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Dev - Documentation Plans

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Dev - Documentation Plans

David E. Jones
1146 posts

There have been some changes recently in the area of end-user documentation for OFBiz. Undersun has had a paid subscription site for a while and over the last 2 years has become fairly complete, but now the technical writer we had on contract is no longer working full-time on it due to other contracts that came up for him.

Others have put together some pretty good material as well, like the document Ian Gilbert did a while back and updated recently, and the really quite good set of documents that Si and his crew put together and that he announced recently and that can be downloaded from SourceForge in the Sequoia/OpEnTaps project's files.

Still, there hasn't been much collaboration in this area and so now is a good time to start...

The proposal that Andy and I have discussed is to open up the content on the Undersun doc site and invite others to merge in their content to create a central site with OFBiz documentation.

To facilitate this we have setup a Confluence server (thanks to Atlassian for the free license, and to Contegix for the hosting and helping to maintain it). Right now it is available here:


We will have it available on docs.ofbiz.org and confluence.ofbiz.org and wiki.ofbiz.org in the near future.

Confluence supports some nice things like public comments, PDF/Word/HTML export, good permission management, and many others.

Part of this "wiki" will be write restricted to a core group of content maintainers. Anyone will be able to view and comment on the content, but only a small group will be able to change it.

The other part of this site is a more traditional wiki which anyone with an account can add to or change, and thereby help maintain it.

We haven't decided for sure on this second part yet, mainly because we appreciate what Integral has done over the years with hosting and helping to maintain the official OFBiz wiki. Now that we are moving the managed documentation to this wiki it would be nice to have the more "open" stuff on the same site for searching and cross-linking purposes. So, I hereby request feedback on this and if the community wants it, we'll see if we can move the current wiki content over.

Now for the fun part: I spent a few hours today playing with the Confluence site and moving some content over from the Undersun doc site. This page is a good one to look at that I have started to do some formatting on, and that has a good mix of images and text:


The trick here is that there is a LOT of content to move over from the Undersun content server. I'd like to see this all moved over soon, but it will take quite a few man-hours to do so. In other words, as usual I'm asking for help with this part of the effort! I'll setup accounts without much question for anyone that has contributed to OFBiz enough to be known and trusted. For anyone else, if you have documentation experience and sufficient knowledge of OFBiz we'd love your help!

For anyone looking into the Undersun doc site: you'll notice now that it is no longer possible to purchase a subscription there. I could make the 1 month subscription available again for the $4.95 or something if there is enough demand for it (as I don't want to manually add accounts...), but would prefer that we get the content moved over ASAP...


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Re: Dev - Documentation Plans

David E. Jones
1146 posts

Just a little change in the details: the site is now up at the following for the primary URL:


The link to the example page I mentioned near the bottom of the message is here:



David E Jones wrote:

> There have been some changes recently in the area of end-user
> documentation for OFBiz. Undersun has had a paid subscription site for a
> while and over the last 2 years has become fairly complete, but now the
> technical writer we had on contract is no longer working full-time on it
> due to other contracts that came up for him.
> Others have put together some pretty good material as well, like the
> document Ian Gilbert did a while back and updated recently, and the
> really quite good set of documents that Si and his crew put together and
> that he announced recently and that can be downloaded from SourceForge
> in the Sequoia/OpEnTaps project's files.
> Still, there hasn't been much collaboration in this area and so now is a
> good time to start...
> The proposal that Andy and I have discussed is to open up the content on
> the Undersun doc site and invite others to merge in their content to
> create a central site with OFBiz documentation.
> To facilitate this we have setup a Confluence server (thanks to
> Atlassian for the free license, and to Contegix for the hosting and
> helping to maintain it). Right now it is available here:
> http://confluence.undersunconsulting.com
> We will have it available on docs.ofbiz.org and confluence.ofbiz.org and
> wiki.ofbiz.org in the near future.
> Confluence supports some nice things like public comments, PDF/Word/HTML
> export, good permission management, and many others.
> Part of this "wiki" will be write restricted to a core group of content
> maintainers. Anyone will be able to view and comment on the content, but
> only a small group will be able to change it.
> The other part of this site is a more traditional wiki which anyone with
> an account can add to or change, and thereby help maintain it.
> We haven't decided for sure on this second part yet, mainly because we
> appreciate what Integral has done over the years with hosting and
> helping to maintain the official OFBiz wiki. Now that we are moving the
> managed documentation to this wiki it would be nice to have the more
> "open" stuff on the same site for searching and cross-linking purposes.
> So, I hereby request feedback on this and if the community wants it,
> we'll see if we can move the current wiki content over.
> Now for the fun part: I spent a few hours today playing with the
> Confluence site and moving some content over from the Undersun doc site.
> This page is a good one to look at that I have started to do some
> formatting on, and that has a good mix of images and text:
> http://confluence.undersunconsulting.com/x/Pw
> The trick here is that there is a LOT of content to move over from the
> Undersun content server. I'd like to see this all moved over soon, but
> it will take quite a few man-hours to do so. In other words, as usual
> I'm asking for help with this part of the effort! I'll setup accounts
> without much question for anyone that has contributed to OFBiz enough to
> be known and trusted. For anyone else, if you have documentation
> experience and sufficient knowledge of OFBiz we'd love your help!
> For anyone looking into the Undersun doc site: you'll notice now that it
> is no longer possible to purchase a subscription there. I could make the
> 1 month subscription available again for the $4.95 or something if there
> is enough demand for it (as I don't want to manually add accounts...),
> but would prefer that we get the content moved over ASAP...
> -David
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Re: Dev - Documentation Plans

Jacques Le Roux
17869 posts
In reply to this post by David E. Jones
I was reading Si's doc, when I received this message. I was thinking of
scattered documentation of OFBiz (I keep links to all I know). So I'm really
very happy with this news and I'm sure everybody will cooperate and I'm ready to
give some help. Perhaps having different kind/levels of documentation
(Confluence being the repository) is also something to consider... For instance
Opentaps simple embedded documentation (zip, tar) with link to Confluence, etc.

Mmm, it's a lot of work....


----- Original Message -----
From: "David E Jones" <[hidden email]>
To: "OFBiz Project Development Discussion" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 7:42 AM
Subject: [OFBiz] Dev - Documentation Plans

> There have been some changes recently in the area of end-user documentation
for OFBiz. Undersun has had a paid subscription site for a while and over the
last 2 years has become fairly complete, but now the technical writer we had on
contract is no longer working full-time on it due to other contracts that came
up for him.
> Others have put together some pretty good material as well, like the document
Ian Gilbert did a while back and updated recently, and the really quite good set
of documents that Si and his crew put together and that he announced recently
and that can be downloaded from SourceForge in the Sequoia/OpEnTaps project's
> Still, there hasn't been much collaboration in this area and so now is a good
time to start...
> The proposal that Andy and I have discussed is to open up the content on the
Undersun doc site and invite others to merge in their content to create a
central site with OFBiz documentation.
> To facilitate this we have setup a Confluence server (thanks to Atlassian for
the free license, and to Contegix for the hosting and helping to maintain it).
Right now it is available here:
> http://confluence.undersunconsulting.com
> We will have it available on docs.ofbiz.org and confluence.ofbiz.org and
wiki.ofbiz.org in the near future.
> Confluence supports some nice things like public comments, PDF/Word/HTML
export, good permission management, and many others.
> Part of this "wiki" will be write restricted to a core group of content
maintainers. Anyone will be able to view and comment on the content, but only a
small group will be able to change it.
> The other part of this site is a more traditional wiki which anyone with an
account can add to or change, and thereby help maintain it.
> We haven't decided for sure on this second part yet, mainly because we
appreciate what Integral has done over the years with hosting and helping to
maintain the official OFBiz wiki. Now that we are moving the managed
documentation to this wiki it would be nice to have the more "open" stuff on the
same site for searching and cross-linking purposes. So, I hereby request
feedback on this and if the community wants it, we'll see if we can move the
current wiki content over.
> Now for the fun part: I spent a few hours today playing with the Confluence
site and moving some content over from the Undersun doc site. This page is a
good one to look at that I have started to do some formatting on, and that has a
good mix of images and text:
> http://confluence.undersunconsulting.com/x/Pw
> The trick here is that there is a LOT of content to move over from the
Undersun content server. I'd like to see this all moved over soon, but it will
take quite a few man-hours to do so. In other words, as usual I'm asking for
help with this part of the effort! I'll setup accounts without much question for
anyone that has contributed to OFBiz enough to be known and trusted. For anyone
else, if you have documentation experience and sufficient knowledge of OFBiz
we'd love your help!
> For anyone looking into the Undersun doc site: you'll notice now that it is no
longer possible to purchase a subscription there. I could make the 1 month
subscription available again for the $4.95 or something if there is enough
demand for it (as I don't want to manually add accounts...), but would prefer
that we get the content moved over ASAP...
> -David
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

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Re: Dev - Documentation Plans

Rafiu Fakunle
13 posts
In reply to this post by David E. Jones
Hi David,
Take a look at  http://cocoondev.org/daisy/

Extremely powerful CMS with distinct Content Repository and Wiki Frontend.

The beauty of this thing is that it has powerful API's (Java, Javascript
and HTTP) which can be used to import content directly into the repo. If
the current documentation is in plain XML  (or exportable as such), you
could be up and running in no time, with pretty much zero manual
intervention in terms of importing the documentation into a shareable,
wiki-type CMS.

Things to look at in daisy specifically:

1) Manuals creation and management -
2) Repository server design -
3) Javascript API  -
4) Java API -

I've been using Daisy for the past couple of months now and its
capabilities as a CMS/content repository are just plain stunning. (I'd
call it the Ofbiz of the CMS world in that respect :))

> [...]
> http://confluence.undersunconsulting.com
> We will have it available on docs.ofbiz.org and confluence.ofbiz.org and wiki.ofbiz.org in the near future.
> Confluence supports some nice things like public comments, PDF/Word/HTML export, good permission management, and many others.
Daisy supports PDF export, coding up ODF export/import shouldn't be all
that hard I'd imagine. Comment support and document ACL are also
currently available features.
> The trick here is that there is a LOT of content to move over from the Undersun content server. I'd like to see this all moved over soon, but it will take quite a few man-hours to do so. In other words, as usual I'm asking for help with this part of the effort! I'll setup accounts without much question for anyone that has contributed to OFBiz enough to be known and trusted. For anyone else, if you have documentation experience and sufficient knowledge of OFBiz we'd love your help!
If you're not dead-set on the Confluence idea, give Daisy a look-see,
you might find that importing the data into a world-accessible repo with
all the functionality you desire could easily be done with just a day of



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Re: Dev - Documentation Plans

Christian Geisert
250 posts
Rafiu Fakunle schrieb:
> Hi David,
> Take a look at  http://cocoondev.org/daisy/
> Extremely powerful CMS with distinct Content Repository and Wiki Frontend.


> If you're not dead-set on the Confluence idea, give Daisy a look-see,
> you might find that importing the data into a world-accessible repo with
> all the functionality you desire could easily be done with just a day of
> coding.

And the coocon people are already using it for their documentation.
See http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/

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Re: Dev - Documentation Plans

Scott Gray
986 posts
They seem to be in a similar predicament to ours, the first page you reach
after clicking official documentation simply says 'TODO' :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of Christian Geisert
Sent: Thursday, 25 May 2006 12:35 a.m.
To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Documentation Plans

Rafiu Fakunle schrieb:
> Hi David,
> Take a look at  http://cocoondev.org/daisy/
> Extremely powerful CMS with distinct Content Repository and Wiki Frontend.


> If you're not dead-set on the Confluence idea, give Daisy a look-see,
> you might find that importing the data into a world-accessible repo with
> all the functionality you desire could easily be done with just a day of
> coding.

And the coocon people are already using it for their documentation.
See http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/

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Re: Dev - Documentation Plans

Rafiu Fakunle
13 posts


Scott Gray wrote:

> They seem to be in a similar predicament to ours, the first page you reach
> after clicking official documentation simply says 'TODO' :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
> Behalf Of Christian Geisert
> Sent: Thursday, 25 May 2006 12:35 a.m.
> To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Documentation Plans
> Rafiu Fakunle schrieb:
>> Hi David,
>> Take a look at  http://cocoondev.org/daisy/
>> Extremely powerful CMS with distinct Content Repository and Wiki Frontend.
> [..]
>> If you're not dead-set on the Confluence idea, give Daisy a look-see,
>> you might find that importing the data into a world-accessible repo with
>> all the functionality you desire could easily be done with just a day of
>> coding.
> And the coocon people are already using it for their documentation.
> See http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/
> Christian
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

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Re: Dev - Documentation Plans

Rafiu Fakunle
13 posts
In reply to this post by Scott Gray

I see what you meant.


I think only the index page is 'TODO' at the moment.

Navigating to
> http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/cocoon3/g3/forms/basics/489.html

Show's they've done quite a bit already.

Scott Gray wrote:

> They seem to be in a similar predicament to ours, the first page you reach
> after clicking official documentation simply says 'TODO' :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
> Behalf Of Christian Geisert
> Sent: Thursday, 25 May 2006 12:35 a.m.
> To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Documentation Plans
> Rafiu Fakunle schrieb:
>> Hi David,
>> Take a look at  http://cocoondev.org/daisy/
>> Extremely powerful CMS with distinct Content Repository and Wiki Frontend.
> [..]
>> If you're not dead-set on the Confluence idea, give Daisy a look-see,
>> you might find that importing the data into a world-accessible repo with
>> all the functionality you desire could easily be done with just a day of
>> coding.
> And the coocon people are already using it for their documentation.
> See http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/
> Christian
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

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Re: Dev - Documentation Plans

Scott Gray
986 posts
I wasn't trying to criticise, I just had a chuckle when I saw the page :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of Rafiu Fakunle
Sent: Thursday, 25 May 2006 7:42 p.m.
To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Documentation Plans


I see what you meant.


I think only the index page is 'TODO' at the moment.

Navigating to
> http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/cocoon3/g3/forms/basics/489.html

Show's they've done quite a bit already.

Scott Gray wrote:

> They seem to be in a similar predicament to ours, the first page you reach
> after clicking official documentation simply says 'TODO' :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
> Behalf Of Christian Geisert
> Sent: Thursday, 25 May 2006 12:35 a.m.
> To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Documentation Plans
> Rafiu Fakunle schrieb:
>> Hi David,
>> Take a look at  http://cocoondev.org/daisy/
>> Extremely powerful CMS with distinct Content Repository and Wiki

> [..]
>> If you're not dead-set on the Confluence idea, give Daisy a look-see,
>> you might find that importing the data into a world-accessible repo with
>> all the functionality you desire could easily be done with just a day of
>> coding.
> And the coocon people are already using it for their documentation.
> See http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/
> Christian
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

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Re: Dev - Documentation Plans

Rafiu Fakunle
13 posts

Scott Gray wrote:

> I wasn't trying to criticise, I just had a chuckle when I saw the page :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
> Behalf Of Rafiu Fakunle
> Sent: Thursday, 25 May 2006 7:42 p.m.
> To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion
> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Documentation Plans
> Ah,
> I see what you meant.
> http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/cocoon3/1148.html
> I think only the index page is 'TODO' at the moment.
> Navigating to
>> http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/cocoon3/g3/forms/basics/489.html
> Show's they've done quite a bit already.
> Scott Gray wrote:
>> They seem to be in a similar predicament to ours, the first page you reach
>> after clicking official documentation simply says 'TODO' :-)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
>> Behalf Of Christian Geisert
>> Sent: Thursday, 25 May 2006 12:35 a.m.
>> To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion
>> Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Documentation Plans
>> Rafiu Fakunle schrieb:
>>> Hi David,
>>> Take a look at  http://cocoondev.org/daisy/
>>> Extremely powerful CMS with distinct Content Repository and Wiki
> Frontend.
>> [..]
>>> If you're not dead-set on the Confluence idea, give Daisy a look-see,
>>> you might find that importing the data into a world-accessible repo with
>>> all the functionality you desire could easily be done with just a day of
>>> coding.
>> And the coocon people are already using it for their documentation.
>> See http://cocoon.zones.apache.org/daisy/
>> Christian
>> _______________________________________________
>> Dev mailing list
>> [hidden email]
>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
>> _______________________________________________
>> Dev mailing list
>> [hidden email]
>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> _______________________________________________
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> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> _______________________________________________
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