Dev - Jar files that doesn't seem to be used

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Dev - Jar files that doesn't seem to be used

Wow, used to have to buy a response on the weekends.
lol a lot of action today.

Unless I just totally miss the point of "backward
compatability", we shouldn't be taking any of the
libraries out unless there's a very good reason to.
The idea of backward compatability in an open source
project isn't just keeping support for things that the
project has used out of the box.  It also includes
keeping support for the functions that were built and
someone may have taken advantage of, so that when that
person goes to update and get back into the community
from being in a production environment, their stuff
doesn't break.   Ofbiz is very much a project where
most of us are standing on the shoulders of giants.

Many of the people who use Ofbiz have the skills of
making Ofbiz say "Hello, you big beautfiul world", but
have no idea how or why Ofbiz said "Hello, world" in
the first place.  If this type of person utilized one
of the libraries without knowing what exactly that
library did, and when they update it, the libary is
gone, they're going to be in a pickle trying to track
down what they did wrong.  Many times this person will
simply give up on Ofbiz because of it.  That's an
outcome that you guys have at least attempted to avoid
by worrying about compatability.

As far as the database jars, I imagine there will be
sufficient documentation for anyone wondering around
to figure out what went wrong as the database
independence is Ofbiz's flair.  But when the libraries
that the project itself doesn't directly take
advantage of start disappearing, there won't be any
documentation available.

If this idea to maintain backward compatability is no
longer an issue, then just take a chainsaw to the
bloat in the project and release a non tested Ofbiz
4.0.  Make everyone's life easier.


P.S.  in regards to dropping database jars, IMO
dropping the mysql jar is a bigger issue than dropping
the Postgres jar.  Mysql will attract more people who
have played with PHP and would more easily contribute
back to the project faster.  But with proper
documentation(ie, go download the jar and drop it into
xyz folder), I don't think dropping any of the
database jars is an issue.
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Re: Dev - Jar files that doesn't seem to be used

David E. Jones

On Jan 28, 2006, at 6:36 PM, Chris Howe wrote:

> Wow, used to have to buy a response on the weekends.
> lol a lot of action today.
> Unless I just totally miss the point of "backward
> compatability", we shouldn't be taking any of the
> libraries out unless there's a very good reason to.
> The idea of backward compatability in an open source
> project isn't just keeping support for things that the
> project has used out of the box.  It also includes
> keeping support for the functions that were built and
> someone may have taken advantage of, so that when that
> person goes to update and get back into the community
> from being in a production environment, their stuff
> doesn't break.   Ofbiz is very much a project where
> most of us are standing on the shoulders of giants.

> Many of the people who use Ofbiz have the skills of
> making Ofbiz say "Hello, you big beautfiul world", but
> have no idea how or why Ofbiz said "Hello, world" in
> the first place.  If this type of person utilized one
> of the libraries without knowing what exactly that
> library did, and when they update it, the libary is
> gone, they're going to be in a pickle trying to track
> down what they did wrong.  Many times this person will
> simply give up on Ofbiz because of it.  That's an
> outcome that you guys have at least attempted to avoid
> by worrying about compatability.

The difficulty with is a little-known law of the universe: progress  
with full backward compatibility requires omniscience. In other  
words: if had been sufficiently omniscient to know it would change we  
would have done it the latter way in the first place...

So, in general backward compatibility must take a back seat to  
progress because the sad truth of OFBiz (and please don't spread this  
around too much!) is that we are woefully short on omniscience these  
days... ;)

Still, for the jars I listed in that list email (if you are referring  
to the same I'm thinking of), there really aren't any backward  
compatibility issues. If someone is using those they would generally  
have to write code or do very low level configuration in order to do  
so. These won't affect the general functioning of OFBiz, so most will  
never notice or have to worry about them. For those who are using  
them they will be able to remove the explicit instructions not to  
build them in the build.xml files, and add the desired jars.

> As far as the database jars, I imagine there will be
> sufficient documentation for anyone wondering around
> to figure out what went wrong as the database
> independence is Ofbiz's flair.  But when the libraries
> that the project itself doesn't directly take
> advantage of start disappearing, there won't be any
> documentation available.

Downloading and installing database drivers, in this case JDBC  
drivers, is a common requirement for setting up a new database. This  
is necessary for pretty much any JDBC-based database tool, including  
admin tools and all sorts of things.

We won't be removing any jars that are directly used or needed for  
general functionality, unless they are LGPL and then we have no  
choice. For all the good that the GPL and LGPL have done, for certain  
types of software I think it is more detrimental than helpful. And  
the irony is that with dual-licensing the GPL has fueled a world of  
semi-open source software. I don't know what Stallman and Moglen  
think of that twist on things, but in my opinion it is a sad  
bastardization of the ideals that they are working toward...

> If this idea to maintain backward compatability is no
> longer an issue, then just take a chainsaw to the
> bloat in the project and release a non tested Ofbiz
> 4.0.  Make everyone's life easier.

"If I had a million dollars, if I had a million dollars, I would buy  
a new OFBiz, but not a backward-compatible OFBiz that's too messy..."

> P.S.  in regards to dropping database jars, IMO
> dropping the mysql jar is a bigger issue than dropping
> the Postgres jar.  Mysql will attract more people who
> have played with PHP and would more easily contribute
> back to the project faster.  But with proper
> documentation(ie, go download the jar and drop it into
> xyz folder), I don't think dropping any of the
> database jars is an issue.

This may be true... However, the irony is that the MySQL jar is that  
main one that we HAVE to get rid of because it is GPL licensed... In  
fact, I usually discourage clients from using MySQL if they are  
worried about intellectual property issues because while MySQL has an  
exclusion for open source projects, if you modify OFBiz and  
redistribute it under a non-open source license (which by MySQL  
standards making an application available to the public, ie via the  
internet, can qualify for this...), then you are breaking their terms  
and must buy a commercial license to avoid being in violation of the  
GPL license...

Risky? For some perhaps. A major pain? For sure...


Dev mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Dev - Jar files that doesn't seem to be used

In regards to Mysql's licensing;  Because OFBiz is
database agnostic, one can develop Ofbiz apps using
Mysql.  They just shouldn't be using Mysql in a
production environment, without a commercial license,
if their web application is commercial in nature,
placing all things equal except for licensing,

The reason that I find mysql easier is that I started
coding (or whatever you want to call it) using an
apachefriends XAMPP installation. No configuring
anything, just start hacking away at someone else's
hard work.  Mysql is part of the XAMPP setup and the
tools available for mysql are abundant.  I think this
is a path a lot of hobbyists take, especially if you
have no computer science background.

In regards to backwards compatability vs progress, I
totally agree.  But then I'm working in a
semi-production environment that is current with SVN,
so I'm a little biased.  As far as my setup, as long
as you don't mess with the data model too much, it
won't break my setup too badly, regardless of what you
do with backwards compatability.  However, the average
Ofbizer out there created their apps by copying the
entirety of an app that gave similar functionality,
and so their app lacks awareness of changes to the
project after they made the copy.

Just to complete the speculation....pretend like you
are now the lead singer of Barnaked Ladies and can
write a song entitled "now that i have a million
dollars",  What would a non compatible Ofbiz look like
and how dificult would it be to produce?

--- "David E. Jones" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Jan 28, 2006, at 6:36 PM, Chris Howe wrote:
> > Wow, used to have to buy a response on the
> weekends.
> > lol a lot of action today.
> >
> > Unless I just totally miss the point of "backward
> > compatability", we shouldn't be taking any of the
> > libraries out unless there's a very good reason
> to.
> > The idea of backward compatability in an open
> source
> > project isn't just keeping support for things that
> the
> > project has used out of the box.  It also includes
> > keeping support for the functions that were built
> and
> > someone may have taken advantage of, so that when
> that
> > person goes to update and get back into the
> community
> > from being in a production environment, their
> stuff
> > doesn't break.   Ofbiz is very much a project
> where
> > most of us are standing on the shoulders of
> giants.
> > Many of the people who use Ofbiz have the skills
> of
> > making Ofbiz say "Hello, you big beautfiul world",
> but
> > have no idea how or why Ofbiz said "Hello, world"
> in
> > the first place.  If this type of person utilized
> one
> > of the libraries without knowing what exactly that
> > library did, and when they update it, the libary
> is
> > gone, they're going to be in a pickle trying to
> track
> > down what they did wrong.  Many times this person
> will
> > simply give up on Ofbiz because of it.  That's an
> > outcome that you guys have at least attempted to
> avoid
> > by worrying about compatability.
> The difficulty with is a little-known law of the
> universe: progress  
> with full backward compatibility requires
> omniscience. In other  
> words: if had been sufficiently omniscient to know
> it would change we  
> would have done it the latter way in the first
> place...
> So, in general backward compatibility must take a
> back seat to  
> progress because the sad truth of OFBiz (and please
> don't spread this  
> around too much!) is that we are woefully short on
> omniscience these  
> days... ;)
> Still, for the jars I listed in that list email (if
> you are referring  
> to the same I'm thinking of), there really aren't
> any backward  
> compatibility issues. If someone is using those they
> would generally  
> have to write code or do very low level
> configuration in order to do  
> so. These won't affect the general functioning of
> OFBiz, so most will  
> never notice or have to worry about them. For those
> who are using  
> them they will be able to remove the explicit
> instructions not to  
> build them in the build.xml files, and add the
> desired jars.
> > As far as the database jars, I imagine there will
> be
> > sufficient documentation for anyone wondering
> around
> > to figure out what went wrong as the database
> > independence is Ofbiz's flair.  But when the
> libraries
> > that the project itself doesn't directly take
> > advantage of start disappearing, there won't be
> any
> > documentation available.
> Downloading and installing database drivers, in this
> case JDBC  
> drivers, is a common requirement for setting up a
> new database. This  
> is necessary for pretty much any JDBC-based database
> tool, including  
> admin tools and all sorts of things.
> We won't be removing any jars that are directly used
> or needed for  
> general functionality, unless they are LGPL and then
> we have no  
> choice. For all the good that the GPL and LGPL have
> done, for certain  
> types of software I think it is more detrimental
> than helpful. And  
> the irony is that with dual-licensing the GPL has
> fueled a world of  
> semi-open source software. I don't know what
> Stallman and Moglen  
> think of that twist on things, but in my opinion it
> is a sad  
> bastardization of the ideals that they are working
> toward...
> > If this idea to maintain backward compatability is
> no
> > longer an issue, then just take a chainsaw to the
> > bloat in the project and release a non tested
> Ofbiz
> > 4.0.  Make everyone's life easier.
> "If I had a million dollars, if I had a million
> dollars, I would buy  
> a new OFBiz, but not a backward-compatible OFBiz
> that's too messy..."
> > P.S.  in regards to dropping database jars, IMO
> > dropping the mysql jar is a bigger issue than
> dropping
> > the Postgres jar.  Mysql will attract more people
> who
> > have played with PHP and would more easily
> contribute
> > back to the project faster.  But with proper
> > documentation(ie, go download the jar and drop it
> into
> > xyz folder), I don't think dropping any of the
> > database jars is an issue.
> This may be true... However, the irony is that the
> MySQL jar is that  
> main one that we HAVE to get rid of because it is
> GPL licensed... In  
> fact, I usually discourage clients from using MySQL
> if they are  
> worried about intellectual property issues because
> while MySQL has an  
> exclusion for open source projects, if you modify
> OFBiz and  
> redistribute it under a non-open source license
> (which by MySQL  
> standards making an application available to the
> public, ie via the  
> internet, can qualify for this...), then you are
> breaking their terms  
> and must buy a commercial license to avoid being in
> violation of the  
> GPL license...
> Risky? For some perhaps. A major pain? For sure...
> -David
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

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Re: Dev - Jar files that doesn't seem to be used

Andrew Yager

This all got me thinking and hunting around the MySQL website for  
information about their licenses. According to 
company/legal/licensing/foss-exception.html it seems that we should  
be able to distribute the MySQL client libraries with OfBiz, as long  
as OfBiz remains under an approved "other" license.
These licenses include, but are not limited to, the MIT and Apache  
license. If you make changes to OfBiz which you then don't release  
under some form of license, then you could not use this.

I could be reading it wrong... but yes :-)


On 29/01/2006, at 2:43 PM, Chris Howe wrote:

> In regards to Mysql's licensing;  Because OFBiz is
> database agnostic, one can develop Ofbiz apps using
> Mysql.  They just shouldn't be using Mysql in a
> production environment, without a commercial license,
> if their web application is commercial in nature,
> placing all things equal except for licensing,
> correct?
> The reason that I find mysql easier is that I started
> coding (or whatever you want to call it) using an
> apachefriends XAMPP installation. No configuring
> anything, just start hacking away at someone else's
> hard work.  Mysql is part of the XAMPP setup and the
> tools available for mysql are abundant.  I think this
> is a path a lot of hobbyists take, especially if you
> have no computer science background.
> In regards to backwards compatability vs progress, I
> totally agree.  But then I'm working in a
> semi-production environment that is current with SVN,
> so I'm a little biased.  As far as my setup, as long
> as you don't mess with the data model too much, it
> won't break my setup too badly, regardless of what you
> do with backwards compatability.  However, the average
> Ofbizer out there created their apps by copying the
> entirety of an app that gave similar functionality,
> and so their app lacks awareness of changes to the
> project after they made the copy.
> Just to complete the speculation....pretend like you
> are now the lead singer of Barnaked Ladies and can
> write a song entitled "now that i have a million
> dollars",  What would a non compatible Ofbiz look like
> and how dificult would it be to produce?
> --- "David E. Jones" <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On Jan 28, 2006, at 6:36 PM, Chris Howe wrote:
>>> Wow, used to have to buy a response on the
>> weekends.
>>> lol a lot of action today.
>>> Unless I just totally miss the point of "backward
>>> compatability", we shouldn't be taking any of the
>>> libraries out unless there's a very good reason
>> to.
>>> The idea of backward compatability in an open
>> source
>>> project isn't just keeping support for things that
>> the
>>> project has used out of the box.  It also includes
>>> keeping support for the functions that were built
>> and
>>> someone may have taken advantage of, so that when
>> that
>>> person goes to update and get back into the
>> community
>>> from being in a production environment, their
>> stuff
>>> doesn't break.   Ofbiz is very much a project
>> where
>>> most of us are standing on the shoulders of
>> giants.
>>> Many of the people who use Ofbiz have the skills
>> of
>>> making Ofbiz say "Hello, you big beautfiul world",
>> but
>>> have no idea how or why Ofbiz said "Hello, world"
>> in
>>> the first place.  If this type of person utilized
>> one
>>> of the libraries without knowing what exactly that
>>> library did, and when they update it, the libary
>> is
>>> gone, they're going to be in a pickle trying to
>> track
>>> down what they did wrong.  Many times this person
>> will
>>> simply give up on Ofbiz because of it.  That's an
>>> outcome that you guys have at least attempted to
>> avoid
>>> by worrying about compatability.
>> The difficulty with is a little-known law of the
>> universe: progress
>> with full backward compatibility requires
>> omniscience. In other
>> words: if had been sufficiently omniscient to know
>> it would change we
>> would have done it the latter way in the first
>> place...
>> So, in general backward compatibility must take a
>> back seat to
>> progress because the sad truth of OFBiz (and please
>> don't spread this
>> around too much!) is that we are woefully short on
>> omniscience these
>> days... ;)
>> Still, for the jars I listed in that list email (if
>> you are referring
>> to the same I'm thinking of), there really aren't
>> any backward
>> compatibility issues. If someone is using those they
>> would generally
>> have to write code or do very low level
>> configuration in order to do
>> so. These won't affect the general functioning of
>> OFBiz, so most will
>> never notice or have to worry about them. For those
>> who are using
>> them they will be able to remove the explicit
>> instructions not to
>> build them in the build.xml files, and add the
>> desired jars.
>>> As far as the database jars, I imagine there will
>> be
>>> sufficient documentation for anyone wondering
>> around
>>> to figure out what went wrong as the database
>>> independence is Ofbiz's flair.  But when the
>> libraries
>>> that the project itself doesn't directly take
>>> advantage of start disappearing, there won't be
>> any
>>> documentation available.
>> Downloading and installing database drivers, in this
>> case JDBC
>> drivers, is a common requirement for setting up a
>> new database. This
>> is necessary for pretty much any JDBC-based database
>> tool, including
>> admin tools and all sorts of things.
>> We won't be removing any jars that are directly used
>> or needed for
>> general functionality, unless they are LGPL and then
>> we have no
>> choice. For all the good that the GPL and LGPL have
>> done, for certain
>> types of software I think it is more detrimental
>> than helpful. And
>> the irony is that with dual-licensing the GPL has
>> fueled a world of
>> semi-open source software. I don't know what
>> Stallman and Moglen
>> think of that twist on things, but in my opinion it
>> is a sad
>> bastardization of the ideals that they are working
>> toward...
>>> If this idea to maintain backward compatability is
>> no
>>> longer an issue, then just take a chainsaw to the
>>> bloat in the project and release a non tested
>> Ofbiz
>>> 4.0.  Make everyone's life easier.
>> "If I had a million dollars, if I had a million
>> dollars, I would buy
>> a new OFBiz, but not a backward-compatible OFBiz
>> that's too messy..."
>>> P.S.  in regards to dropping database jars, IMO
>>> dropping the mysql jar is a bigger issue than
>> dropping
>>> the Postgres jar.  Mysql will attract more people
>> who
>>> have played with PHP and would more easily
>> contribute
>>> back to the project faster.  But with proper
>>> documentation(ie, go download the jar and drop it
>> into
>>> xyz folder), I don't think dropping any of the
>>> database jars is an issue.
>> This may be true... However, the irony is that the
>> MySQL jar is that
>> main one that we HAVE to get rid of because it is
>> GPL licensed... In
>> fact, I usually discourage clients from using MySQL
>> if they are
>> worried about intellectual property issues because
>> while MySQL has an
>> exclusion for open source projects, if you modify
>> OFBiz and
>> redistribute it under a non-open source license
>> (which by MySQL
>> standards making an application available to the
>> public, ie via the
>> internet, can qualify for this...), then you are
>> breaking their terms
>> and must buy a commercial license to avoid being in
>> violation of the
>> GPL license...
>> Risky? For some perhaps. A major pain? For sure...
>> -David
>> _______________________________________________
>> Dev mailing list
>> [hidden email]
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

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Re: Dev - Jar files that doesn't seem to be used

David E. Jones

On Jan 29, 2006, at 3:04 AM, Andrew Yager wrote:

> Hi,
> This all got me thinking and hunting around the MySQL website for
> information about their licenses. According to
> company/legal/licensing/foss-exception.html it seems that we should
> be able to distribute the MySQL client libraries with OfBiz, as long
> as OfBiz remains under an approved "other" license.
> These licenses include, but are not limited to, the MIT and Apache
> license. If you make changes to OfBiz which you then don't release
> under some form of license, then you could not use this.
> I could be reading it wrong... but yes :-)
I wish it were so simple, but in some circles (like the Apache  
circle) the MySQL FOSS exception only carries so much weight. This  
exclusion that they mention on their site is what I was referring to  
when describing the MySQL issues and is the reason why we have been  
including it in the past, even though anyone doing any sort of change  
to OFBiz and making it available to others (even users of the  
application) without releasing it under an open source license is  
open to some pressure from MySQL AB to buy a license.

It is nice of MySQL to post the exclusion on their web site, but that  
isn't a part of their actual license and can be changed at any time.  
Partially for this concern and partially for principle I don't like  
this so much... They used to release the JDBC driver under the LGPL  
license but changed it for the specific purpose of being able to put  
more pressure on people to buy licenses.

MySQL has certainly gained in-roads into all sorts of areas over the  
years, but the thing to keep in mind is that the game has changed. In  
recent years MySQL has grown into a real company with real investors,  
and companies like this must be fed and have a good appetite for  
licensing revenue...


> Andrew
> On 29/01/2006, at 2:43 PM, Chris Howe wrote:
>> In regards to Mysql's licensing;  Because OFBiz is
>> database agnostic, one can develop Ofbiz apps using
>> Mysql.  They just shouldn't be using Mysql in a
>> production environment, without a commercial license,
>> if their web application is commercial in nature,
>> placing all things equal except for licensing,
>> correct?
>> The reason that I find mysql easier is that I started
>> coding (or whatever you want to call it) using an
>> apachefriends XAMPP installation. No configuring
>> anything, just start hacking away at someone else's
>> hard work.  Mysql is part of the XAMPP setup and the
>> tools available for mysql are abundant.  I think this
>> is a path a lot of hobbyists take, especially if you
>> have no computer science background.
>> In regards to backwards compatability vs progress, I
>> totally agree.  But then I'm working in a
>> semi-production environment that is current with SVN,
>> so I'm a little biased.  As far as my setup, as long
>> as you don't mess with the data model too much, it
>> won't break my setup too badly, regardless of what you
>> do with backwards compatability.  However, the average
>> Ofbizer out there created their apps by copying the
>> entirety of an app that gave similar functionality,
>> and so their app lacks awareness of changes to the
>> project after they made the copy.
>> Just to complete the speculation....pretend like you
>> are now the lead singer of Barnaked Ladies and can
>> write a song entitled "now that i have a million
>> dollars",  What would a non compatible Ofbiz look like
>> and how dificult would it be to produce?
>> --- "David E. Jones" <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On Jan 28, 2006, at 6:36 PM, Chris Howe wrote:
>>>> Wow, used to have to buy a response on the
>>> weekends.
>>>> lol a lot of action today.
>>>> Unless I just totally miss the point of "backward
>>>> compatability", we shouldn't be taking any of the
>>>> libraries out unless there's a very good reason
>>> to.
>>>> The idea of backward compatability in an open
>>> source
>>>> project isn't just keeping support for things that
>>> the
>>>> project has used out of the box.  It also includes
>>>> keeping support for the functions that were built
>>> and
>>>> someone may have taken advantage of, so that when
>>> that
>>>> person goes to update and get back into the
>>> community
>>>> from being in a production environment, their
>>> stuff
>>>> doesn't break.   Ofbiz is very much a project
>>> where
>>>> most of us are standing on the shoulders of
>>> giants.
>>>> Many of the people who use Ofbiz have the skills
>>> of
>>>> making Ofbiz say "Hello, you big beautfiul world",
>>> but
>>>> have no idea how or why Ofbiz said "Hello, world"
>>> in
>>>> the first place.  If this type of person utilized
>>> one
>>>> of the libraries without knowing what exactly that
>>>> library did, and when they update it, the libary
>>> is
>>>> gone, they're going to be in a pickle trying to
>>> track
>>>> down what they did wrong.  Many times this person
>>> will
>>>> simply give up on Ofbiz because of it.  That's an
>>>> outcome that you guys have at least attempted to
>>> avoid
>>>> by worrying about compatability.
>>> The difficulty with is a little-known law of the
>>> universe: progress
>>> with full backward compatibility requires
>>> omniscience. In other
>>> words: if had been sufficiently omniscient to know
>>> it would change we
>>> would have done it the latter way in the first
>>> place...
>>> So, in general backward compatibility must take a
>>> back seat to
>>> progress because the sad truth of OFBiz (and please
>>> don't spread this
>>> around too much!) is that we are woefully short on
>>> omniscience these
>>> days... ;)
>>> Still, for the jars I listed in that list email (if
>>> you are referring
>>> to the same I'm thinking of), there really aren't
>>> any backward
>>> compatibility issues. If someone is using those they
>>> would generally
>>> have to write code or do very low level
>>> configuration in order to do
>>> so. These won't affect the general functioning of
>>> OFBiz, so most will
>>> never notice or have to worry about them. For those
>>> who are using
>>> them they will be able to remove the explicit
>>> instructions not to
>>> build them in the build.xml files, and add the
>>> desired jars.
>>>> As far as the database jars, I imagine there will
>>> be
>>>> sufficient documentation for anyone wondering
>>> around
>>>> to figure out what went wrong as the database
>>>> independence is Ofbiz's flair.  But when the
>>> libraries
>>>> that the project itself doesn't directly take
>>>> advantage of start disappearing, there won't be
>>> any
>>>> documentation available.
>>> Downloading and installing database drivers, in this
>>> case JDBC
>>> drivers, is a common requirement for setting up a
>>> new database. This
>>> is necessary for pretty much any JDBC-based database
>>> tool, including
>>> admin tools and all sorts of things.
>>> We won't be removing any jars that are directly used
>>> or needed for
>>> general functionality, unless they are LGPL and then
>>> we have no
>>> choice. For all the good that the GPL and LGPL have
>>> done, for certain
>>> types of software I think it is more detrimental
>>> than helpful. And
>>> the irony is that with dual-licensing the GPL has
>>> fueled a world of
>>> semi-open source software. I don't know what
>>> Stallman and Moglen
>>> think of that twist on things, but in my opinion it
>>> is a sad
>>> bastardization of the ideals that they are working
>>> toward...
>>>> If this idea to maintain backward compatability is
>>> no
>>>> longer an issue, then just take a chainsaw to the
>>>> bloat in the project and release a non tested
>>> Ofbiz
>>>> 4.0.  Make everyone's life easier.
>>> "If I had a million dollars, if I had a million
>>> dollars, I would buy
>>> a new OFBiz, but not a backward-compatible OFBiz
>>> that's too messy..."
>>>> P.S.  in regards to dropping database jars, IMO
>>>> dropping the mysql jar is a bigger issue than
>>> dropping
>>>> the Postgres jar.  Mysql will attract more people
>>> who
>>>> have played with PHP and would more easily
>>> contribute
>>>> back to the project faster.  But with proper
>>>> documentation(ie, go download the jar and drop it
>>> into
>>>> xyz folder), I don't think dropping any of the
>>>> database jars is an issue.
>>> This may be true... However, the irony is that the
>>> MySQL jar is that
>>> main one that we HAVE to get rid of because it is
>>> GPL licensed... In
>>> fact, I usually discourage clients from using MySQL
>>> if they are
>>> worried about intellectual property issues because
>>> while MySQL has an
>>> exclusion for open source projects, if you modify
>>> OFBiz and
>>> redistribute it under a non-open source license
>>> (which by MySQL
>>> standards making an application available to the
>>> public, ie via the
>>> internet, can qualify for this...), then you are
>>> breaking their terms
>>> and must buy a commercial license to avoid being in
>>> violation of the
>>> GPL license...
>>> Risky? For some perhaps. A major pain? For sure...
>>> -David
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Re: Dev - Jar files that doesn't seem to be used

David E. Jones
In reply to this post by cjhowe

On Jan 28, 2006, at 8:43 PM, Chris Howe wrote:

> Just to complete the speculation....pretend like you
> are now the lead singer of Barnaked Ladies and can
> write a song entitled "now that i have a million
> dollars",  What would a non compatible Ofbiz look like
> and how dificult would it be to produce?

It would look like OFBiz now except with me on a nice island  
somewhere... perhaps enjoyed a bit of BNL. ;)

There is a lot of legacy stuff in OFBiz including in the service  
engine, in the simple-methods, in the entity engine, and in various  
places in the data model as well that would be nice to toss and  
replace with the newer/cleaner tools. The general concepts and  
overall structure of the project is fine, but these cleanups would  
require a LOT of code changes within the project and for others. We  
are trying to do these slowly over time, but it is slow and trying  
not to rock the boat too much it goes on and on. Also, there are a  
lot of bugs and areas where small improvements could make a very big  
difference. It would be nice to clean up all of these little issues  
in OFBiz, and put in some good automated testing framework and a  
complete set of tests, and remove the older testing stuff. Not all of  
that has to be backward compatible, but various parts of it certainly  


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Re: Dev - Jar files that doesn't seem to be used

In reply to this post by David E. Jones
> I wish it were so simple, but in some circles (like the Apache
> circle) the MySQL FOSS exception only carries so much weight. This
> exclusion that they mention on their site is what I was referring to
> when describing the MySQL issues and is the reason why we have been
> including it in the past, even though anyone doing any sort of change
> to OFBiz and making it available to others (even users of the
> application) without releasing it under an open source license is
> open to some pressure from MySQL AB to buy a license.

The Apache Software Foundation aims to provide code that people can
use under very liberal license terms.  It's part of the 'brand' as it
were - download code here and you're sure you can reuse all of it it
however you want.  Reasonable people might differ in their opinions
regarding this approach, but that's how things are...

I think there is definitely room for some clear, detailed instructions
explaining how to install any missing functionality like they mysql
jar.  I'm not sure whether it's ok to do hacky approaches like an
installer script that goes and fetches things for you.

If it were my code, I think I would update the docs in SVN at the same
time I took out the DB drivers

David N. Welton

Linux, Open Source Consulting
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Re: Dev - Jar files that doesn't seem to be used

Kenneth Porter
In reply to this post by cjhowe
--On Saturday, January 28, 2006 5:36 PM -0800 Chris Howe
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> P.S.  in regards to dropping database jars, IMO
> dropping the mysql jar is a bigger issue than dropping
> the Postgres jar.  Mysql will attract more people who
> have played with PHP and would more easily contribute
> back to the project faster.  But with proper
> documentation(ie, go download the jar and drop it into
> xyz folder), I don't think dropping any of the
> database jars is an issue.

Some FYI's for the next poor soul who tries this:

I'd previously tried OFBiz using just Derby to see how hard it would be to
get up and running on Fedora Core 2 (soon to be updated to FC5). I had to
download Java 1.4 as I suspected OFBiz wouldn't like gcj. (Is that still

Anyway, I decided to reload it with MySQL selected as the backend (I have
other DB's in it, and use phpMyAdmin for administering it), and ran into
problems getting the connector to connect to the server. After lots of
research (including how to build a JDBC Hello World program) I found that
somewhere along the line I'd upgraded MySQL from 3.23.58 to 4.1 but no
newer connector RPM was available. (I didn't notice at the time as I never
had need for it before.) FC2 supplies mysql-jdbc-3.0.8 and it turns out
that this version is incompatible with the new auth mechanism in MySQL 4.1.
The solution was to download the latest 3.1 connector tarball from MySQL's
site and unpack just the jar file into the appropriate OFBiz directory.

I also needed to enable TCP in /etc/my.conf.

Fedora's hostname in /etc/hosts for is localhost.localdomain (not
just localhost), so when creating the ofbiz user in MySQL one needs to use
the longer hostname.

Anyway, this is mostly for the archives so the next person who runs into
these issues will have a better time of it. Feel free to copy the meat of
this into the wiki.

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Re: Dev - Jar files that doesn't seem to be used

Andrew Sykes

Just to clarify...

Yes, it is definitely still the case that OFBiz doesn't run with GCJ.

Also, with regard to /etc/hosts, you can simply add a second line into
the file...
" localhost"
Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: Dev - Jar files that doesn't seem to be used

Daniel Kunkel
In reply to this post by Kenneth Porter

Thanks Kenneth for that...

I put most of it in a wiki page called UsingMySql.

BTW...  I think Fedora Core's gcj still does not work.


On Thu, 2006-03-02 at 13:57 -0800, Kenneth Porter wrote:

> --On Saturday, January 28, 2006 5:36 PM -0800 Chris Howe
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > P.S.  in regards to dropping database jars, IMO
> > dropping the mysql jar is a bigger issue than dropping
> > the Postgres jar.  Mysql will attract more people who
> > have played with PHP and would more easily contribute
> > back to the project faster.  But with proper
> > documentation(ie, go download the jar and drop it into
> > xyz folder), I don't think dropping any of the
> > database jars is an issue.
> Some FYI's for the next poor soul who tries this:
> I'd previously tried OFBiz using just Derby to see how hard it would be to
> get up and running on Fedora Core 2 (soon to be updated to FC5). I had to
> download Java 1.4 as I suspected OFBiz wouldn't like gcj. (Is that still
> true?)
> Anyway, I decided to reload it with MySQL selected as the backend (I have
> other DB's in it, and use phpMyAdmin for administering it), and ran into
> problems getting the connector to connect to the server. After lots of
> research (including how to build a JDBC Hello World program) I found that
> somewhere along the line I'd upgraded MySQL from 3.23.58 to 4.1 but no
> newer connector RPM was available. (I didn't notice at the time as I never
> had need for it before.) FC2 supplies mysql-jdbc-3.0.8 and it turns out
> that this version is incompatible with the new auth mechanism in MySQL 4.1.
> The solution was to download the latest 3.1 connector tarball from MySQL's
> site and unpack just the jar file into the appropriate OFBiz directory.
> I also needed to enable TCP in /etc/my.conf.
> Fedora's hostname in /etc/hosts for is localhost.localdomain (not
> just localhost), so when creating the ofbiz user in MySQL one needs to use
> the longer hostname.
> Anyway, this is mostly for the archives so the next person who runs into
> these issues will have a better time of it. Feel free to copy the meat of
> this into the wiki.
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