprecate them, document them, and put the information explicitly in the Best Practices manual.  

  Tim Ruppert
  HotWax Media


  On Oct 27, 2007, at 2:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

    I'm starting this thread in response to Jacques' suggestion that we discuss date/time calculations, the UtilDateTime class, and whether or not older methods in that class should be deprecated.

    Anyone wanting to follow along or participate in the discussion should start off by visiting these links:


    Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone and locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's locale and time zone. This caused problems for international users - as the previous links point out.

    The source of the problem was the UtilDateTime class, and Vinay Agarwal was the first developer to address the issue - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2. The UtilDateTime class was updated in June 2007 to support the use of locales and time zones in date/time calculations. Soon afterwards the framework was changed to accomodate a user-selected time zone - the user's java.util.TimeZone object is now available in the service context, the session, and in the screen rendering context. In addition, the user's last time zone selection is persisted.

    Once all of the infrastructure was in place to support a user-selected time zone, I worked on the Work Effort calendar to support the new capability. That work was committed to the project in August 2007. It's important for this discussion that the international community visit this link:


    and spend some time experimenting with various time zones and locales. This is important because the server is located in the central US, and yet the calendar always presents date/time data according to the user's locale and time zone selections. The Work Effort calendar is a perfect demonstration of the concepts presented by IBM and the java community. The success of this effort was due to using only the newer methods in UtilDateTime, and eliminating all calls to the older methods.

    With a successful working example of the new UtilDateTime methods, the question comes up: Should we keep the older methods that ignore the user's time zone and locale? My answer is No. As long as those methods remain in the class, lazy developers will try to use them. A perfect example is the commit in rev 586582 and the storm of controversy that erupted from it.

    I submitted a patch to deprecate the UtilDateTime methods that ignore the user's locale and time zone - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1361. That patch is being challenged based upon the notion that the older methods will always be useful. I don't agree with that view. Here's why:

    Now that we have the capability to better internationalize OFBiz, we should make efforts to do so. All of OFBiz should make use of the new UtilDateTime methods so that the user is presented with consistent date/time data. There will be places in OFBiz that will have exceptions - places where the server's locale and time zone are preferred. Let's use the Webtools component for an example. If Webtools is intended to display date/time data in the server's time zone and locale, then that component can construct its own TimeZone and Locale objects to be passed to the new methods. The bottom line is, if the older methods didn't exist, there would still be ways to achieve the same results.

    It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older methods, they should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that they shouldn't be used. Well, if they shouldn't be used, then why keep them?

    To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for developers to stop using them. Backwards compatibility can be achieved by supplying some form of default objects to the new methods.

    From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older methods is an argument against internationalization.


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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Scott Gray
986 posts
I wouldn't look at doing anything this weekend, there will probably be
arguments against deprecation as well, best to wait for those to be


On 28/10/2007, Jacques Le Roux <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Tim, Adrian, all,
> Thanks to Adrian, things are much more clear now and nobody (reading this ML) can argue that he/her was not aware.
> It seems that we got common ground now. I'm quite happy with that. I can help to document and deprecate (which does not mean remove) if needed...
> It should be noted that even in Java very old deprecated method still stands. Backwards compatibility is something we can't seriously ignore.
> Jacques
> De : "Adrian Crum" <[hidden email]>
> > Tim Ruppert <[hidden email]> wrote:And no - I don't agree with your "leave no room for discussion" stance on if you don't go with what you're saying here you're against internationalization.  What I do think is that if people decided not to use the methods that provide strong Locale and TimeZone dependence, then they open themselves up to running into issues that they could've avoided.
> >
> >
> > I agree with you here. I should have worded that sentence better - "From my perspective, any argument against deprecating the older methods is an argument against internationalization."
> >
> > I'm all for making this a gradual transition. That sentence was intended to address the notion that the older methods will always be useful.
> >
> > -Adrian
>   ----- Message d'origine -----
>   De : Tim Ruppert
>   À : [hidden email]
>   Envoyé : samedi 27 octobre 2007 22:44
>   Objet : Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class
>   Adrian, first of all, I want to thank you for putting all of this information in one place.  it's a great thing for people to be able to see your thought patterns and understand how all of this fits together.
>   Here are my pros and cons with what you're saying here:
>   Pros:  You are bettering the project with more consistent and reproduceable methods and procedures being put in.
>   Cons: This removes backwards compatibility and for those of us that don't have one single application to keep track of - but instead have a large number - this can be a costly modification to make.
>   So, what I'm saying here is that while I believe that the work that you are doing here is a great win for the project overall, I do not agree with breaking backwards compatibility to get there.  Leave the other ones in place - deprecate them for all I care, but don't go around breaking things that aren't broken for other people.
>   And no - I don't agree with your "leave no room for discussion" stance on if you don't go with what you're saying here you're against internationalization.  What I do think is that if people decided not to use the methods that provide strong Locale and TimeZone dependence, then they open themselves up to running into issues that they could've avoided.
>   This is not a new project and these things are not new concepts - they evolve and get better - but I see no reason to remove the other methods at this point - deprecate them, document them, and put the information explicitly in the Best Practices manual.
>   Cheers,
>   Tim
>   --
>   Tim Ruppert
>   HotWax Media
>   http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
>   o:801.649.6594
>   f:801.649.6595
>   On Oct 27, 2007, at 2:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>     I'm starting this thread in response to Jacques' suggestion that we discuss date/time calculations, the UtilDateTime class, and whether or not older methods in that class should be deprecated.
>     Anyone wanting to follow along or participate in the discussion should start off by visiting these links:
>     http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/06/05/java_calendar.html
>     http://www.icu-project.org/docs/papers/international_calendars_in_java.html
>     http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-i18n.html#N1019D
>     Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone and locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's locale and time zone. This caused problems for international users - as the previous links point out.
>     The source of the problem was the UtilDateTime class, and Vinay Agarwal was the first developer to address the issue - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2. The UtilDateTime class was updated in June 2007 to support the use of locales and time zones in date/time calculations. Soon afterwards the framework was changed to accomodate a user-selected time zone - the user's java.util.TimeZone object is now available in the service context, the session, and in the screen rendering context. In addition, the user's last time zone selection is persisted.
>     Once all of the infrastructure was in place to support a user-selected time zone, I worked on the Work Effort calendar to support the new capability. That work was committed to the project in August 2007. It's important for this discussion that the international community visit this link:
>     https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/workeffort/control/month
>     and spend some time experimenting with various time zones and locales. This is important because the server is located in the central US, and yet the calendar always presents date/time data according to the user's locale and time zone selections. The Work Effort calendar is a perfect demonstration of the concepts presented by IBM and the java community. The success of this effort was due to using only the newer methods in UtilDateTime, and eliminating all calls to the older methods.
>     With a successful working example of the new UtilDateTime methods, the question comes up: Should we keep the older methods that ignore the user's time zone and locale? My answer is No. As long as those methods remain in the class, lazy developers will try to use them. A perfect example is the commit in rev 586582 and the storm of controversy that erupted from it.
>     I submitted a patch to deprecate the UtilDateTime methods that ignore the user's locale and time zone - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1361. That patch is being challenged based upon the notion that the older methods will always be useful. I don't agree with that view. Here's why:
>     Now that we have the capability to better internationalize OFBiz, we should make efforts to do so. All of OFBiz should make use of the new UtilDateTime methods so that the user is presented with consistent date/time data. There will be places in OFBiz that will have exceptions - places where the server's locale and time zone are preferred. Let's use the Webtools component for an example. If Webtools is intended to display date/time data in the server's time zone and locale, then that component can construct its own TimeZone and Locale objects to be passed to the new methods. The bottom line is, if the older methods didn't exist, there would still be ways to achieve the same results.
>     It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older methods, they should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that they shouldn't be used. Well, if they shouldn't be used, then why keep them?
>     To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for developers to stop using them. Backwards compatibility can be achieved by supplying some form of default objects to the new methods.
>     From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older methods is an argument against internationalization.
>     -Adrian
>      __________________________________________________
>     Do You Yahoo!?
>     Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
>     http://mail.yahoo.com
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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Jacques Le Roux
17869 posts
In reply to this post by Jacques Le Roux
Sorry for my bad english : should be "even in Java very old deprecated methods still stand"

De : "Jacques Le Roux" <[hidden email]>
Tim, Adrian, all,

Thanks to Adrian, things are much more clear now and nobody (reading this ML) can argue that he/her was not aware.

It seems that we got common ground now. I'm quite happy with that. I can help to document and deprecate (which does not mean remove)
if needed...

It should be noted that even in Java very old deprecated method still stands. Backwards compatibility is something we can't
seriously ignore.


De : "Adrian Crum" <[hidden email]>
> Tim Ruppert <[hidden email]> wrote:And no - I don't agree with your "leave no room for discussion" stance on if you
don't go with what you're saying here you're against internationalization.  What I do think is that if people decided not to use the
methods that provide strong Locale and TimeZone dependence, then they open themselves up to running into issues that they could've
> I agree with you here. I should have worded that sentence better - "From my perspective, any argument against deprecating the
older methods is an argument against internationalization."
> I'm all for making this a gradual transition. That sentence was intended to address the notion that the older methods will always
be useful.
> -Adrian
  ----- Message d'origine -----
  De : Tim Ruppert
  À : [hidden email]
  Envoyé : samedi 27 octobre 2007 22:44
  Objet : Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

  Adrian, first of all, I want to thank you for putting all of this information in one place.  it's a great thing for people to be
able to see your thought patterns and understand how all of this fits together.

  Here are my pros and cons with what you're saying here:

  Pros:  You are bettering the project with more consistent and reproduceable methods and procedures being put in.

  Cons: This removes backwards compatibility and for those of us that don't have one single application to keep track of - but
instead have a large number - this can be a costly modification to make.

  So, what I'm saying here is that while I believe that the work that you are doing here is a great win for the project overall, I
do not agree with breaking backwards compatibility to get there.  Leave the other ones in place - deprecate them for all I care, but
don't go around breaking things that aren't broken for other people.

  And no - I don't agree with your "leave no room for discussion" stance on if you don't go with what you're saying here you're
against internationalization.  What I do think is that if people decided not to use the methods that provide strong Locale and
TimeZone dependence, then they open themselves up to running into issues that they could've avoided.

  This is not a new project and these things are not new concepts - they evolve and get better - but I see no reason to remove the
other methods at this point - deprecate them, document them, and put the information explicitly in the Best Practices manual.

  Tim Ruppert
  HotWax Media


  On Oct 27, 2007, at 2:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

    I'm starting this thread in response to Jacques' suggestion that we discuss date/time calculations, the UtilDateTime class, and
whether or not older methods in that class should be deprecated.

    Anyone wanting to follow along or participate in the discussion should start off by visiting these links:


    Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone
and locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's locale and time zone. This caused problems for international
users - as the previous links point out.

    The source of the problem was the UtilDateTime class, and Vinay Agarwal was the first developer to address the issue -
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2. The UtilDateTime class was updated in June 2007 to support the use of locales and
time zones in date/time calculations. Soon afterwards the framework was changed to accomodate a user-selected time zone - the user's
java.util.TimeZone object is now available in the service context, the session, and in the screen rendering context. In addition,
the user's last time zone selection is persisted.

    Once all of the infrastructure was in place to support a user-selected time zone, I worked on the Work Effort calendar to
support the new capability. That work was committed to the project in August 2007. It's important for this discussion that the
international community visit this link:


    and spend some time experimenting with various time zones and locales. This is important because the server is located in the
central US, and yet the calendar always presents date/time data according to the user's locale and time zone selections. The Work
Effort calendar is a perfect demonstration of the concepts presented by IBM and the java community. The success of this effort was
due to using only the newer methods in UtilDateTime, and eliminating all calls to the older methods.

    With a successful working example of the new UtilDateTime methods, the question comes up: Should we keep the older methods that
ignore the user's time zone and locale? My answer is No. As long as those methods remain in the class, lazy developers will try to
use them. A perfect example is the commit in rev 586582 and the storm of controversy that erupted from it.

    I submitted a patch to deprecate the UtilDateTime methods that ignore the user's locale and time zone -
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1361. That patch is being challenged based upon the notion that the older methods will
always be useful. I don't agree with that view. Here's why:

    Now that we have the capability to better internationalize OFBiz, we should make efforts to do so. All of OFBiz should make use
of the new UtilDateTime methods so that the user is presented with consistent date/time data. There will be places in OFBiz that
will have exceptions - places where the server's locale and time zone are preferred. Let's use the Webtools component for an
example. If Webtools is intended to display date/time data in the server's time zone and locale, then that component can construct
its own TimeZone and Locale objects to be passed to the new methods. The bottom line is, if the older methods didn't exist, there
would still be ways to achieve the same results.

    It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older methods, they should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that they
shouldn't be used. Well, if they shouldn't be used, then why keep them?

    To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for developers to stop using them. Backwards compatibility can be
achieved by supplying some form of default objects to the new methods.

    From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older methods is an argument against internationalization.


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    Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Jacques Le Roux
17869 posts
In reply to this post by Scott Gray
Wise advice :o)


De : "Scott Gray" <[hidden email]>

> I wouldn't look at doing anything this weekend, there will probably be
> arguments against deprecation as well, best to wait for those to be
> heard.
> Scott
> On 28/10/2007, Jacques Le Roux <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > Tim, Adrian, all,
> >
> > Thanks to Adrian, things are much more clear now and nobody (reading this ML) can argue that he/her was not aware.
> >
> > It seems that we got common ground now. I'm quite happy with that. I can help to document and deprecate (which does not mean
remove) if needed...
> >
> > It should be noted that even in Java very old deprecated method still stands. Backwards compatibility is something we can't
seriously ignore.
> >
> > Jacques
> >
> > De : "Adrian Crum" <[hidden email]>
> > > Tim Ruppert <[hidden email]> wrote:And no - I don't agree with your "leave no room for discussion" stance on if
you don't go with what you're saying here you're against internationalization.  What I do think is that if people decided not to use
the methods that provide strong Locale and TimeZone dependence, then they open themselves up to running into issues that they
could've avoided.
> > >
> > >
> > > I agree with you here. I should have worded that sentence better - "From my perspective, any argument against deprecating the
older methods is an argument against internationalization."
> > >
> > > I'm all for making this a gradual transition. That sentence was intended to address the notion that the older methods will
always be useful.

> > >
> > > -Adrian
> >   ----- Message d'origine -----
> >   De : Tim Ruppert
> >   À : [hidden email]
> >   Envoyé : samedi 27 octobre 2007 22:44
> >   Objet : Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class
> >
> >
> >   Adrian, first of all, I want to thank you for putting all of this information in one place.  it's a great thing for people to
be able to see your thought patterns and understand how all of this fits together.
> >
> >
> >   Here are my pros and cons with what you're saying here:
> >
> >
> >   Pros:  You are bettering the project with more consistent and reproduceable methods and procedures being put in.
> >
> >
> >   Cons: This removes backwards compatibility and for those of us that don't have one single application to keep track of - but
instead have a large number - this can be a costly modification to make.
> >
> >
> >   So, what I'm saying here is that while I believe that the work that you are doing here is a great win for the project overall,
I do not agree with breaking backwards compatibility to get there.  Leave the other ones in place - deprecate them for all I care,
but don't go around breaking things that aren't broken for other people.
> >
> >
> >   And no - I don't agree with your "leave no room for discussion" stance on if you don't go with what you're saying here you're
against internationalization.  What I do think is that if people decided not to use the methods that provide strong Locale and
TimeZone dependence, then they open themselves up to running into issues that they could've avoided.
> >
> >
> >   This is not a new project and these things are not new concepts - they evolve and get better - but I see no reason to remove
the other methods at this point - deprecate them, document them, and put the information explicitly in the Best Practices manual.

> >
> >
> >   Cheers,
> >   Tim
> >   --
> >   Tim Ruppert
> >   HotWax Media
> >   http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
> >
> >
> >   o:801.649.6594
> >   f:801.649.6595
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >   On Oct 27, 2007, at 2:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
> >
> >
> >     I'm starting this thread in response to Jacques' suggestion that we discuss date/time calculations, the UtilDateTime class,
and whether or not older methods in that class should be deprecated.

> >
> >
> >     Anyone wanting to follow along or participate in the discussion should start off by visiting these links:
> >
> >
> >     http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/06/05/java_calendar.html
> >     http://www.icu-project.org/docs/papers/international_calendars_in_java.html
> >     http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-i18n.html#N1019D
> >
> >
> >     Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time
zone and locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's locale and time zone. This caused problems for
international users - as the previous links point out.
> >
> >
> >     The source of the problem was the UtilDateTime class, and Vinay Agarwal was the first developer to address the issue -
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2. The UtilDateTime class was updated in June 2007 to support the use of locales and
time zones in date/time calculations. Soon afterwards the framework was changed to accomodate a user-selected time zone - the user's
java.util.TimeZone object is now available in the service context, the session, and in the screen rendering context. In addition,
the user's last time zone selection is persisted.
> >
> >
> >     Once all of the infrastructure was in place to support a user-selected time zone, I worked on the Work Effort calendar to
support the new capability. That work was committed to the project in August 2007. It's important for this discussion that the
international community visit this link:
> >
> >
> >     https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/workeffort/control/month
> >
> >
> >     and spend some time experimenting with various time zones and locales. This is important because the server is located in
the central US, and yet the calendar always presents date/time data according to the user's locale and time zone selections. The
Work Effort calendar is a perfect demonstration of the concepts presented by IBM and the java community. The success of this effort
was due to using only the newer methods in UtilDateTime, and eliminating all calls to the older methods.
> >
> >
> >     With a successful working example of the new UtilDateTime methods, the question comes up: Should we keep the older methods
that ignore the user's time zone and locale? My answer is No. As long as those methods remain in the class, lazy developers will try
to use them. A perfect example is the commit in rev 586582 and the storm of controversy that erupted from it.
> >
> >
> >     I submitted a patch to deprecate the UtilDateTime methods that ignore the user's locale and time zone -
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1361. That patch is being challenged based upon the notion that the older methods will
always be useful. I don't agree with that view. Here's why:
> >
> >
> >     Now that we have the capability to better internationalize OFBiz, we should make efforts to do so. All of OFBiz should make
use of the new UtilDateTime methods so that the user is presented with consistent date/time data. There will be places in OFBiz that
will have exceptions - places where the server's locale and time zone are preferred. Let's use the Webtools component for an
example. If Webtools is intended to display date/time data in the server's time zone and locale, then that component can construct
its own TimeZone and Locale objects to be passed to the new methods. The bottom line is, if the older methods didn't exist, there
would still be ways to achieve the same results.
> >
> >
> >     It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older methods, they should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that
they shouldn't be used. Well, if they shouldn't be used, then why keep them?
> >
> >
> >     To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for developers to stop using them. Backwards compatibility can
be achieved by supplying some form of default objects to the new methods.

> >
> >
> >     From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older methods is an argument against internationalization.
> >
> >
> >     -Adrian
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >      __________________________________________________
> >     Do You Yahoo!?
> >     Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> >     http://mail.yahoo.com
> >
> >

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

707 posts
In reply to this post by Jacques Le Roux
 >> I'm all for making this a gradual transition. That sentence was intended to
 >> address the notion that the older methods will always be useful.

The gradual transition isn't to be done by the OFBiz project team. It's to be done by owners of
older projects based on older methods in OFBiz. Give those folks some time to change.

As far as OFBiz is concerned, the transition is instant. Or rather, as instant as the time it
takes for OFBiz to completely move away from the older methods (could be 1-2 days?). As we can
see, even OFBiz itself needs time to move. We can't possibly shut down OFBiz SVN and development
for those 2 days while OFBiz makes the move.

 > Leave the other ones in place - deprecate them for all I care, but don't go
 > around breaking things that aren't broken for other people.

For those projects that don't care about timezone or locale (say those that are only ever accessed
from one location), things really aren't broken. It just means those projects cannot be ported
over for international access.

 > Should we keep the older methods that ignore the user's time zone and locale?
 > My answer is No. As long as those methods remain in the class, lazy
 > developers will try to use them. A perfect example is the commit in rev
 > 586582 and the storm of controversy that erupted from it.

I still wonder why many Java developers don't pay attention to warning messages from the java
compiler. We should make it a point to note the deprecation warnings.

Well, ok, the 2 things to weigh may be these. Are there more lazy OFBiz committers (who ignore
deprecation warnings) now than there are old projects (that rely on older methods) out there?

Given the assumption that OFBiz is globally used, and we don't exactly know the full extent of its
adoption worldwide, I would guess backward compatibility is more important. It could be easier to
fix our lazy attitudes towards deprecation warnings, than to fix the multitude of deployed
implementations out there.

 > It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older methods, they
 > should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that they shouldn't be used. Well,
 > if they shouldn't be used, then why keep them?

Because for older projects that rely on those old methods (even before the new ones came in),
there would be some costs in change propagation, fantastic documentation notwithstanding.

Deprecation must be done if those old methods are meant to be superseded by the new ones. Javadocs
alone won't help. I rely a lot on deprecation warnings.

 > To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for developers to
 > stop using them. Backwards compatibility can be achieved by supplying some
 > form of default objects to the new methods.

That isn't true backward compatibility. As long as old projects need to be changed, not merely
recompiled, then things are simply not backward compatible.

The old methods' implementation can be changed to point to and use the new methods. But the old
method signatures and behaviors must remain for true backward compatibility.

 > From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older methods is
 > an argument against internationalization.

I have no arguments against the new methods.


Jacques Le Roux wrote:

> Sorry for my bad english : should be "even in Java very old deprecated methods still stand"
> De : "Jacques Le Roux" <[hidden email]>
> Tim, Adrian, all,
> Thanks to Adrian, things are much more clear now and nobody (reading this ML) can argue that he/her was not aware.
> It seems that we got common ground now. I'm quite happy with that. I can help to document and deprecate (which does not mean remove)
> if needed...
> It should be noted that even in Java very old deprecated method still stands. Backwards compatibility is something we can't
> seriously ignore.
> Jacques
> De : "Adrian Crum" <[hidden email]>
>> Tim Ruppert <[hidden email]> wrote:And no - I don't agree with your "leave no room for discussion" stance on if you
> don't go with what you're saying here you're against internationalization.  What I do think is that if people decided not to use the
> methods that provide strong Locale and TimeZone dependence, then they open themselves up to running into issues that they could've
> avoided.
>> I agree with you here. I should have worded that sentence better - "From my perspective, any argument against deprecating the
> older methods is an argument against internationalization."
>> I'm all for making this a gradual transition. That sentence was intended to address the notion that the older methods will always
> be useful.
>> -Adrian
>   ----- Message d'origine -----
>   De : Tim Ruppert
>   À : [hidden email]
>   Envoyé : samedi 27 octobre 2007 22:44
>   Objet : Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class
>   Adrian, first of all, I want to thank you for putting all of this information in one place.  it's a great thing for people to be
> able to see your thought patterns and understand how all of this fits together.
>   Here are my pros and cons with what you're saying here:
>   Pros:  You are bettering the project with more consistent and reproduceable methods and procedures being put in.
>   Cons: This removes backwards compatibility and for those of us that don't have one single application to keep track of - but
> instead have a large number - this can be a costly modification to make.
>   So, what I'm saying here is that while I believe that the work that you are doing here is a great win for the project overall, I
> do not agree with breaking backwards compatibility to get there.  Leave the other ones in place - deprecate them for all I care, but
> don't go around breaking things that aren't broken for other people.
>   And no - I don't agree with your "leave no room for discussion" stance on if you don't go with what you're saying here you're
> against internationalization.  What I do think is that if people decided not to use the methods that provide strong Locale and
> TimeZone dependence, then they open themselves up to running into issues that they could've avoided.
>   This is not a new project and these things are not new concepts - they evolve and get better - but I see no reason to remove the
> other methods at this point - deprecate them, document them, and put the information explicitly in the Best Practices manual.
>   Cheers,
>   Tim
>   --
>   Tim Ruppert
>   HotWax Media
>   http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
>   o:801.649.6594
>   f:801.649.6595
>   On Oct 27, 2007, at 2:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>     I'm starting this thread in response to Jacques' suggestion that we discuss date/time calculations, the UtilDateTime class, and
> whether or not older methods in that class should be deprecated.
>     Anyone wanting to follow along or participate in the discussion should start off by visiting these links:
>     http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/06/05/java_calendar.html
>     http://www.icu-project.org/docs/papers/international_calendars_in_java.html
>     http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-i18n.html#N1019D
>     Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone
> and locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's locale and time zone. This caused problems for international
> users - as the previous links point out.
>     The source of the problem was the UtilDateTime class, and Vinay Agarwal was the first developer to address the issue -
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2. The UtilDateTime class was updated in June 2007 to support the use of locales and
> time zones in date/time calculations. Soon afterwards the framework was changed to accomodate a user-selected time zone - the user's
> java.util.TimeZone object is now available in the service context, the session, and in the screen rendering context. In addition,
> the user's last time zone selection is persisted.
>     Once all of the infrastructure was in place to support a user-selected time zone, I worked on the Work Effort calendar to
> support the new capability. That work was committed to the project in August 2007. It's important for this discussion that the
> international community visit this link:
>     https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/workeffort/control/month
>     and spend some time experimenting with various time zones and locales. This is important because the server is located in the
> central US, and yet the calendar always presents date/time data according to the user's locale and time zone selections. The Work
> Effort calendar is a perfect demonstration of the concepts presented by IBM and the java community. The success of this effort was
> due to using only the newer methods in UtilDateTime, and eliminating all calls to the older methods.
>     With a successful working example of the new UtilDateTime methods, the question comes up: Should we keep the older methods that
> ignore the user's time zone and locale? My answer is No. As long as those methods remain in the class, lazy developers will try to
> use them. A perfect example is the commit in rev 586582 and the storm of controversy that erupted from it.
>     I submitted a patch to deprecate the UtilDateTime methods that ignore the user's locale and time zone -
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1361. That patch is being challenged based upon the notion that the older methods will
> always be useful. I don't agree with that view. Here's why:
>     Now that we have the capability to better internationalize OFBiz, we should make efforts to do so. All of OFBiz should make use
> of the new UtilDateTime methods so that the user is presented with consistent date/time data. There will be places in OFBiz that
> will have exceptions - places where the server's locale and time zone are preferred. Let's use the Webtools component for an
> example. If Webtools is intended to display date/time data in the server's time zone and locale, then that component can construct
> its own TimeZone and Locale objects to be passed to the new methods. The bottom line is, if the older methods didn't exist, there
> would still be ways to achieve the same results.
>     It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older methods, they should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that they
> shouldn't be used. Well, if they shouldn't be used, then why keep them?
>     To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for developers to stop using them. Backwards compatibility can be
> achieved by supplying some form of default objects to the new methods.
>     From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older methods is an argument against internationalization.
>     -Adrian
>      __________________________________________________
>     Do You Yahoo!?
>     Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
>     http://mail.yahoo.com

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Jacopo Cappellato
1743 posts
In reply to this post by Adrian Crum-2
First of all thanks to Adrian for his work on this area and for the passion.
I think it would greatly help if someone, maybe Adrian? :-), could post
a short message to the user list with a few small instructions for
transitioning external components to the new methods; something like this:

"if, after an upgrade, you get an error like this [...] in your custom
component, then you can fix it in the following way:
bsh: modify the UtilDateTime.adjustTimestamp(timestamp) to
UtilDateTime.adjustTimestamp(timestamp, timeZone, locale)

ftl: etc..."

Then, we can remove/deprecate/comment/uncomment/revert that new small
method... I'll let the decision to you all: I had an opinion on this,
but I had it when it was still a small issue (no OFBiz standard
application was using it)... now that it is grown to an holy war I'll do
what I can to stay out of it :-)


Adrian Crum wrote:

> I'm starting this thread in response to Jacques' suggestion that we discuss date/time calculations, the UtilDateTime class, and whether or not older methods in that class should be deprecated.
> Anyone wanting to follow along or participate in the discussion should start off by visiting these links:
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/06/05/java_calendar.html
> http://www.icu-project.org/docs/papers/international_calendars_in_java.html
> http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-i18n.html#N1019D
> Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone and locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's locale and time zone. This caused problems for international users - as the previous links point out.
> The source of the problem was the UtilDateTime class, and Vinay Agarwal was the first developer to address the issue - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2. The UtilDateTime class was updated in June 2007 to support the use of locales and time zones in date/time calculations. Soon afterwards the framework was changed to accomodate a user-selected time zone - the user's java.util.TimeZone object is now available in the service context, the session, and in the screen rendering context. In addition, the user's last time zone selection is persisted.
> Once all of the infrastructure was in place to support a user-selected time zone, I worked on the Work Effort calendar to support the new capability. That work was committed to the project in August 2007. It's important for this discussion that the international community visit this link:
> https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/workeffort/control/month
> and spend some time experimenting with various time zones and locales. This is important because the server is located in the central US, and yet the calendar always presents date/time data according to the user's locale and time zone selections. The Work Effort calendar is a perfect demonstration of the concepts presented by IBM and the java community. The success of this effort was due to using only the newer methods in UtilDateTime, and eliminating all calls to the older methods.
> With a successful working example of the new UtilDateTime methods, the question comes up: Should we keep the older methods that ignore the user's time zone and locale? My answer is No. As long as those methods remain in the class, lazy developers will try to use them. A perfect example is the commit in rev 586582 and the storm of controversy that erupted from it.
> I submitted a patch to deprecate the UtilDateTime methods that ignore the user's locale and time zone - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1361. That patch is being challenged based upon the notion that the older methods will always be useful. I don't agree with that view. Here's why:
> Now that we have the capability to better internationalize OFBiz, we should make efforts to do so. All of OFBiz should make use of the new UtilDateTime methods so that the user is presented with consistent date/time data. There will be places in OFBiz that will have exceptions - places where the server's locale and time zone are preferred. Let's use the Webtools component for an example. If Webtools is intended to display date/time data in the server's time zone and locale, then that component can construct its own TimeZone and Locale objects to be passed to the new methods. The bottom line is, if the older methods didn't exist, there would still be ways to achieve the same results.
> It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older methods, they should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that they shouldn't be used. Well, if they shouldn't be used, then why keep them?
> To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for developers to stop using them. Backwards compatibility can be achieved by supplying some form of default objects to the new methods.
>>From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older methods is an argument against internationalization.
> -Adrian
>  __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com 

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Jacques Le Roux
17869 posts
In reply to this post by jonwimp
De : "Jonathon -- Improov" <[hidden email]>
> I still wonder why many Java developers don't pay attention to warning messages from the java
> compiler. We should make it a point to note the deprecation warnings.

I guess the reason is that there are already too much of them. Then you are flooded and you don't find the time to care.

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

David E Jones
1775 posts
In reply to this post by Adrian Crum-2

Now that I've read this thread so far, all I can say is:  
well^H^H^H^Hwhy not^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hif we just^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H.

I guess I'm speechless.

Maybe we should start over?

Adrian: you might have better success stating your case in terms of  
objectives and not superlatives, without assigning motives to other  
peoples actions, and in general with the emotion taken down a few  

In doing so, you might actually have the opportunity to do the most  
wide thing I have ever experienced: seek first to understand, then to  
be understood. That is generally more productive than appeals to  
authority and assigning motive (aka the blame game).

This isn't that complex an issue, and probably the only reason it has  
escalated beyond 3-4 messages into a "holy war", as Jacopo put it, is  
a bit of failure to do the above. That that complex, just another day,  
it's happened before and it will happen again. All in all, not such a  
big deal once we don't take ourselves so seriously. Interesting that  
the "OFBiz Committers Roles and Responsibilities" document covers some  
of this same ground... and that has been there for a long time.


On Oct 27, 2007, at 2:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> I'm starting this thread in response to Jacques' suggestion that we  
> discuss date/time calculations, the UtilDateTime class, and whether  
> or not older methods in that class should be deprecated.
> Anyone wanting to follow along or participate in the discussion  
> should start off by visiting these links:
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/06/05/java_calendar.html
> http://www.icu-project.org/docs/papers/international_calendars_in_java.html
> http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-i18n.html#N1019D
> Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones into  
> the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone and locale  
> and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's locale  
> and time zone. This caused problems for international users - as the  
> previous links point out.
> The source of the problem was the UtilDateTime class, and Vinay  
> Agarwal was the first developer to address the issue - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2 
> . The UtilDateTime class was updated in June 2007 to support the use  
> of locales and time zones in date/time calculations. Soon afterwards  
> the framework was changed to accomodate a user-selected time zone -  
> the user's java.util.TimeZone object is now available in the service  
> context, the session, and in the screen rendering context. In  
> addition, the user's last time zone selection is persisted.
> Once all of the infrastructure was in place to support a user-
> selected time zone, I worked on the Work Effort calendar to support  
> the new capability. That work was committed to the project in August  
> 2007. It's important for this discussion that the international  
> community visit this link:
> https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/workeffort/control/month
> and spend some time experimenting with various time zones and  
> locales. This is important because the server is located in the  
> central US, and yet the calendar always presents date/time data  
> according to the user's locale and time zone selections. The Work  
> Effort calendar is a perfect demonstration of the concepts presented  
> by IBM and the java community. The success of this effort was due to  
> using only the newer methods in UtilDateTime, and eliminating all  
> calls to the older methods.
> With a successful working example of the new UtilDateTime methods,  
> the question comes up: Should we keep the older methods that ignore  
> the user's time zone and locale? My answer is No. As long as those  
> methods remain in the class, lazy developers will try to use them. A  
> perfect example is the commit in rev 586582 and the storm of  
> controversy that erupted from it.
> I submitted a patch to deprecate the UtilDateTime methods that  
> ignore the user's locale and time zone - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1361 
> . That patch is being challenged based upon the notion that the  
> older methods will always be useful. I don't agree with that view.  
> Here's why:
> Now that we have the capability to better internationalize OFBiz, we  
> should make efforts to do so. All of OFBiz should make use of the  
> new UtilDateTime methods so that the user is presented with  
> consistent date/time data. There will be places in OFBiz that will  
> have exceptions - places where the server's locale and time zone are  
> preferred. Let's use the Webtools component for an example. If  
> Webtools is intended to display date/time data in the server's time  
> zone and locale, then that component can construct its own TimeZone  
> and Locale objects to be passed to the new methods. The bottom line  
> is, if the older methods didn't exist, there would still be ways to  
> achieve the same results.
> It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older  
> methods, they should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that they  
> shouldn't be used. Well, if they shouldn't be used, then why keep  
> them?
> To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for  
> developers to stop using them. Backwards compatibility can be  
> achieved by supplying some form of default objects to the new methods.
> From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older  
> methods is an argument against internationalization.
> -Adrian
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

David E Jones
1775 posts

Dang it must be late... too many typos so resending this:

Now that I've read this thread so far, all I can say is:  
well^H^H^H^Hwhy not^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hif we just^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H.

I guess I'm speechless.

Maybe we should start over?

Adrian: you might have better success stating your case in terms of  
objectives and not superlatives, without assigning motives to other  
peoples actions, and in general with the emotion taken down a few  

In doing so, you might actually have the opportunity to do the most  
wise thing I have ever experienced: seek first to understand, then to  
be understood. That is generally more productive than appeals to  
authority and assigning motive (aka the blame game).

This isn't that complex an issue, and probably the only reason it has  
escalated beyond 3-4 messages into a "holy war", as Jacopo put it, is  
a bit of failure to do the above. Not that complex, just another day,  
it's happened before and it will happen again. All in all, not such a  
big deal once we don't take ourselves so seriously (as with most  
thigs). Interesting that the "OFBiz Committers Roles and  
Responsibilities" document covers some of this same ground... and that  
has been there for a long time.


On Oct 28, 2007, at 4:42 AM, David E Jones wrote:

> Now that I've read this thread so far, all I can say is:  
> well^H^H^H^Hwhy not^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hif we just^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H.
> I guess I'm speechless.
> Maybe we should start over?
> Adrian: you might have better success stating your case in terms of  
> objectives and not superlatives, without assigning motives to other  
> peoples actions, and in general with the emotion taken down a few  
> notches.
> In doing so, you might actually have the opportunity to do the most  
> wide thing I have ever experienced: seek first to understand, then  
> to be understood. That is generally more productive than appeals to  
> authority and assigning motive (aka the blame game).
> This isn't that complex an issue, and probably the only reason it  
> has escalated beyond 3-4 messages into a "holy war", as Jacopo put  
> it, is a bit of failure to do the above. That that complex, just  
> another day, it's happened before and it will happen again. All in  
> all, not such a big deal once we don't take ourselves so seriously.  
> Interesting that the "OFBiz Committers Roles and Responsibilities"  
> document covers some of this same ground... and that has been there  
> for a long time.
> -David
> On Oct 27, 2007, at 2:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>> I'm starting this thread in response to Jacques' suggestion that we  
>> discuss date/time calculations, the UtilDateTime class, and whether  
>> or not older methods in that class should be deprecated.
>> Anyone wanting to follow along or participate in the discussion  
>> should start off by visiting these links:
>> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/06/05/java_calendar.html
>> http://www.icu-project.org/docs/papers/international_calendars_in_java.html
>> http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-i18n.html#N1019D
>> Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones  
>> into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone and  
>> locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's  
>> locale and time zone. This caused problems for international users  
>> - as the previous links point out.
>> The source of the problem was the UtilDateTime class, and Vinay  
>> Agarwal was the first developer to address the issue - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2 
>> . The UtilDateTime class was updated in June 2007 to support the  
>> use of locales and time zones in date/time calculations. Soon  
>> afterwards the framework was changed to accomodate a user-selected  
>> time zone - the user's java.util.TimeZone object is now available  
>> in the service context, the session, and in the screen rendering  
>> context. In addition, the user's last time zone selection is  
>> persisted.
>> Once all of the infrastructure was in place to support a user-
>> selected time zone, I worked on the Work Effort calendar to support  
>> the new capability. That work was committed to the project in  
>> August 2007. It's important for this discussion that the  
>> international community visit this link:
>> https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/workeffort/control/month
>> and spend some time experimenting with various time zones and  
>> locales. This is important because the server is located in the  
>> central US, and yet the calendar always presents date/time data  
>> according to the user's locale and time zone selections. The Work  
>> Effort calendar is a perfect demonstration of the concepts  
>> presented by IBM and the java community. The success of this effort  
>> was due to using only the newer methods in UtilDateTime, and  
>> eliminating all calls to the older methods.
>> With a successful working example of the new UtilDateTime methods,  
>> the question comes up: Should we keep the older methods that ignore  
>> the user's time zone and locale? My answer is No. As long as those  
>> methods remain in the class, lazy developers will try to use them.  
>> A perfect example is the commit in rev 586582 and the storm of  
>> controversy that erupted from it.
>> I submitted a patch to deprecate the UtilDateTime methods that  
>> ignore the user's locale and time zone - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1361 
>> . That patch is being challenged based upon the notion that the  
>> older methods will always be useful. I don't agree with that view.  
>> Here's why:
>> Now that we have the capability to better internationalize OFBiz,  
>> we should make efforts to do so. All of OFBiz should make use of  
>> the new UtilDateTime methods so that the user is presented with  
>> consistent date/time data. There will be places in OFBiz that will  
>> have exceptions - places where the server's locale and time zone  
>> are preferred. Let's use the Webtools component for an example. If  
>> Webtools is intended to display date/time data in the server's time  
>> zone and locale, then that component can construct its own TimeZone  
>> and Locale objects to be passed to the new methods. The bottom line  
>> is, if the older methods didn't exist, there would still be ways to  
>> achieve the same results.
>> It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older  
>> methods, they should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that they  
>> shouldn't be used. Well, if they shouldn't be used, then why keep  
>> them?
>> To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for  
>> developers to stop using them. Backwards compatibility can be  
>> achieved by supplying some form of default objects to the new  
>> methods.
>> From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older  
>> methods is an argument against internationalization.
>> -Adrian
>> __________________________________________________
>> Do You Yahoo!?
>> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
>> http://mail.yahoo.com

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Jacques Le Roux
17869 posts
In reply to this post by Jacopo Cappellato
De : "Jacopo Cappellato" <[hidden email]>
> First of all thanks to Adrian for his work on this area and for the passion.
> I think it would greatly help if someone, maybe Adrian? :-), could post
> a short message to the user list with a few small instructions for
> transitioning external components to the new methods; something like this:

The point Tim raised is not much about how to do it (even if it's important) but the work it requires (I did not look but is it so
difficult ? Some find/replace on all files can't do the job ? even scripted ?).

About backward compatiblity, as Jonathon pointed out (I also refered how it's done in Java) : <<The old methods' implementation can
be changed to point to and use the new methods. But the old  method signatures and behaviors must remain for true backward
compatibility.>> On the other hand, I understand Adrian POV (project sanity) since old methods might render false results when used
by a client out of the server time zone. As long as they are documented/deprecated, there should not be major problems for new uses.
For olde code, as Jonathon pointed out, warnings are most important.

> "if, after an upgrade, you get an error like this [...] in your custom
> component, then you can fix it in the following way:
> bsh: modify the UtilDateTime.adjustTimestamp(timestamp) to
> UtilDateTime.adjustTimestamp(timestamp, timeZone, locale)
> ftl: etc..."
> Then, we can remove/deprecate/comment/uncomment/revert that new small
> method... I'll let the decision to you all: I had an opinion on this,
> but I had it when it was still a small issue (no OFBiz standard
> application was using it)... now that it is grown to an holy war I'll do
> what I can to stay out of it :-)

Not very courageous but wise :o).

For my part, I will stop to discuss on that topic.


> Jacopo
> Adrian Crum wrote:
> > I'm starting this thread in response to Jacques' suggestion that we discuss date/time calculations, the UtilDateTime class, and
whether or not older methods in that class should be deprecated.
> >
> > Anyone wanting to follow along or participate in the discussion should start off by visiting these links:
> >
> > http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/06/05/java_calendar.html
> > http://www.icu-project.org/docs/papers/international_calendars_in_java.html
> > http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-i18n.html#N1019D
> >
> > Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone
and locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's locale and time zone. This caused problems for international
users - as the previous links point out.
> >
> > The source of the problem was the UtilDateTime class, and Vinay Agarwal was the first developer to address the issue -
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2. The UtilDateTime class was updated in June 2007 to support the use of locales and
time zones in date/time calculations. Soon afterwards the framework was changed to accomodate a user-selected time zone - the user's
java.util.TimeZone object is now available in the service context, the session, and in the screen rendering context. In addition,
the user's last time zone selection is persisted.
> >
> > Once all of the infrastructure was in place to support a user-selected time zone, I worked on the Work Effort calendar to
support the new capability. That work was committed to the project in August 2007. It's important for this discussion that the
international community visit this link:
> >
> > https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/workeffort/control/month
> >
> > and spend some time experimenting with various time zones and locales. This is important because the server is located in the
central US, and yet the calendar always presents date/time data according to the user's locale and time zone selections. The Work
Effort calendar is a perfect demonstration of the concepts presented by IBM and the java community. The success of this effort was
due to using only the newer methods in UtilDateTime, and eliminating all calls to the older methods.
> >
> > With a successful working example of the new UtilDateTime methods, the question comes up: Should we keep the older methods that
ignore the user's time zone and locale? My answer is No. As long as those methods remain in the class, lazy developers will try to
use them. A perfect example is the commit in rev 586582 and the storm of controversy that erupted from it.
> >
> > I submitted a patch to deprecate the UtilDateTime methods that ignore the user's locale and time zone -
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1361. That patch is being challenged based upon the notion that the older methods will
always be useful. I don't agree with that view. Here's why:
> >
> > Now that we have the capability to better internationalize OFBiz, we should make efforts to do so. All of OFBiz should make use
of the new UtilDateTime methods so that the user is presented with consistent date/time data. There will be places in OFBiz that
will have exceptions - places where the server's locale and time zone are preferred. Let's use the Webtools component for an
example. If Webtools is intended to display date/time data in the server's time zone and locale, then that component can construct
its own TimeZone and Locale objects to be passed to the new methods. The bottom line is, if the older methods didn't exist, there
would still be ways to achieve the same results.
> >
> > It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older methods, they should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that they
shouldn't be used. Well, if they shouldn't be used, then why keep them?
> >
> > To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for developers to stop using them. Backwards compatibility can be
achieved by supplying some form of default objects to the new methods.

> >
> >>From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older methods is an argument against internationalization.
> >
> > -Adrian
> >
> >
> >  __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> > http://mail.yahoo.com

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Adrian Crum-2
925 posts
In reply to this post by David E Jones

I don't see it as a holy war. From my perspective, I'm trying to advance internationalization in the project and I'm running into resistance. My assumption is that the resistance is due to lack of understanding, therefore I created this thread.

My only motive in starting this thread is to make my position on the subject clear. It's not an emotional thing, it's an educational one.


David E Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:
Now that I've read this thread so far, all I can say is:  
well^H^H^H^Hwhy not^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hif we just^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H.

I guess I'm speechless.

Maybe we should start over?

Adrian: you might have better success stating your case in terms of  
objectives and not superlatives, without assigning motives to other  
peoples actions, and in general with the emotion taken down a few  

In doing so, you might actually have the opportunity to do the most  
wide thing I have ever experienced: seek first to understand, then to  
be understood. That is generally more productive than appeals to  
authority and assigning motive (aka the blame game).

This isn't that complex an issue, and probably the only reason it has  
escalated beyond 3-4 messages into a "holy war", as Jacopo put it, is  
a bit of failure to do the above. That that complex, just another day,  
it's happened before and it will happen again. All in all, not such a  
big deal once we don't take ourselves so seriously. Interesting that  
the "OFBiz Committers Roles and Responsibilities" document covers some  
of this same ground... and that has been there for a long time.


On Oct 27, 2007, at 2:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> I'm starting this thread in response to Jacques' suggestion that we  
> discuss date/time calculations, the UtilDateTime class, and whether  
> or not older methods in that class should be deprecated.
> Anyone wanting to follow along or participate in the discussion  
> should start off by visiting these links:
> http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/06/05/java_calendar.html
> http://www.icu-project.org/docs/papers/international_calendars_in_java.html
> http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-i18n.html#N1019D
> Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones into  
> the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone and locale  
> and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's locale  
> and time zone. This caused problems for international users - as the  
> previous links point out.
> The source of the problem was the UtilDateTime class, and Vinay  
> Agarwal was the first developer to address the issue - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2 
> . The UtilDateTime class was updated in June 2007 to support the use  
> of locales and time zones in date/time calculations. Soon afterwards  
> the framework was changed to accomodate a user-selected time zone -  
> the user's java.util.TimeZone object is now available in the service  
> context, the session, and in the screen rendering context. In  
> addition, the user's last time zone selection is persisted.
> Once all of the infrastructure was in place to support a user-
> selected time zone, I worked on the Work Effort calendar to support  
> the new capability. That work was committed to the project in August  
> 2007. It's important for this discussion that the international  
> community visit this link:
> https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/workeffort/control/month
> and spend some time experimenting with various time zones and  
> locales. This is important because the server is located in the  
> central US, and yet the calendar always presents date/time data  
> according to the user's locale and time zone selections. The Work  
> Effort calendar is a perfect demonstration of the concepts presented  
> by IBM and the java community. The success of this effort was due to  
> using only the newer methods in UtilDateTime, and eliminating all  
> calls to the older methods.
> With a successful working example of the new UtilDateTime methods,  
> the question comes up: Should we keep the older methods that ignore  
> the user's time zone and locale? My answer is No. As long as those  
> methods remain in the class, lazy developers will try to use them. A  
> perfect example is the commit in rev 586582 and the storm of  
> controversy that erupted from it.
> I submitted a patch to deprecate the UtilDateTime methods that  
> ignore the user's locale and time zone - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-1361 
> . That patch is being challenged based upon the notion that the  
> older methods will always be useful. I don't agree with that view.  
> Here's why:
> Now that we have the capability to better internationalize OFBiz, we  
> should make efforts to do so. All of OFBiz should make use of the  
> new UtilDateTime methods so that the user is presented with  
> consistent date/time data. There will be places in OFBiz that will  
> have exceptions - places where the server's locale and time zone are  
> preferred. Let's use the Webtools component for an example. If  
> Webtools is intended to display date/time data in the server's time  
> zone and locale, then that component can construct its own TimeZone  
> and Locale objects to be passed to the new methods. The bottom line  
> is, if the older methods didn't exist, there would still be ways to  
> achieve the same results.
> It has been suggested that, instead of deprecating the older  
> methods, they should have JavaDoc comments pointing out that they  
> shouldn't be used. Well, if they shouldn't be used, then why keep  
> them?
> To summarize: Deprecating the methods provides an incentive for  
> developers to stop using them. Backwards compatibility can be  
> achieved by supplying some form of default objects to the new methods.
> From my perspective, any argument in support of keeping the older  
> methods is an argument against internationalization.
> -Adrian
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Andrew Zeneski-2
101 posts
In reply to this post by Adrian Crum-2
Just my two cents here, I do not want everything to depend on a user  
selecting his timezone. There are many cases where we will no want to  
force this dependency. The main case being customer facing  
applications where the webmaster does not want to impose this  
requirement on their users.

This was a requirement imposed on me and I see no reason why it  
wouldn't happen again. It is always common for webmasters to do all it  
takes to require less from their users.

This was solved by obtaining the number of minutes from GMT offset in  
javascript (getTimezoneOffset()). Since we had no way to get a  
TimeZone string from javascript (only the number of minutes) the only  
way to do this was to pull the number of minutes and adjust the  
current time (which in this case, server time was GMT).

The method I added to UtilDateTime was to help with this, but now I  
see it can be greatly improved. I think this method will be very  
useful. One thing which needs to change, is since the minutes offset  
is based on GMT, we need to make sure the Timestamp is set to GMT  
time, before the adjustment is made. This will give us a valid time in  
the user's timezone without a TimeZone object.

I think it is good, to support the user selected TimeZone, but we  
should also look at methods which require this to be automated. In  
this case, no TimeZone object will be available in the session, but we  
can always get the number of minutes offset passed through from the  

On Oct 27, 2007, at 4:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones into  
> the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone and locale  
> and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's locale  
> and time zone. This caused problems for international users - as the  
> previous links point out.

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Adrian Crum-2
925 posts
Andrew Zeneski <[hidden email]> wrote:
"Just my two cents here, I do not want everything to depend on a user  
selecting his timezone. There are many cases where we will no want to  
force this dependency."

I addressed that scenario. In those cases the application creates its own defaults depending upon the circumstances.

"This was solved by obtaining the number of minutes from GMT offset in  
javascript (getTimezoneOffset()). Since we had no way to get a  
TimeZone string from javascript (only the number of minutes) the only  
way to do this was to pull the number of minutes and adjust the  
current time (which in this case, server time was GMT)."

If I showed you a better way to handle this scenario, would you use it?

"The method I added to UtilDateTime was to help with this, but now I  
see it can be greatly improved. I think this method will be very  
useful. One thing which needs to change, is since the minutes offset  
is based on GMT, we need to make sure the Timestamp is set to GMT  
time, before the adjustment is made. This will give us a valid time in  
the user's timezone without a TimeZone object."

What you're not understanding about Timestamps is that they are already referenced to GMT. There is no way to "set" a Timestamp to GMT because it is already there.


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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

David E Jones
1775 posts
In reply to this post by Andrew Zeneski-2

Adrian: here is your chance to first understand, then be understood.  
If you'd like to propose an alternative based on what Andrew has  
written here, that's fine. Discounting it without discussion or  
discover, ie trying to understand, that's not so fine.

It seems like you didn't get my point from the last message, so maybe  
this will help to clarify...


On Oct 28, 2007, at 12:13 PM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:

> Just my two cents here, I do not want everything to depend on a user  
> selecting his timezone. There are many cases where we will no want  
> to force this dependency. The main case being customer facing  
> applications where the webmaster does not want to impose this  
> requirement on their users.
> This was a requirement imposed on me and I see no reason why it  
> wouldn't happen again. It is always common for webmasters to do all  
> it takes to require less from their users.
> This was solved by obtaining the number of minutes from GMT offset  
> in javascript (getTimezoneOffset()). Since we had no way to get a  
> TimeZone string from javascript (only the number of minutes) the  
> only way to do this was to pull the number of minutes and adjust the  
> current time (which in this case, server time was GMT).
> The method I added to UtilDateTime was to help with this, but now I  
> see it can be greatly improved. I think this method will be very  
> useful. One thing which needs to change, is since the minutes offset  
> is based on GMT, we need to make sure the Timestamp is set to GMT  
> time, before the adjustment is made. This will give us a valid time  
> in the user's timezone without a TimeZone object.
> I think it is good, to support the user selected TimeZone, but we  
> should also look at methods which require this to be automated. In  
> this case, no TimeZone object will be available in the session, but  
> we can always get the number of minutes offset passed through from  
> the browser.
> On Oct 27, 2007, at 4:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>> Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones  
>> into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone and  
>> locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's  
>> locale and time zone. This caused problems for international users  
>> - as the previous links point out.

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Adrian Crum-2
925 posts

A number of developers have replied to this thread with their thoughts on the subject of the thread. You keep commenting on the author of the thread.

What I'm interested in is your thoughts on the subject. All of this other dialog is pointless.

In case you missed the subject of this thread, I'll restate it: Now that the UtilDateTime class has methods that support internationalization, should we continue to use the methods that ignore a user's locale and time zone, or should we deprecate them?

Let's try to stay focused on the project and the subject at hand.


David E Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:
Adrian: here is your chance to first understand, then be understood.  
If you'd like to propose an alternative based on what Andrew has  
written here, that's fine. Discounting it without discussion or  
discover, ie trying to understand, that's not so fine.

It seems like you didn't get my point from the last message, so maybe  
this will help to clarify...


On Oct 28, 2007, at 12:13 PM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:

> Just my two cents here, I do not want everything to depend on a user  
> selecting his timezone. There are many cases where we will no want  
> to force this dependency. The main case being customer facing  
> applications where the webmaster does not want to impose this  
> requirement on their users.
> This was a requirement imposed on me and I see no reason why it  
> wouldn't happen again. It is always common for webmasters to do all  
> it takes to require less from their users.
> This was solved by obtaining the number of minutes from GMT offset  
> in javascript (getTimezoneOffset()). Since we had no way to get a  
> TimeZone string from javascript (only the number of minutes) the  
> only way to do this was to pull the number of minutes and adjust the  
> current time (which in this case, server time was GMT).
> The method I added to UtilDateTime was to help with this, but now I  
> see it can be greatly improved. I think this method will be very  
> useful. One thing which needs to change, is since the minutes offset  
> is based on GMT, we need to make sure the Timestamp is set to GMT  
> time, before the adjustment is made. This will give us a valid time  
> in the user's timezone without a TimeZone object.
> I think it is good, to support the user selected TimeZone, but we  
> should also look at methods which require this to be automated. In  
> this case, no TimeZone object will be available in the session, but  
> we can always get the number of minutes offset passed through from  
> the browser.
> On Oct 27, 2007, at 4:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>> Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones  
>> into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone and  
>> locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's  
>> locale and time zone. This caused problems for international users  
>> - as the previous links point out.

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

David E Jones
1775 posts


I stated my opinion in the Jira issue originally. It has not changed.  
I've just been trying to referee since then, and trying to call out  
unproductive approaches to settling on this issue.

My opinion is still the same: the framework is NOT a 4GL with strict  
ways of doing things, we want to have best practices and flexibility  
that does not force a certain way of doing things. We do this for both  
utility and humility. That means it's easier for people to mess up  
here and there, but it also means that when something weird comes up  
it's not a lot of work to handle it. As for designing the tools in the  
framework, that comes from doing it manually and trying different  
things a lot before designing and building a tool. That goes for all  
of the framework. The saying "hindsight is 20/20" is particularly  
applicable... patterns emerge from trying a lot of stuff, and then  
cleaning things up when the picture is better understood.

In this particular case to me that general principle is applied like  
this: leave the method and put your efforts into documenting best  
practices instead of fighting out other people's work.


On Oct 28, 2007, at 8:57 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

> David,
> A number of developers have replied to this thread with their  
> thoughts on the subject of the thread. You keep commenting on the  
> author of the thread.
> What I'm interested in is your thoughts on the subject. All of this  
> other dialog is pointless.
> In case you missed the subject of this thread, I'll restate it: Now  
> that the UtilDateTime class has methods that support  
> internationalization, should we continue to use the methods that  
> ignore a user's locale and time zone, or should we deprecate them?
> Let's try to stay focused on the project and the subject at hand.
> -Adrian
> David E Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Adrian: here is your chance to first understand, then be understood.
> If you'd like to propose an alternative based on what Andrew has
> written here, that's fine. Discounting it without discussion or
> discover, ie trying to understand, that's not so fine.
> It seems like you didn't get my point from the last message, so maybe
> this will help to clarify...
> -David
> On Oct 28, 2007, at 12:13 PM, Andrew Zeneski wrote:
>> Just my two cents here, I do not want everything to depend on a user
>> selecting his timezone. There are many cases where we will no want
>> to force this dependency. The main case being customer facing
>> applications where the webmaster does not want to impose this
>> requirement on their users.
>> This was a requirement imposed on me and I see no reason why it
>> wouldn't happen again. It is always common for webmasters to do all
>> it takes to require less from their users.
>> This was solved by obtaining the number of minutes from GMT offset
>> in javascript (getTimezoneOffset()). Since we had no way to get a
>> TimeZone string from javascript (only the number of minutes) the
>> only way to do this was to pull the number of minutes and adjust the
>> current time (which in this case, server time was GMT).
>> The method I added to UtilDateTime was to help with this, but now I
>> see it can be greatly improved. I think this method will be very
>> useful. One thing which needs to change, is since the minutes offset
>> is based on GMT, we need to make sure the Timestamp is set to GMT
>> time, before the adjustment is made. This will give us a valid time
>> in the user's timezone without a TimeZone object.
>> I think it is good, to support the user selected TimeZone, but we
>> should also look at methods which require this to be automated. In
>> this case, no TimeZone object will be available in the session, but
>> we can always get the number of minutes offset passed through from
>> the browser.
>> On Oct 27, 2007, at 4:19 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
>>> Prior to the recent work done to bring user-selected time zones
>>> into the project, OFBiz pretty much ignored a user's time zone and
>>> locale and performed date/time calculations based upon the server's
>>> locale and time zone. This caused problems for international users
>>> - as the previous links point out.

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Re: Dates, Times, Internationalization, and the UtilDateTime class

Adrian Crum
2435 posts
David E Jones wrote:
> My opinion is still the same: the framework is NOT a 4GL with strict  
> ways of doing things, we want to have best practices and flexibility  
> that does not force a certain way of doing things. We do this for both  
> utility and humility. That means it's easier for people to mess up  here
> and there, but it also means that when something weird comes up  it's
> not a lot of work to handle it. As for designing the tools in the  
> framework, that comes from doing it manually and trying different  
> things a lot before designing and building a tool. That goes for all  of
> the framework.


Thank you for the clear statement of your position. What I'm confused about is this: How is
deprecating redundant pointless methods in GenericDelegator different from deprecating redundant
pointless methods in UtilDateTime?
