Dev - LGPL Issues

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Dev - LGPL Issues

David E. Jones

In this effort to isolate libraries with certain licenses most of the  
critical ones are just fine in the license area, with one rather  
annoying exception: Carol.

This is used by JOTM for the underlying communication and such, and  
is LGPL. This is a pain because we can't really run anything without  
a transaction manager... So, creatively thinking of a few options:

1. is it possible to use JOTM without this?
2. we could see if they would be willing to change the license, or do  
a multiple license with something like MPL
3. we could look into using whatever Geronimo uses...

Some other annoying ones, but not quite so critical: JasperReports  
and Shark. We don't rely on these too much right now, but we have  
things for both of them, and it would be nice in some areas to do  
more with both...


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Re: Dev - LGPL Issues

Jacopo Cappellato

about your first and third point, I think this is interesting:


PS: I think that another annoying library is the jcalendar.jar (LGPL)...

David E. Jones wrote:

> In this effort to isolate libraries with certain licenses most of the
> critical ones are just fine in the license area, with one rather
> annoying exception: Carol.
> This is used by JOTM for the underlying communication and such, and is
> LGPL. This is a pain because we can't really run anything without a
> transaction manager... So, creatively thinking of a few options:
> 1. is it possible to use JOTM without this?
> 2. we could see if they would be willing to change the license, or do a
> multiple license with something like MPL
> 3. we could look into using whatever Geronimo uses...
> Some other annoying ones, but not quite so critical: JasperReports and
> Shark. We don't rely on these too much right now, but we have things for
> both of them, and it would be nice in some areas to do more with both...
> -David
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Re: Dev - LGPL Issues

Jacopo Cappellato
After additional research:

since version 1.5.3, JOTM is released under a BSD license. The
interesting thing is that the carol.jar library is shipped within the
JOTM release (BSD), both in the 1.5.3 and in the latest one, 2.0.10 (in
a jar called ow_carol.jar).

Is the issue with the Carol license solved?


Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

> David,
> about your first and third point, I think this is interesting:
> Jacopo
> PS: I think that another annoying library is the jcalendar.jar (LGPL)...
> David E. Jones wrote:
>> In this effort to isolate libraries with certain licenses most of the
>> critical ones are just fine in the license area, with one rather
>> annoying exception: Carol.
>> This is used by JOTM for the underlying communication and such, and is
>> LGPL. This is a pain because we can't really run anything without a
>> transaction manager... So, creatively thinking of a few options:
>> 1. is it possible to use JOTM without this?
>> 2. we could see if they would be willing to change the license, or do a
>> multiple license with something like MPL
>> 3. we could look into using whatever Geronimo uses...
>> Some other annoying ones, but not quite so critical: JasperReports and
>> Shark. We don't rely on these too much right now, but we have things for
>> both of them, and it would be nice in some areas to do more with both...
>> -David
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