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Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

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Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

Fred Forester-2
172 posts

this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)

Fred Forester wrote:
 > Agreed.
 > I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the first
 > error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
 > The Following Errors Occurred:
 >      * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
 > 10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001
 > Fred
 > Si Chen wrote:
 >>I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't tell what
 >>is happening.  It's not as simple as just adding that back in.  There's
 >>something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august 2005) to
 >>opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn.  We'll have to go through the two
 >>versions and check more carefully.
 >>Fred Forester wrote:
 >>>no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
 >>>"ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.
 >>>the error message shows up in the code here
 >>>Si Chen wrote:
 >>>>Not sure...  Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or older
 >>>>versions?  If not, I'll check.
 >>>>Fred Forester wrote:
 >>>>>It looks like that somewhere in
 >>>>>"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
 >>>>>"ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?
 >>>>>it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact that it
 >>>>>doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping services.
 >>>>>Si Chen wrote:
 >>>>>>Yes, this might be a bug.  There's a jira issue for it.
 >>>>>>Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if there is
 >>>>>>one, is recent.  You might want to compare the two.
 >>>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
 >>>>>>>Hi All
 >>>>>>>after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route Segments
 >>>>>>>and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get
 >>>>>>>The Following Errors Occurred:
 >>>>>>>    * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
 >>>>>>>ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
 >>>>>>>shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
 >>>>>>>6775606 (http- [
 >>>>>>>ServiceDispatcher.java:412:ERROR] Service Error
 >>>>>>>[upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
 >>>>>>>ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
 >>>>>>>10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
 >>>>>>>6775611 (http- [
 >>>>>>>Users mailing list
 >>>>>>>[hidden email]
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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

Fred Forester-2
172 posts

Hi all,

question about the ShipmentRouteSegment and ShipmentPackageRouteSeg

it seems there is one ShipmentRouteSegment per shipmentid but they all
have the same shipmentRouteSegmentId?

the ShipmentPackageRouteSeg should be one for each shipmentid/packageseq?

I noticed in ShipmentServices.xml that ensureRouteSegPackage is called
sometimes with a shipmentRouteSegmentId and other times with a


Fred Forester wrote:

> this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)
> Fred Forester wrote:
>  > Agreed.
>  >
>  > I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the first
>  > error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
>  > The Following Errors Occurred:
>  >
>  >      * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
>  > 10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > Fred
>  >
>  >
>  > Si Chen wrote:
>  >
>  >>I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't tell what
>  >>is happening.  It's not as simple as just adding that back in.  There's
>  >>something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august 2005) to
>  >>opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn.  We'll have to go through the two
>  >>versions and check more carefully.
>  >>
>  >>Si
>  >>
>  >>Fred Forester wrote:
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>>Si,
>  >>>
>  >>>no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
>  >>>"ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.
>  >>>
>  >>>the error message shows up in the code here
>  >>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/svn/2005-July/002290.html
>  >>>
>  >>>Thanx
>  >>>Fred
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>Si Chen wrote:
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>>Not sure...  Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or older
>  >>>>versions?  If not, I'll check.
>  >>>>
>  >>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>  >>>>
>  >>>>
>  >>>>
>  >>>>
>  >>>>>It looks like that somewhere in
>  >>>>>"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
>  >>>>>"ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact that it
>  >>>>>doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping services.
>  >>>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/svn/2005-July/002290.html
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>Thanx
>  >>>>>Fred
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>Si Chen wrote:
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>>Yes, this might be a bug.  There's a jira issue for it.
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if there is
>  >>>>>>one, is recent.  You might want to compare the two.
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>Si
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>Hi All
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route Segments
>  >>>>>>>and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>The Following Errors Occurred:
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>    * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
>  >>>>>>>ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
>  >>>>>>>shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>and
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>6775606 (http- [
>  >>>>>>>ServiceDispatcher.java:412:ERROR] Service Error
>  >>>>>>>[upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
>  >>>>>>>ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
>  >>>>>>>10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>  >>>>>>>6775611 (http- [
>  >>>>>>>TransactionUtil.java:243:ERROR]
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>bug?
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>Thanx
>  >>>>>>>Fred
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>_______________________________________________
>  >>>>>>>Users mailing list
>  >>>>>>>[hidden email]
>  >>>>>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>_______________________________________________
>  >>>>>>Users mailing list
>  >>>>>>[hidden email]
>  >>>>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>_______________________________________________
>  >>>>>Users mailing list
>  >>>>>[hidden email]
>  >>>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>
>  >>>>
>  >>>>------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  >>>>
>  >>>>
>  >>>>_______________________________________________
>  >>>>Users mailing list
>  >>>>[hidden email]
>  >>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>  >>>>
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>_______________________________________________
>  >>>Users mailing list
>  >>>[hidden email]
>  >>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>_______________________________________________
>  >>Users mailing list
>  >>[hidden email]
>  >>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>  >
>  >
>  > _______________________________________________
>  > Users mailing list
>  > [hidden email]
>  > http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>  >
>  >
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> Dev mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

Fred Forester-2
172 posts

the bug seems to be in "ensurePackageRouteSeg". these changes seem to
fix the first problem. I still get the missing Weight error during
confirm UPS.


Fred Forester wrote:

> Hi all,
> question about the ShipmentRouteSegment and ShipmentPackageRouteSeg
> it seems there is one ShipmentRouteSegment per shipmentid but they all
> have the same shipmentRouteSegmentId?
> the ShipmentPackageRouteSeg should be one for each shipmentid/packageseq?
> I noticed in ShipmentServices.xml that ensureRouteSegPackage is called
> sometimes with a shipmentRouteSegmentId and other times with a
> shipmentPackageSeqId?
> Thanx
> Fred
> Fred Forester wrote:
>>this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)
>>Fred Forester wrote:
>> > Agreed.
>> >
>> > I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the first
>> > error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
>> > The Following Errors Occurred:
>> >
>> >      * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
>> > 10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Fred
>> >
>> >
>> > Si Chen wrote:
>> >
>> >>I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't tell what
>> >>is happening.  It's not as simple as just adding that back in.  There's
>> >>something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august 2005) to
>> >>opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn.  We'll have to go through the two
>> >>versions and check more carefully.
>> >>
>> >>Si
>> >>
>> >>Fred Forester wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>>Si,
>> >>>
>> >>>no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
>> >>>"ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.
>> >>>
>> >>>the error message shows up in the code here
>> >>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/svn/2005-July/002290.html
>> >>>
>> >>>Thanx
>> >>>Fred
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>Si Chen wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>>Not sure...  Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or older
>> >>>>versions?  If not, I'll check.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>It looks like that somewhere in
>> >>>>>"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
>> >>>>>"ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact that it
>> >>>>>doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping services.
>> >>>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/svn/2005-July/002290.html
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>Thanx
>> >>>>>Fred
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>Si Chen wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>Yes, this might be a bug.  There's a jira issue for it.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if there is
>> >>>>>>one, is recent.  You might want to compare the two.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>Si
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>Hi All
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route Segments
>> >>>>>>>and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>The Following Errors Occurred:
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>    * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
>> >>>>>>>ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
>> >>>>>>>shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>and
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>6775606 (http- [
>> >>>>>>>ServiceDispatcher.java:412:ERROR] Service Error
>> >>>>>>>[upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
>> >>>>>>>ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
>> >>>>>>>10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>> >>>>>>>6775611 (http- [
>> >>>>>>>TransactionUtil.java:243:ERROR]
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>bug?
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>Thanx
>> >>>>>>>Fred
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>_______________________________________________
>> >>>>>>>Users mailing list
>> >>>>>>>[hidden email]
>> >>>>>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>_______________________________________________
>> >>>>>>Users mailing list
>> >>>>>>[hidden email]
>> >>>>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>_______________________________________________
>> >>>>>Users mailing list
>> >>>>>[hidden email]
>> >>>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>_______________________________________________
>> >>>>Users mailing list
>> >>>>[hidden email]
>> >>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>_______________________________________________
>> >>>Users mailing list
>> >>>[hidden email]
>> >>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>_______________________________________________
>> >>Users mailing list
>> >>[hidden email]
>> >>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>> >
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Users mailing list
>> > [hidden email]
>> > http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>> >
>> >
>>Dev mailing list
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> Dev mailing list
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> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

Index: applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml
--- applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml    (revision 28)
+++ applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml    (working copy)
@@ -749,11 +749,14 @@
         <remove-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
     <simple-method method-name="ensurePackageRouteSeg" short-description="Ensure ShipmentPackageRouteSeg exists for all RouteSegments for th
is Package">
+        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg"/>
         <entity-and entity-name="ShipmentRouteSegment" list-name="shipmentRouteSegments">
-            <field-map field-name="shipmentId" env-name="lookupRouteSegmentsMap.shipmentId"/>
+            <field-map field-name="shipmentId" env-name="shipmentId"/>

+        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg ${shipmentRouteSegments}"/>
         <iterate entry-name="shipmentRouteSegment" list-name="shipmentRouteSegments">
+            <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg iterate"/>
             <entity-one entity-name="ShipmentPackageRouteSeg" value-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg" auto-field-map="false">
                 <field-map field-name="shipmentId" env-name="shipmentId"/>
                 <field-map field-name="shipmentPackageSeqId" env-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
@@ -761,8 +764,12 @@

             <if-empty field-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg">
-                <call-service service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg" in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
-                </call-service>
+               <log level="info" message="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"/>
+               <set field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentRouteSegmentId" from-field="shipmentRouteSegment.shipmentRouteSegmentId"/
+               <set field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentPackageSeqId" from-field="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
+               <set field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentId" from-field="shipmentId"/>
+               <call-service service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg" in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
+               </call-service>
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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

Si Chen-2
1414 posts

Great job!  I tested your patch and committed it.

As for fixing your missing weight, there are two ways:

1.  On the shipment page, go to [Packages] (the link to left of [Route Segments]) and set weights for your packages there.  See https://demo.opensourcestrategies.com:8446/facility/control/EditShipmentPackages?shipmentId=10025 (login with admin and ofbiz)

2.  Or there's a scheduling page in Facility, see: https://demo.opensourcestrategies.com:8446/facility/control/Scheduling?facilityId=WebStoreWarehouse where you can en masse enter weights, etc.  Here the issue is that it only schedules PACKED not SHIPPED shipments.  If you use the [Pack orders] feature it works well.  Perhaps Quick Ship should be changed to leave shipments in PACKED state?

Thanks so much for the patch...


Fred Forester wrote:

the bug seems to be in "ensurePackageRouteSeg". these changes seem to fix the first problem. I still get the missing Weight error during confirm UPS.


Fred Forester wrote:

Hi all,

question about the ShipmentRouteSegment and ShipmentPackageRouteSeg

it seems there is one ShipmentRouteSegment per shipmentid but they all have the same shipmentRouteSegmentId?

the ShipmentPackageRouteSeg should be one for each shipmentid/packageseq?

I noticed in ShipmentServices.xml that ensureRouteSegPackage is called sometimes with a shipmentRouteSegmentId and other times with a shipmentPackageSeqId?


Fred Forester wrote:

this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)

Fred Forester wrote:
> Agreed.
> I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the first
> error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
> The Following Errors Occurred:
>      * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
> 10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001
> Fred
> Si Chen wrote:
>>I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't tell what
>>is happening.  It's not as simple as just adding that back in.  There's
>>something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august 2005) to
>>opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn.  We'll have to go through the two
>>versions and check more carefully.
>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
>>>"ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.
>>>the error message shows up in the code here
>>>Si Chen wrote:
>>>>Not sure...  Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or older
>>>>versions?  If not, I'll check.
>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>It looks like that somewhere in
>>>>>"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
>>>>>"ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?
>>>>>it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact that it
>>>>>doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping services.
>>>>>Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>Yes, this might be a bug.  There's a jira issue for it.
>>>>>>Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if there is
>>>>>>one, is recent.  You might want to compare the two.
>>>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>Hi All
>>>>>>>after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route Segments
>>>>>>>and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get
>>>>>>>The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>>>>>    * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
>>>>>>>ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
>>>>>>>shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>>>>>6775606 (http- [
>>>>>>>ServiceDispatcher.java:412:ERROR] Service Error
>>>>>>>[upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
>>>>>>>ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
>>>>>>>10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>>>>>6775611 (http- [
>>>>>>>Users mailing list
>>>>>>>[hidden email]
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> Users mailing list
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> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users

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Index: applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml =================================================================== --- applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml (revision 28) +++ applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml (working copy) @@ -749,11 +749,14 @@ <remove-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/> </simple-method> <simple-method method-name="ensurePackageRouteSeg" short-description="Ensure ShipmentPackageRouteSeg exists for all RouteSegments for th is Package"> + <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg"/> <entity-and entity-name="ShipmentRouteSegment" list-name="shipmentRouteSegments"> - <field-map field-name="shipmentId" env-name="lookupRouteSegmentsMap.shipmentId"/> + <field-map field-name="shipmentId" env-name="shipmentId"/> </entity-and> + <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg ${shipmentRouteSegments}"/> <iterate entry-name="shipmentRouteSegment" list-name="shipmentRouteSegments"> + <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg iterate"/> <entity-one entity-name="ShipmentPackageRouteSeg" value-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg" auto-field-map="false"> <field-map field-name="shipmentId" env-name="shipmentId"/> <field-map field-name="shipmentPackageSeqId" env-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"/> @@ -761,8 +764,12 @@ </entity-one> <if-empty field-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg"> - <call-service service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg" in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap"> - </call-service> + <log level="info" message="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"/> + <set field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentRouteSegmentId" from-field="shipmentRouteSegment.shipmentRouteSegmentId"/
+               <set field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentPackageSeqId" from-field="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
+               <set field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentId" from-field="shipmentId"/>
+               <call-service service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg" in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
+               </call-service>

_______________________________________________ Dev mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

Fred Forester-2
172 posts

Thanx. If nothing else I'm a persistent sob :)

Actually, the question I posted about passing variables was just for
that reason. I needed a way to tell
"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" to leave the package packed and
"optionally" shipped. However, is there any reason why it can't be set
to SCHEDULED?. I've had a few complaints about the statuses for
shipments. the request was for something like...

quickship - status "ready for printing".
print packslip - status "ready to ship" or "printed".
get tracking# - status "shipped".

however, I may be able to convinve them with


and just change the status description.

as far as Weight. should that value contain the total weight of the
items in the package? maybe quickship can just calculate it while going
thru the items?

Thanx again

Si Chen wrote:

> Fred,
> Great job!  I tested your patch and committed it.
> As for fixing your missing weight, there are two ways:
> 1.  On the shipment page, go to [Packages] (the link to left of [Route
> Segments]) and set weights for your packages there.  See
> https://demo.opensourcestrategies.com:8446/facility/control/EditShipmentPackages?shipmentId=10025 
> (login with admin and ofbiz)
> 2.  Or there's a scheduling page in Facility, see:
> https://demo.opensourcestrategies.com:8446/facility/control/Scheduling?facilityId=WebStoreWarehouse 
> where you can en masse enter weights, etc.  Here the issue is that it
> only schedules PACKED not SHIPPED shipments.  If you use the [Pack
> orders] feature it works well.  Perhaps Quick Ship should be changed to
> leave shipments in PACKED state?
> Thanks so much for the patch...
> Si
> Fred Forester wrote:
>> the bug seems to be in "ensurePackageRouteSeg". these changes seem to
>> fix the first problem. I still get the missing Weight error during
>> confirm UPS.
>> Fred
>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> question about the ShipmentRouteSegment and ShipmentPackageRouteSeg
>>> it seems there is one ShipmentRouteSegment per shipmentid but they
>>> all have the same shipmentRouteSegmentId?
>>> the ShipmentPackageRouteSeg should be one for each
>>> shipmentid/packageseq?
>>> I noticed in ShipmentServices.xml that ensureRouteSegPackage is
>>> called sometimes with a shipmentRouteSegmentId and other times with a
>>> shipmentPackageSeqId?
>>> Thanx
>>> Fred
>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>> this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)
>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>> > Agreed.
>>>> >
>>>> > I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the first
>>>> > error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
>>>> > The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>> >
>>>> >      * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with
>>>> shipmentId
>>>> > 10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Fred
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Si Chen wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >>I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't tell
>>>> what
>>>> >>is happening.  It's not as simple as just adding that back in.  
>>>> There's
>>>> >>something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august
>>>> 2005) to
>>>> >>opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn.  We'll have to go through the two
>>>> >>versions and check more carefully.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>Si
>>>> >>
>>>> >>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>>Si,
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
>>>> >>>"ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>the error message shows up in the code here
>>>> >>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/svn/2005-July/002290.html
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>Thanx
>>>> >>>Fred
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>Si Chen wrote:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>>Not sure...  Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or older
>>>> >>>>versions?  If not, I'll check.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>>It looks like that somewhere in
>>>> >>>>>"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
>>>> >>>>>"ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact
>>>> that it
>>>> >>>>>doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping
>>>> services.
>>>> >>>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/svn/2005-July/002290.html
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>Thanx
>>>> >>>>>Fred
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>Si Chen wrote:
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>Yes, this might be a bug.  There's a jira issue for it.
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if there is
>>>> >>>>>>one, is recent.  You might want to compare the two.
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>Si
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>Hi All
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route
>>>> Segments
>>>> >>>>>>>and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>    * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
>>>> >>>>>>>ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
>>>> >>>>>>>shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>and
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>6775606 (http- [
>>>> >>>>>>>ServiceDispatcher.java:412:ERROR] Service Error
>>>> >>>>>>>[upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
>>>> >>>>>>>ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
>>>> >>>>>>>10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>> >>>>>>>6775611 (http- [
>>>> >>>>>>>TransactionUtil.java:243:ERROR]
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>bug?
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>Thanx
>>>> >>>>>>>Fred
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>_______________________________________________
>>>> >>>>>>>Users mailing list
>>>> >>>>>>>[hidden email]
>>>> >>>>>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>_______________________________________________
>>>> >>>>>>Users mailing list
>>>> >>>>>>[hidden email]
>>>> >>>>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
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>>>> >>>>>Users mailing list
>>>> >>>>>[hidden email]
>>>> >>>>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
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>>>> >>>>
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>>>> >>>>
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>>>> >>>http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
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>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
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>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Index:
>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml
>> ===================================================================
>> ---
>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml    
>> (revision 28)
>> +++
>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml    
>> (working copy)
>> @@ -749,11 +749,14 @@
>>          <remove-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
>>      </simple-method>
>>      <simple-method method-name="ensurePackageRouteSeg"
>> short-description="Ensure ShipmentPackageRouteSeg exists for all
>> RouteSegments for th
>> is Package">
>> +        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg"/>
>>          <entity-and entity-name="ShipmentRouteSegment"
>> list-name="shipmentRouteSegments">
>> -            <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>> env-name="lookupRouteSegmentsMap.shipmentId"/>
>> +            <field-map field-name="shipmentId" env-name="shipmentId"/>
>>          </entity-and>
>> +        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg
>> ${shipmentRouteSegments}"/>
>>          <iterate entry-name="shipmentRouteSegment"
>> list-name="shipmentRouteSegments">
>> +            <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg
>> iterate"/>
>>              <entity-one entity-name="ShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>> value-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg" auto-field-map="false">
>>                  <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>> env-name="shipmentId"/>
>>                  <field-map field-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"
>> env-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
>> @@ -761,8 +764,12 @@
>>              </entity-one>
>>              <if-empty field-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg">
>> -                <call-service
>> service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>> in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
>> -                </call-service>
>> +               <log level="info"
>> message="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"/>
>> +               <set
>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentRouteSegmentId"
>> from-field="shipmentRouteSegment.shipmentRouteSegmentId"/
>>   +               <set
>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentPackageSeqId"
>> from-field="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
>> +               <set
>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentId"
>> from-field="shipmentId"/>
>> +               <call-service
>> service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>> in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
>> +               </call-service>
>>              </if-empty>
>>          </iterate>
>>      </simple-method>
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

David E. Jones
1146 posts


Have you looked at the fairly new packing UI in the facility manager?

One thing to note about these statuses is that they aren't really all for just the Shipment and related entities. For fulfillment a lot of status is in the Order and related inventory records and such before the Shipment is created. Once inventory is issued to a Shipment, then the "fulfillment" status is now on the Shipment.

It is certainly possible to change the fulfillment flow, and in fact in OFBiz there are a number of ways to pick, pack and ship an order. Just be sure to do some good analysis first and make sure the process and statuses they are asking for actually make sense (ie aren't missing anything important or adding something irrelevant).


Fred Forester wrote:

> Thanx. If nothing else I'm a persistent sob :)
> Actually, the question I posted about passing variables was just for
> that reason. I needed a way to tell
> "createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" to leave the package packed and
> "optionally" shipped. However, is there any reason why it can't be set
> to SCHEDULED?. I've had a few complaints about the statuses for
> shipments. the request was for something like...
> quickship - status "ready for printing".
> print packslip - status "ready to ship" or "printed".
> get tracking# - status "shipped".
> however, I may be able to convinve them with
> and just change the status description.
> as far as Weight. should that value contain the total weight of the
> items in the package? maybe quickship can just calculate it while going
> thru the items?
> Thanx again
> Fred
> Si Chen wrote:
>> Fred,
>> Great job!  I tested your patch and committed it.
>> As for fixing your missing weight, there are two ways:
>> 1.  On the shipment page, go to [Packages] (the link to left of [Route
>> Segments]) and set weights for your packages there.  See
>> https://demo.opensourcestrategies.com:8446/facility/control/EditShipmentPackages?shipmentId=10025 
>> (login with admin and ofbiz)
>> 2.  Or there's a scheduling page in Facility, see:
>> https://demo.opensourcestrategies.com:8446/facility/control/Scheduling?facilityId=WebStoreWarehouse 
>> where you can en masse enter weights, etc.  Here the issue is that it
>> only schedules PACKED not SHIPPED shipments.  If you use the [Pack
>> orders] feature it works well.  Perhaps Quick Ship should be changed to
>> leave shipments in PACKED state?
>> Thanks so much for the patch...
>> Si
>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>> the bug seems to be in "ensurePackageRouteSeg". these changes seem to
>>> fix the first problem. I still get the missing Weight error during
>>> confirm UPS.
>>> Fred
>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> question about the ShipmentRouteSegment and ShipmentPackageRouteSeg
>>>> it seems there is one ShipmentRouteSegment per shipmentid but they
>>>> all have the same shipmentRouteSegmentId?
>>>> the ShipmentPackageRouteSeg should be one for each
>>>> shipmentid/packageseq?
>>>> I noticed in ShipmentServices.xml that ensureRouteSegPackage is
>>>> called sometimes with a shipmentRouteSegmentId and other times with a
>>>> shipmentPackageSeqId?
>>>> Thanx
>>>> Fred
>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>> this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)
>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>> Agreed.
>>>>>> I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the first
>>>>>> error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
>>>>>> The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>>>>      * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with
>>>>> shipmentId
>>>>>> 10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001
>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>> Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>> I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't tell
>>>>> what
>>>>>>> is happening.  It's not as simple as just adding that back in.  
>>>>> There's
>>>>>>> something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august
>>>>> 2005) to
>>>>>>> opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn.  We'll have to go through the two
>>>>>>> versions and check more carefully.
>>>>>>> Si
>>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>> Si,
>>>>>>>> no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
>>>>>>>> "ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.
>>>>>>>> the error message shows up in the code here
>>>>>>>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/svn/2005-July/002290.html
>>>>>>>> Thanx
>>>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>>>> Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Not sure...  Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or older
>>>>>>>>> versions?  If not, I'll check.
>>>>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> It looks like that somewhere in
>>>>>>>>>> "createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
>>>>>>>>>> "ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?
>>>>>>>>>> it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact
>>>>> that it
>>>>>>>>>> doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping
>>>>> services.
>>>>>>>>>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/svn/2005-July/002290.html
>>>>>>>>>> Thanx
>>>>>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>>>>>> Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, this might be a bug.  There's a jira issue for it.
>>>>>>>>>>> Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if there is
>>>>>>>>>>> one, is recent.  You might want to compare the two.
>>>>>>>>>>> Si
>>>>>>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi All
>>>>>>>>>>>> after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route
>>>>> Segments
>>>>>>>>>>>> and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get
>>>>>>>>>>>> The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>>>>>>>>>>    * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
>>>>>>>>>>>> ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
>>>>>>>>>>>> shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> 6775606 (http- [
>>>>>>>>>>>> ServiceDispatcher.java:412:ERROR] Service Error
>>>>>>>>>>>> [upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
>>>>>>>>>>>> ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
>>>>>>>>>>>> 10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>>>>>>>>>> 6775611 (http- [
>>>>>>>>>>>> TransactionUtil.java:243:ERROR]
>>>>>>>>>>>> bug?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanx
>>>>>>>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Index:
>>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml
>>> ===================================================================
>>> ---
>>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml    
>>> (revision 28)
>>> +++
>>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml    
>>> (working copy)
>>> @@ -749,11 +749,14 @@
>>>          <remove-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
>>>      </simple-method>
>>>      <simple-method method-name="ensurePackageRouteSeg"
>>> short-description="Ensure ShipmentPackageRouteSeg exists for all
>>> RouteSegments for th
>>> is Package">
>>> +        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg"/>
>>>          <entity-and entity-name="ShipmentRouteSegment"
>>> list-name="shipmentRouteSegments">
>>> -            <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>>> env-name="lookupRouteSegmentsMap.shipmentId"/>
>>> +            <field-map field-name="shipmentId" env-name="shipmentId"/>
>>>          </entity-and>
>>> +        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg
>>> ${shipmentRouteSegments}"/>
>>>          <iterate entry-name="shipmentRouteSegment"
>>> list-name="shipmentRouteSegments">
>>> +            <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg
>>> iterate"/>
>>>              <entity-one entity-name="ShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>>> value-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg" auto-field-map="false">
>>>                  <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>>> env-name="shipmentId"/>
>>>                  <field-map field-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"
>>> env-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
>>> @@ -761,8 +764,12 @@
>>>              </entity-one>
>>>              <if-empty field-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg">
>>> -                <call-service
>>> service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>>> in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
>>> -                </call-service>
>>> +               <log level="info"
>>> message="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"/>
>>> +               <set
>>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentRouteSegmentId"
>>> from-field="shipmentRouteSegment.shipmentRouteSegmentId"/
>>>   +               <set
>>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentPackageSeqId"
>>> from-field="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
>>> +               <set
>>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentId"
>>> from-field="shipmentId"/>
>>> +               <call-service
>>> service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>>> in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
>>> +               </call-service>
>>>              </if-empty>
>>>          </iterate>
>>>      </simple-method>
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

Fred Forester-2
172 posts


yes I've looked at it but it will not fly with our users. They are
accustomed to a web based proprietary package with a very intuitive UI.
the picking/packing/shipping can be done from one screen. with a few
clicks, dozens of orders are out the door, with tracking#. if I tell
them they have to manually enter package weights I'll be taken out and
shot. I was almost taken out and shot when they looked at the order
manager. for now my goal is for them to not have to look at the facility
part. I plan on adding quickship instock items and packingslips to the
run action on the findorders list.

As far as statuses Im hoping to just be able to change the status
description and leave the internal status intact.


David E. Jones wrote:

> Fred,
> Have you looked at the fairly new packing UI in the facility manager?
> One thing to note about these statuses is that they aren't really all for just the Shipment and related entities. For fulfillment a lot of status is in the Order and related inventory records and such before the Shipment is created. Once inventory is issued to a Shipment, then the "fulfillment" status is now on the Shipment.
> It is certainly possible to change the fulfillment flow, and in fact in OFBiz there are a number of ways to pick, pack and ship an order. Just be sure to do some good analysis first and make sure the process and statuses they are asking for actually make sense (ie aren't missing anything important or adding something irrelevant).
> -David
> Fred Forester wrote:
>>Thanx. If nothing else I'm a persistent sob :)
>>Actually, the question I posted about passing variables was just for
>>that reason. I needed a way to tell
>>"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" to leave the package packed and
>>"optionally" shipped. However, is there any reason why it can't be set
>>to SCHEDULED?. I've had a few complaints about the statuses for
>>shipments. the request was for something like...
>>quickship - status "ready for printing".
>>print packslip - status "ready to ship" or "printed".
>>get tracking# - status "shipped".
>>however, I may be able to convinve them with
>>and just change the status description.
>>as far as Weight. should that value contain the total weight of the
>>items in the package? maybe quickship can just calculate it while going
>>thru the items?
>>Thanx again
>>Si Chen wrote:
>>>Great job!  I tested your patch and committed it.
>>>As for fixing your missing weight, there are two ways:
>>>1.  On the shipment page, go to [Packages] (the link to left of [Route
>>>Segments]) and set weights for your packages there.  See
>>>(login with admin and ofbiz)
>>>2.  Or there's a scheduling page in Facility, see:
>>>where you can en masse enter weights, etc.  Here the issue is that it
>>>only schedules PACKED not SHIPPED shipments.  If you use the [Pack
>>>orders] feature it works well.  Perhaps Quick Ship should be changed to
>>>leave shipments in PACKED state?
>>>Thanks so much for the patch...
>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>the bug seems to be in "ensurePackageRouteSeg". these changes seem to
>>>>fix the first problem. I still get the missing Weight error during
>>>>confirm UPS.
>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>Hi all,
>>>>>question about the ShipmentRouteSegment and ShipmentPackageRouteSeg
>>>>>it seems there is one ShipmentRouteSegment per shipmentid but they
>>>>>all have the same shipmentRouteSegmentId?
>>>>>the ShipmentPackageRouteSeg should be one for each
>>>>>I noticed in ShipmentServices.xml that ensureRouteSegPackage is
>>>>>called sometimes with a shipmentRouteSegmentId and other times with a
>>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)
>>>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the first
>>>>>>>error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
>>>>>>>The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>>>>>     * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with
>>>>>>>10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001
>>>>>>>Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't tell
>>>>>>>>is happening.  It's not as simple as just adding that back in.  
>>>>>>>>something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august
>>>>>>2005) to
>>>>>>>>opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn.  We'll have to go through the two
>>>>>>>>versions and check more carefully.
>>>>>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>>>no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
>>>>>>>>>"ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.
>>>>>>>>>the error message shows up in the code here
>>>>>>>>>Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Not sure...  Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or older
>>>>>>>>>>versions?  If not, I'll check.
>>>>>>>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>It looks like that somewhere in
>>>>>>>>>>>"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
>>>>>>>>>>>"ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?
>>>>>>>>>>>it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact
>>>>>>that it
>>>>>>>>>>>doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping
>>>>>>>>>>>Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, this might be a bug.  There's a jira issue for it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if there is
>>>>>>>>>>>>one, is recent.  You might want to compare the two.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hi All
>>>>>>>>>>>>>after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route
>>>>>>>>>>>>>and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>>>>>>>>>>>6775606 (http- [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>ServiceDispatcher.java:412:ERROR] Service Error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>[upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
>>>>>>>>>>>>>10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>>>>>>>>>>>6775611 (http- [
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>>>>(revision 28)
>>>>(working copy)
>>>>@@ -749,11 +749,14 @@
>>>>         <remove-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
>>>>     </simple-method>
>>>>     <simple-method method-name="ensurePackageRouteSeg"
>>>>short-description="Ensure ShipmentPackageRouteSeg exists for all
>>>>RouteSegments for th
>>>>is Package">
>>>>+        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg"/>
>>>>         <entity-and entity-name="ShipmentRouteSegment"
>>>>-            <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>>>>+            <field-map field-name="shipmentId" env-name="shipmentId"/>
>>>>         </entity-and>
>>>>+        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg
>>>>         <iterate entry-name="shipmentRouteSegment"
>>>>+            <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg
>>>>             <entity-one entity-name="ShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>>>>value-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg" auto-field-map="false">
>>>>                 <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>>>>                 <field-map field-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"
>>>>@@ -761,8 +764,12 @@
>>>>             </entity-one>
>>>>             <if-empty field-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg">
>>>>-                <call-service
>>>>-                </call-service>
>>>>+               <log level="info"
>>>>+               <set
>>>>  +               <set
>>>>+               <set
>>>>+               <call-service
>>>>+               </call-service>
>>>>             </if-empty>
>>>>         </iterate>
>>>>     </simple-method>
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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

254 posts
> yes I've looked at it but it will not fly with our users. They are
> accustomed to a web based proprietary package with a very intuitive UI.
> the picking/packing/shipping can be done from one screen. with a few
> clicks, dozens of orders are out the door, with tracking#. if I tell
> them they have to manually enter package weights I'll be taken out and
> shot. I was almost taken out and shot when they looked at the order
> manager. for now my goal is for them to not have to look at the facility
> part. I plan on adding quickship instock items and packingslips to the
> run action on the findorders list.

If it becomes feasible for us to implement OFBiz in some capacity
where I work, this is something I'd like to look into more closely.
The logic and data model is much better than our own app, but there is
no way a business can process a decent volume of orders with these
screens the way they are now.  My boss' conclusion: that OFBiz is not
meant for 'serious' work.  Should I manage to get the go ahead in any
case, I'd really like to discuss reworking that part of the UI, or
adding other paths through it that are more adept at handling higher

David N. Welton
 - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/

Linux, Open Source Consulting
 - http://www.dedasys.com/
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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR NoShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

Jacques Le Roux
17869 posts

> > yes I've looked at it but it will not fly with our users. They are
> > accustomed to a web based proprietary package with a very intuitive UI.
> > the picking/packing/shipping can be done from one screen. with a few
> > clicks, dozens of orders are out the door, with tracking#. if I tell
> > them they have to manually enter package weights I'll be taken out and
> > shot. I was almost taken out and shot when they looked at the order
> > manager. for now my goal is for them to not have to look at the facility
> > part. I plan on adding quickship instock items and packingslips to the
> > run action on the findorders list.
> If it becomes feasible for us to implement OFBiz in some capacity
> where I work, this is something I'd like to look into more closely.
> The logic and data model is much better than our own app, but there is
> no way a business can process a decent volume of orders with these
> screens the way they are now.  My boss' conclusion: that OFBiz is not
> meant for 'serious' work.  Should I manage to get the go ahead in any
> case, I'd really like to discuss reworking that part of the UI, or
> adding other paths through it that are more adept at handling higher
> volumes.
> Ciao,
> --
> David N. Welton
>  - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/

I agree. I made some consulting task (Prof Of Concept, POC) recently for an
international company based in Paris. The backoffice UI was also the bad point
of the story. Also when I recall myself discovering it one year ago I confess
that I had a hard time. In fact now that I know more of the backoffice UI, I
don't find it so bad. Of course there are some process (mainly in Order and
Facilities, picking/packing/shipping is a good example) that must be improved
but since one year now some has already be done. It can be done ! "Quick Ship
Entire Order" is a good example of this even if it's not applicable by every
type of activity.

I think that the current UIs was designed as a POC and not intended to be the
one finally used by customers. It's clear for frontal UIs (Ecommerce & POS) but
less for backoffice because it involved more thinking and work. As David J.
explained recently there are currently many tasks to be done before even
thinking to change the backoffice UI. As suggested by David W. above, a good way
to go would be to add some better workflows for tasks like
picking/packing/shipping, etc. Everybody can help....

The work Vinay is doing on adding a "Simple Commission Mechanism" (see Jira
OFBIZ-853), is a good example of what may be done by someone who was a newbie 6
months ago ! It's amazing to see how this is done with the help of vets.

OK, that's only my feeling


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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

Si Chen-2
1414 posts
In reply to this post by Fred Forester-2

I think you may have confused "SCHEDULED" as "scheduled for shipping" whereas in fact it means "scheduled with carrier."  The usual process is thus created -> picked -> packed -> scheduled -> shipped -> delivered.

Two things that I think would make all the shipping processes tie together better:

1.  Quick ship entire order leaves the shipment in packed state, so you can use the scheduling screen for all of them.  (David & Andy - if you read this, is this a good change for OFBiz?)

2.  The packing station show a list of shipments in the picked state to pack.

Also, without trying to sound defensive, the current UI is designed to have a separate warehouse use the facility manager for packing and shipping and the order manager for order processing. 

Automatic weight calculation was discussed on JIRA a while ago.  You might want to read it to see what our issues are.


Fred Forester wrote:
Thanx. If nothing else I'm a persistent sob :)

Actually, the question I posted about passing variables was just for 
that reason. I needed a way to tell 
"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" to leave the package packed and 
"optionally" shipped. However, is there any reason why it can't be set 
to SCHEDULED?. I've had a few complaints about the statuses for 
shipments. the request was for something like...

quickship - status "ready for printing".
print packslip - status "ready to ship" or "printed".
get tracking# - status "shipped".

however, I may be able to convinve them with


and just change the status description.

as far as Weight. should that value contain the total weight of the 
items in the package? maybe quickship can just calculate it while going 
thru the items?

Thanx again

Si Chen wrote:

Great job!  I tested your patch and committed it.

As for fixing your missing weight, there are two ways:

1.  On the shipment page, go to [Packages] (the link to left of [Route 
Segments]) and set weights for your packages there.  See 
(login with admin and ofbiz)

2.  Or there's a scheduling page in Facility, see: 
where you can en masse enter weights, etc.  Here the issue is that it 
only schedules PACKED not SHIPPED shipments.  If you use the [Pack 
orders] feature it works well.  Perhaps Quick Ship should be changed to 
leave shipments in PACKED state?

Thanks so much for the patch...


Fred Forester wrote:

the bug seems to be in "ensurePackageRouteSeg". these changes seem to 
fix the first problem. I still get the missing Weight error during 
confirm UPS.


Fred Forester wrote:

Hi all,

question about the ShipmentRouteSegment and ShipmentPackageRouteSeg

it seems there is one ShipmentRouteSegment per shipmentid but they 
all have the same shipmentRouteSegmentId?

the ShipmentPackageRouteSeg should be one for each 

I noticed in ShipmentServices.xml that ensureRouteSegPackage is 
called sometimes with a shipmentRouteSegmentId and other times with a 


Fred Forester wrote:

this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)

Fred Forester wrote:

I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the first
error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
The Following Errors Occurred:

     * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with 
10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001


Si Chen wrote:

I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't tell 
is happening.  It's not as simple as just adding that back in.  
something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august 
2005) to
opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn.  We'll have to go through the two
versions and check more carefully.


Fred Forester wrote:


no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
"ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.

the error message shows up in the code here


Si Chen wrote:

Not sure...  Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or older
versions?  If not, I'll check.

Fred Forester wrote:

It looks like that somewhere in
"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
"ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?

it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact 
that it
doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping 


Si Chen wrote:

Yes, this might be a bug.  There's a jira issue for it.

Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if there is
one, is recent.  You might want to compare the two.


Fred Forester wrote:

Hi All

after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route 
and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get

The Following Errors Occurred:

   * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001


6775606 (http- [
ServiceDispatcher.java:412:ERROR] Service Error
[upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
6775611 (http- [



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(revision 28)
(working copy)
@@ -749,11 +749,14 @@
         <remove-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
     <simple-method method-name="ensurePackageRouteSeg" 
short-description="Ensure ShipmentPackageRouteSeg exists for all 
RouteSegments for th
is Package">
+        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg"/>
         <entity-and entity-name="ShipmentRouteSegment" 
-            <field-map field-name="shipmentId" 
+            <field-map field-name="shipmentId" env-name="shipmentId"/>

+        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg 
         <iterate entry-name="shipmentRouteSegment" 
+            <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg 
             <entity-one entity-name="ShipmentPackageRouteSeg" 
value-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg" auto-field-map="false">
                 <field-map field-name="shipmentId" 
                 <field-map field-name="shipmentPackageSeqId" 
@@ -761,8 +764,12 @@

             <if-empty field-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg">
-                <call-service 
-                </call-service>
+               <log level="info" 
+               <set 
  +               <set 
+               <set 
+               <call-service 
+               </call-service>

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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

Si Chen-2
1414 posts
Oops I was wrong.  It is input -> scheduled -> picked -> packed -> shipped -> delivered.  So scheduled is "scheduled for shipping".  Si

Si Chen wrote:

I think you may have confused "SCHEDULED" as "scheduled for shipping" whereas in fact it means "scheduled with carrier."  The usual process is thus created -> picked -> packed -> scheduled -> shipped -> delivered.

Two things that I think would make all the shipping processes tie together better:

1.  Quick ship entire order leaves the shipment in packed state, so you can use the scheduling screen for all of them.  (David & Andy - if you read this, is this a good change for OFBiz?)

2.  The packing station show a list of shipments in the picked state to pack.

Also, without trying to sound defensive, the current UI is designed to have a separate warehouse use the facility manager for packing and shipping and the order manager for order processing. 

Automatic weight calculation was discussed on JIRA a while ago.  You might want to read it to see what our issues are.


Fred Forester wrote:
Thanx. If nothing else I'm a persistent sob :)

Actually, the question I posted about passing variables was just for 
that reason. I needed a way to tell 
"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" to leave the package packed and 
"optionally" shipped. However, is there any reason why it can't be set 
to SCHEDULED?. I've had a few complaints about the statuses for 
shipments. the request was for something like...

quickship - status "ready for printing".
print packslip - status "ready to ship" or "printed".
get tracking# - status "shipped".

however, I may be able to convinve them with


and just change the status description.

as far as Weight. should that value contain the total weight of the 
items in the package? maybe quickship can just calculate it while going 
thru the items?

Thanx again

Si Chen wrote:

Great job!  I tested your patch and committed it.

As for fixing your missing weight, there are two ways:

1.  On the shipment page, go to [Packages] (the link to left of [Route 
Segments]) and set weights for your packages there.  See 
(login with admin and ofbiz)

2.  Or there's a scheduling page in Facility, see: 
where you can en masse enter weights, etc.  Here the issue is that it 
only schedules PACKED not SHIPPED shipments.  If you use the [Pack 
orders] feature it works well.  Perhaps Quick Ship should be changed to 
leave shipments in PACKED state?

Thanks so much for the patch...


Fred Forester wrote:

the bug seems to be in "ensurePackageRouteSeg". these changes seem to 
fix the first problem. I still get the missing Weight error during 
confirm UPS.


Fred Forester wrote:

Hi all,

question about the ShipmentRouteSegment and ShipmentPackageRouteSeg

it seems there is one ShipmentRouteSegment per shipmentid but they 
all have the same shipmentRouteSegmentId?

the ShipmentPackageRouteSeg should be one for each 

I noticed in ShipmentServices.xml that ensureRouteSegPackage is 
called sometimes with a shipmentRouteSegmentId and other times with a 


Fred Forester wrote:

this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)

Fred Forester wrote:

I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the first
error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
The Following Errors Occurred:

     * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with 
10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001


Si Chen wrote:

I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't tell 
is happening.  It's not as simple as just adding that back in.  
something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august 
2005) to
opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn.  We'll have to go through the two
versions and check more carefully.


Fred Forester wrote:


no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
"ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.

the error message shows up in the code here


Si Chen wrote:

Not sure...  Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or older
versions?  If not, I'll check.

Fred Forester wrote:

It looks like that somewhere in
"createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
"ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?

it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact 
that it
doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping 


Si Chen wrote:

Yes, this might be a bug.  There's a jira issue for it.

Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if there is
one, is recent.  You might want to compare the two.


Fred Forester wrote:

Hi All

after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route 
and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get

The Following Errors Occurred:

   * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001


6775606 (http- [
ServiceDispatcher.java:412:ERROR] Service Error
[upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId
10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
6775611 (http- [



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(revision 28)
(working copy)
@@ -749,11 +749,14 @@
         <remove-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
     <simple-method method-name="ensurePackageRouteSeg" 
short-description="Ensure ShipmentPackageRouteSeg exists for all 
RouteSegments for th
is Package">
+        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg"/>
         <entity-and entity-name="ShipmentRouteSegment" 
-            <field-map field-name="shipmentId" 
+            <field-map field-name="shipmentId" env-name="shipmentId"/>

+        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg 
         <iterate entry-name="shipmentRouteSegment" 
+            <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg 
             <entity-one entity-name="ShipmentPackageRouteSeg" 
value-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg" auto-field-map="false">
                 <field-map field-name="shipmentId" 
                 <field-map field-name="shipmentPackageSeqId" 
@@ -761,8 +764,12 @@

             <if-empty field-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg">
-                <call-service 
-                </call-service>
+               <log level="info" 
+               <set 
  +               <set 
+               <set 
+               <call-service 
+               </call-service>

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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

Fred Forester-2
172 posts


seems we are still haggling over the statuses we would like to see but I
think we are looking for something like....

1) order comes in with backorder items it goes to a backordered status.
orders in this status can use quickship instock items
2) order comes in all items in stock can use quick ship entire order
3) regardless if opt 1 or opt 2 the items(package?) go to scheduled
4) when the packslip is printed they go to either picked or packed.
5) when the tracking number is obtained and (maybe) the shipping label
is printed is goes to shipped and the order is completed.

we understand the concept behind shipping from possible mutiple
facilities and we may go that way later but I don't think we want to do
that outta the gate. Actually, doing all of this from the findorders
list is pretty darn close to how we do it now.

I will look for the jira issue on auto weight calc.

as far as sounding defensive. hey, Its only software :)


Si Chen wrote:

> Oops I was wrong.  It is input -> scheduled -> picked -> packed ->
> shipped -> delivered.  So scheduled is "scheduled for shipping".  Si
> Si Chen wrote:
>> Fred,
>> I think you may have confused "SCHEDULED" as "scheduled for shipping"
>> whereas in fact it means "scheduled with carrier."  The usual process
>> is thus created -> picked -> packed -> scheduled -> shipped -> delivered.
>> Two things that I think would make all the shipping processes tie
>> together better:
>> 1.  Quick ship entire order leaves the shipment in packed state, so
>> you can use the scheduling screen for all of them.  (David & Andy - if
>> you read this, is this a good change for OFBiz?)
>> 2.  The packing station show a list of shipments in the picked state
>> to pack.
>> Also, without trying to sound defensive, the current UI is designed to
>> have a separate warehouse use the facility manager for packing and
>> shipping and the order manager for order processing.
>> Automatic weight calculation was discussed on JIRA a while ago.  You
>> might want to read it to see what our issues are.
>> Si
>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>> Thanx. If nothing else I'm a persistent sob :)
>>> Actually, the question I posted about passing variables was just for
>>> that reason. I needed a way to tell
>>> "createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" to leave the package packed
>>> and "optionally" shipped. However, is there any reason why it can't
>>> be set to SCHEDULED?. I've had a few complaints about the statuses
>>> for shipments. the request was for something like...
>>> quickship - status "ready for printing".
>>> print packslip - status "ready to ship" or "printed".
>>> get tracking# - status "shipped".
>>> however, I may be able to convinve them with
>>> and just change the status description.
>>> as far as Weight. should that value contain the total weight of the
>>> items in the package? maybe quickship can just calculate it while
>>> going thru the items?
>>> Thanx again
>>> Fred
>>> Si Chen wrote:
>>>> Fred,
>>>> Great job!  I tested your patch and committed it.
>>>> As for fixing your missing weight, there are two ways:
>>>> 1.  On the shipment page, go to [Packages] (the link to left of
>>>> [Route Segments]) and set weights for your packages there.  See
>>>> https://demo.opensourcestrategies.com:8446/facility/control/EditShipmentPackages?shipmentId=10025 
>>>> (login with admin and ofbiz)
>>>> 2.  Or there's a scheduling page in Facility, see:
>>>> https://demo.opensourcestrategies.com:8446/facility/control/Scheduling?facilityId=WebStoreWarehouse 
>>>> where you can en masse enter weights, etc.  Here the issue is that
>>>> it only schedules PACKED not SHIPPED shipments.  If you use the
>>>> [Pack orders] feature it works well.  Perhaps Quick Ship should be
>>>> changed to leave shipments in PACKED state?
>>>> Thanks so much for the patch...
>>>> Si
>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>> the bug seems to be in "ensurePackageRouteSeg". these changes seem
>>>>> to fix the first problem. I still get the missing Weight error
>>>>> during confirm UPS.
>>>>> Fred
>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> question about the ShipmentRouteSegment and ShipmentPackageRouteSeg
>>>>>> it seems there is one ShipmentRouteSegment per shipmentid but they
>>>>>> all have the same shipmentRouteSegmentId?
>>>>>> the ShipmentPackageRouteSeg should be one for each
>>>>>> shipmentid/packageseq?
>>>>>> I noticed in ShipmentServices.xml that ensureRouteSegPackage is
>>>>>> called sometimes with a shipmentRouteSegmentId and other times
>>>>>> with a shipmentPackageSeqId?
>>>>>> Thanx
>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>> this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)
>>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>> Agreed.
>>>>>>>> I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the
>>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>>> error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
>>>>>>>> The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>>>>>>      * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with
>>>>>>> shipmentId
>>>>>>>> 10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001
>>>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>>>> Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't
>>>>>>>>> tell              
>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>> is happening.  It's not as simple as just adding that back in.  
>>>>>>> There's
>>>>>>>>> something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august
>>>>>>> 2005) to
>>>>>>>>> opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn.  We'll have to go through the two
>>>>>>>>> versions and check more carefully.
>>>>>>>>> Si
>>>>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Si,
>>>>>>>>>> no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
>>>>>>>>>> "ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.
>>>>>>>>>> the error message shows up in the code here
>>>>>>>>>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/svn/2005-July/002290.html
>>>>>>>>>> Thanx
>>>>>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>>>>>> Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure...  Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or
>>>>>>>>>>> older
>>>>>>>>>>> versions?  If not, I'll check.
>>>>>>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> It looks like that somewhere in
>>>>>>>>>>>> "createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
>>>>>>>>>>>> "ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?
>>>>>>>>>>>> it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact
>>>>>>> that it
>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping
>>>>>>> services.
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/svn/2005-July/002290.html
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanx
>>>>>>>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>>>>>>>> Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, this might be a bug.  There's a jira issue for it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> one, is recent.  You might want to compare the two.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Si
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi All
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route
>>>>>>> Segments
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6775606 (http- [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ServiceDispatcher.java:412:ERROR] Service Error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shipmentId
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6775611 (http- [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TransactionUtil.java:243:ERROR]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bug?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fred
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>>>>> Index:
>>>>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml
>>>>> ===================================================================
>>>>> ---
>>>>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml    
>>>>> (revision 28)
>>>>> +++
>>>>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml    
>>>>> (working copy)
>>>>> @@ -749,11 +749,14 @@
>>>>>          <remove-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
>>>>>      </simple-method>
>>>>>      <simple-method method-name="ensurePackageRouteSeg"
>>>>> short-description="Ensure ShipmentPackageRouteSeg exists for all
>>>>> RouteSegments for th
>>>>> is Package">
>>>>> +        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg"/>
>>>>>          <entity-and entity-name="ShipmentRouteSegment"
>>>>> list-name="shipmentRouteSegments">
>>>>> -            <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>>>>> env-name="lookupRouteSegmentsMap.shipmentId"/>
>>>>> +            <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>>>>> env-name="shipmentId"/>
>>>>>          </entity-and>
>>>>> +        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg
>>>>> ${shipmentRouteSegments}"/>
>>>>>          <iterate entry-name="shipmentRouteSegment"
>>>>> list-name="shipmentRouteSegments">
>>>>> +            <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg
>>>>> iterate"/>
>>>>>              <entity-one entity-name="ShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>>>>> value-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg" auto-field-map="false">
>>>>>                  <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>>>>> env-name="shipmentId"/>
>>>>>                  <field-map field-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"
>>>>> env-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
>>>>> @@ -761,8 +764,12 @@
>>>>>              </entity-one>
>>>>>              <if-empty field-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg">
>>>>> -                <call-service
>>>>> service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>>>>> in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
>>>>> -                </call-service>
>>>>> +               <log level="info"
>>>>> message="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"/>
>>>>> +               <set
>>>>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentRouteSegmentId"
>>>>> from-field="shipmentRouteSegment.shipmentRouteSegmentId"/
>>>>>   +               <set
>>>>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentPackageSeqId"
>>>>> from-field="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
>>>>> +               <set
>>>>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentId"
>>>>> from-field="shipmentId"/>
>>>>> +               <call-service
>>>>> service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>>>>> in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
>>>>> +               </call-service>
>>>>>              </if-empty>
>>>>>          </iterate>
>>>>>      </simple-method>
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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

David E. Jones
1146 posts

Just please note that these statuses and steps are NOT sufficient for a generic system and these specific ones should not go into OFBiz. Picking and packing are very different things in most companies and that distinction is important.

On what is basically the far end of the scale the quick ship entire order should always be available (in the default templates) because some organizations don't use the inventory and warehouse management, and so everything ends up being on backorder...


Fred Forester wrote:

> Si,
> seems we are still haggling over the statuses we would like to see but I
> think we are looking for something like....
> 1) order comes in with backorder items it goes to a backordered status.
> orders in this status can use quickship instock items
> 2) order comes in all items in stock can use quick ship entire order
> 3) regardless if opt 1 or opt 2 the items(package?) go to scheduled
> 4) when the packslip is printed they go to either picked or packed.
> 5) when the tracking number is obtained and (maybe) the shipping label
> is printed is goes to shipped and the order is completed.
> we understand the concept behind shipping from possible mutiple
> facilities and we may go that way later but I don't think we want to do
> that outta the gate. Actually, doing all of this from the findorders
> list is pretty darn close to how we do it now.
> I will look for the jira issue on auto weight calc.
> as far as sounding defensive. hey, Its only software :)
> thanx
> Fred
> Si Chen wrote:
>> Oops I was wrong.  It is input -> scheduled -> picked -> packed ->
>> shipped -> delivered.  So scheduled is "scheduled for shipping".  Si
>> Si Chen wrote:
>>> Fred,
>>> I think you may have confused "SCHEDULED" as "scheduled for shipping"
>>> whereas in fact it means "scheduled with carrier."  The usual process
>>> is thus created -> picked -> packed -> scheduled -> shipped -> delivered.
>>> Two things that I think would make all the shipping processes tie
>>> together better:
>>> 1.  Quick ship entire order leaves the shipment in packed state, so
>>> you can use the scheduling screen for all of them.  (David & Andy - if
>>> you read this, is this a good change for OFBiz?)
>>> 2.  The packing station show a list of shipments in the picked state
>>> to pack.
>>> Also, without trying to sound defensive, the current UI is designed to
>>> have a separate warehouse use the facility manager for packing and
>>> shipping and the order manager for order processing.
>>> Automatic weight calculation was discussed on JIRA a while ago.  You
>>> might want to read it to see what our issues are.
>>> Si
>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>> Thanx. If nothing else I'm a persistent sob :)
>>>> Actually, the question I posted about passing variables was just for
>>>> that reason. I needed a way to tell
>>>> "createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" to leave the package packed
>>>> and "optionally" shipped. However, is there any reason why it can't
>>>> be set to SCHEDULED?. I've had a few complaints about the statuses
>>>> for shipments. the request was for something like...
>>>> quickship - status "ready for printing".
>>>> print packslip - status "ready to ship" or "printed".
>>>> get tracking# - status "shipped".
>>>> however, I may be able to convinve them with
>>>> and just change the status description.
>>>> as far as Weight. should that value contain the total weight of the
>>>> items in the package? maybe quickship can just calculate it while
>>>> going thru the items?
>>>> Thanx again
>>>> Fred
>>>> Si Chen wrote:
>>>>> Fred,
>>>>> Great job!  I tested your patch and committed it.
>>>>> As for fixing your missing weight, there are two ways:
>>>>> 1.  On the shipment page, go to [Packages] (the link to left of
>>>>> [Route Segments]) and set weights for your packages there.  See
>>>>> https://demo.opensourcestrategies.com:8446/facility/control/EditShipmentPackages?shipmentId=10025 
>>>>> (login with admin and ofbiz)
>>>>> 2.  Or there's a scheduling page in Facility, see:
>>>>> https://demo.opensourcestrategies.com:8446/facility/control/Scheduling?facilityId=WebStoreWarehouse 
>>>>> where you can en masse enter weights, etc.  Here the issue is that
>>>>> it only schedules PACKED not SHIPPED shipments.  If you use the
>>>>> [Pack orders] feature it works well.  Perhaps Quick Ship should be
>>>>> changed to leave shipments in PACKED state?
>>>>> Thanks so much for the patch...
>>>>> Si
>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>> the bug seems to be in "ensurePackageRouteSeg". these changes seem
>>>>>> to fix the first problem. I still get the missing Weight error
>>>>>> during confirm UPS.
>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> question about the ShipmentRouteSegment and ShipmentPackageRouteSeg
>>>>>>> it seems there is one ShipmentRouteSegment per shipmentid but they
>>>>>>> all have the same shipmentRouteSegmentId?
>>>>>>> the ShipmentPackageRouteSeg should be one for each
>>>>>>> shipmentid/packageseq?
>>>>>>> I noticed in ShipmentServices.xml that ensureRouteSegPackage is
>>>>>>> called sometimes with a shipmentRouteSegmentId and other times
>>>>>>> with a shipmentPackageSeqId?
>>>>>>> Thanx
>>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>> this maybe should be on the dev list now. :)
>>>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Agreed.
>>>>>>>>> I noticed that clicking Update on the route segments clears the
>>>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>>>> error but clicking Confirm Shipment with UPS again produces this.
>>>>>>>>> The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>>>>>>>      * Weight value not found for ShipmentRouteSegment with
>>>>>>>> shipmentId
>>>>>>>>> 10032, shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001, and shipmentPackageSeqId 00001
>>>>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>>>>> Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I looked at ShipmentServices from before and now and couldn't
>>>>>>>>>> tell              
>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>> is happening.  It's not as simple as just adding that back in.  
>>>>>>>> There's
>>>>>>>>>> something else going on that broke it from opentaps 0.8 (august
>>>>>>>> 2005) to
>>>>>>>>>> opentaps 0.9/current ofbiz svn.  We'll have to go through the two
>>>>>>>>>> versions and check more carefully.
>>>>>>>>>> Si
>>>>>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Si,
>>>>>>>>>>> no, I didn't do a code compare. I searched the list(s) for
>>>>>>>>>>> "ShipmentPackageRouteSegs" and found 3 entries all from svn.
>>>>>>>>>>> the error message shows up in the code here
>>>>>>>>>>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/svn/2005-July/002290.html
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanx
>>>>>>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>>>>>>> Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure...  Did you compare it with opentaps-0.8.4 code or
>>>>>>>>>>>> older
>>>>>>>>>>>> versions?  If not, I'll check.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It looks like that somewhere in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "createShipmentForFacilityAndShipGroup" it needs to call
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "ensureRouteSegPackage". does this sound correct?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it seems the entity has been around for a while and the fact
>>>>>>>> that it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't exist is being enforced in the thirdparty shipping
>>>>>>>> services.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/pipermail/svn/2005-July/002290.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanx
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Si Chen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, this might be a bug.  There's a jira issue for it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Note that this worked in opentaps 0.8.4, so the bug, if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one, is recent.  You might want to compare the two.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Si
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fred Forester wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi All
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after a quickship entire order then looking at the Route
>>>>>>>> Segments
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and trying to confirm shipment with ups I get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Following Errors Occurred:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    * No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (ie No Packages) found for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ShipmentRouteSegment with shipmentId 10000 and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6775606 (http- [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ServiceDispatcher.java:412:ERROR] Service Error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [upsShipmentConfirm]: No ShipmentPackageRouteSegs (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ie No Packages) found for ShipmentRouteSegment with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shipmentId
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10012 and shipmentRouteSegmentId 00001
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6775611 (http- [
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TransactionUtil.java:243:ERROR]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bug?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanx
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fred
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>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Index:
>>>>>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml
>>>>>> ===================================================================
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml    
>>>>>> (revision 28)
>>>>>> +++
>>>>>> applications/product/script/org/ofbiz/shipment/shipment/ShipmentServices.xml    
>>>>>> (working copy)
>>>>>> @@ -749,11 +749,14 @@
>>>>>>          <remove-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
>>>>>>      </simple-method>
>>>>>>      <simple-method method-name="ensurePackageRouteSeg"
>>>>>> short-description="Ensure ShipmentPackageRouteSeg exists for all
>>>>>> RouteSegments for th
>>>>>> is Package">
>>>>>> +        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg"/>
>>>>>>          <entity-and entity-name="ShipmentRouteSegment"
>>>>>> list-name="shipmentRouteSegments">
>>>>>> -            <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>>>>>> env-name="lookupRouteSegmentsMap.shipmentId"/>
>>>>>> +            <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>>>>>> env-name="shipmentId"/>
>>>>>>          </entity-and>
>>>>>> +        <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg
>>>>>> ${shipmentRouteSegments}"/>
>>>>>>          <iterate entry-name="shipmentRouteSegment"
>>>>>> list-name="shipmentRouteSegments">
>>>>>> +            <log level="info" message="IN ensurePackageRouteSeg
>>>>>> iterate"/>
>>>>>>              <entity-one entity-name="ShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>>>>>> value-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg" auto-field-map="false">
>>>>>>                  <field-map field-name="shipmentId"
>>>>>> env-name="shipmentId"/>
>>>>>>                  <field-map field-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"
>>>>>> env-name="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
>>>>>> @@ -761,8 +764,12 @@
>>>>>>              </entity-one>
>>>>>>              <if-empty field-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSeg">
>>>>>> -                <call-service
>>>>>> service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>>>>>> in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
>>>>>> -                </call-service>
>>>>>> +               <log level="info"
>>>>>> message="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"/>
>>>>>> +               <set
>>>>>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentRouteSegmentId"
>>>>>> from-field="shipmentRouteSegment.shipmentRouteSegmentId"/
>>>>>>   +               <set
>>>>>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentPackageSeqId"
>>>>>> from-field="shipmentPackageSeqId"/>
>>>>>> +               <set
>>>>>> field="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap.shipmentId"
>>>>>> from-field="shipmentId"/>
>>>>>> +               <call-service
>>>>>> service-name="createShipmentPackageRouteSeg"
>>>>>> in-map-name="checkShipmentPackageRouteSegMap">
>>>>>> +               </call-service>
>>>>>>              </if-empty>
>>>>>>          </iterate>
>>>>>>      </simple-method>
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Re: Dev - [Fwd: Re: [OFBiz] Users - ERRROR NoShipmentPackageRouteSegs Moved to Dev

David E. Jones
1146 posts
In reply to this post by Jacques Le Roux

It might be more wise to consider a wider perspective on this and recognize that different companies do things very differently. OFBiz has been and is being used in high volume fulfillment environments, and the UI that exists is basically what we have been able to get back into the project from the work done for these companies.

Naturally if the flow and roles the company wants to use are different than what it has been designed for, then it won't work. For smaller companies that want to "fulfill" a bunch of orders in a single click, they'll have to design something for that because while the current UIs support various paths for pick, pack, etc operations they are mostly oriented to different groups of people in each of those roles that touch only one small part of the overall process. For example, they are designed for different groups of people doing picking (with someone managing the pick lists and assigning them, typically) and a group of people doing packing and starting their efforts by scanning a pick position sheet bar code, which is why the first page in the packing UI calls for just that.

Even with these sorts of things supporting high volume operations, most companies that need such a system will want to spend money on it to make sure it meets their needs, and in the case of something like OFBiz that means using those resources for customization.

The irony here from most of real world application that I've seen is that it is the smaller companies that make up any of a multitude of short-cuts to simplify their fulfillment process that really need such customizations to allow their smaller staff to skip steps that are normally part of a fulfillment process...


Jacques Le Roux wrote:

>>> yes I've looked at it but it will not fly with our users. They are
>>> accustomed to a web based proprietary package with a very intuitive UI.
>>> the picking/packing/shipping can be done from one screen. with a few
>>> clicks, dozens of orders are out the door, with tracking#. if I tell
>>> them they have to manually enter package weights I'll be taken out and
>>> shot. I was almost taken out and shot when they looked at the order
>>> manager. for now my goal is for them to not have to look at the facility
>>> part. I plan on adding quickship instock items and packingslips to the
>>> run action on the findorders list.
>> If it becomes feasible for us to implement OFBiz in some capacity
>> where I work, this is something I'd like to look into more closely.
>> The logic and data model is much better than our own app, but there is
>> no way a business can process a decent volume of orders with these
>> screens the way they are now.  My boss' conclusion: that OFBiz is not
>> meant for 'serious' work.  Should I manage to get the go ahead in any
>> case, I'd really like to discuss reworking that part of the UI, or
>> adding other paths through it that are more adept at handling higher
>> volumes.
>> Ciao,
>> --
>> David N. Welton
>>  - http://www.dedasys.com/davidw/
> I agree. I made some consulting task (Prof Of Concept, POC) recently for an
> international company based in Paris. The backoffice UI was also the bad point
> of the story. Also when I recall myself discovering it one year ago I confess
> that I had a hard time. In fact now that I know more of the backoffice UI, I
> don't find it so bad. Of course there are some process (mainly in Order and
> Facilities, picking/packing/shipping is a good example) that must be improved
> but since one year now some has already be done. It can be done ! "Quick Ship
> Entire Order" is a good example of this even if it's not applicable by every
> type of activity.
> I think that the current UIs was designed as a POC and not intended to be the
> one finally used by customers. It's clear for frontal UIs (Ecommerce & POS) but
> less for backoffice because it involved more thinking and work. As David J.
> explained recently there are currently many tasks to be done before even
> thinking to change the backoffice UI. As suggested by David W. above, a good way
> to go would be to add some better workflows for tasks like
> picking/packing/shipping, etc. Everybody can help....
> The work Vinay is doing on adding a "Simple Commission Mechanism" (see Jira
> OFBIZ-853), is a good example of what may be done by someone who was a newbie 6
> months ago ! It's amazing to see how this is done with the help of vets.
> OK, that's only my feeling
> Jacques
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